Bandcamp Thread: Old one is dead

Bandcamp Thread: Old one is dead.

Rate, reccomend, and be respectful.

Other urls found in this thread:

>black metal

We're working on new material.

>indie rock
>jangle pop

music to pizza ur gate to

>boom bap

more on my soundcloud
>noise rock, sludge, degenerate-core
>bassist, drummer, vocalist

>Slowcore, shoegaze, recorded on handheld cassette

>grunge, nowave, dirty



>sound collage
>rob schneider

Rate it on RYM after you're done.

>Minimal Stuff

EP coming soon

Would love any feedback. Downloads are totally free!

Thanks and enjoy.

Eternal rec

Contemporary classical guitar

>classical guitar with jazz influence
>made classical best seller page 3 today

This is quality midi-core. very cute. Not much in the way of feedback, just keep doing you.

Stunning, odd and gorgeous, as I know it was going to be. Will give it a whole listen tomorrow. It is too late now. Haha

God, you made me have goosebumps. Downloading it tomorrow, keep the good work.

Thanks, Eric. ;)

Hmm creamy
>noise music
>music with noise
>sometimes noiseless music

Will rate you guys later today

Do you have tapes for this?

AP Macroeconomics - Virus

>bedroom pop

I hope you enjoy it. I would really like notes mostly on the last half of it, with the chorus effects.

classical guitar album here

Dude thank you so much. Means a lot. I really liked crimson leafs off of your album

I like the riffs on horizontal planes

Just came out

>Female fronted
>Synth pop


fuck me

>noise music
>music with noise
>sometimes noiseless music


Good music, thought, keep with it.

I know haw it feels, user.

Still recommending you, great track.

classiccccccccc. listened to this numerous times
ahhhhhh. so freaking good. sorry i ignored you is the best :3

new album released today!

>dream pop, lofi, chill, synth pop

>bedroom pop, synthpop, weird stuff
>trip-hop, electronic

>synthwave, chiptune, chillwave

The album is free to download, but you can support me by buying it if you want to, it would mean a lot to me

>depressive nd spoopy

>harsh noise
>that's fucking it

not really my thing per se but kinda digging it!

>features Nord Electro 4
>new full-length release


pretty angry stuff there m8. is the singer a qt


>ambient-rock, jazzy, soundtrack, slow-core

All previous albums are now on bandcamp for free or name your price.


>hostage hip-hop


Is there a way to browse more than 10 pages of any particular tag on bandcamp? Is there a way to search bandcamp music that include/exclude particular tags?

>electronic, post-punk, krautrock-ish, BoC meets New order meets something else.




>15 track 80s fantasy concept album for 4.20

>ambient, warm drone, shoegaze-y, music to sleep to

New album releases this Friday on tape and lathe vinyl. I'm also leaving for a small tour too.

I never really got any feedback on this track, it's my personal favorite
>freeform rock
I really dig this man, it's the perfect mix of raw and atmo
great stuff
heavy as fuck, I really like this
makes me wish I hadn't slacked when my guitar teacher was a classical guitarist
really cool stuff, I love the vox layering
great synthpop, I love it

oh I should say, give it a few seconds, it's particularly noisy in the beginning

here, back with feedback

Cute music, this is real lo-fi, not what fags like me use as an excuse for their bad sound.
In the first track the highs are a bit harsh, but it gets better later.
Thanks mane, I was just too lazy, I like to try out every kind of genre I feel being able to make.
I like this cover art, perfectly resembles the minimalist, comfy instrumentals. It could make a great soundtrack. As Eric Taxxon said, quality midi-core
I'll definitely listen to this. All these pedals convinced me to. The first track is pretty rich already. I think I've listened to that Peppermint Tea thingy before.
Well done man. I wish I were half as good so I wouldn't need tons of distortion and effects.
If everyone played guitar like you shoegaze wouldn't exist by now.
Underrated, and I should listen to your stuff more.
I think my ears aren't ready for fullu blownu noizu but I'll give it a try

this is perfect spooky 80s dystopia music, I love it

I get a bit of a sublime vibe from the featured track. really digging it


damn, is everyone asleep or something?

Don't know. These threads usually die within 13 - 15 hours.

yeah I know, just trying to keep the thread alive because I always get a bit bummed when I wake up to a totally new thread. it happens though

Eurobro to the rescue
I can't really contribute much anymore to this thread though.

Further recs
I listened to this newest album. Quality ambient, even tho I'd gladly listen to some more actual songs from you

I made another track with sitar because I think it's an incredible instrument. any feedback is appreciated and will be returned
>freeform rock


I guess the sound textures are correct, but I don't really feel this goes anywhere. I mean, it's an experimentation and you seem to pretty much get what you can do with the thing, but I don't find it so interesting to listen to for about 6 minutes. You CAN make a better track off of what you've found out through this though.

yeah I get that, any tips on getting a track to "go somewhere"?

Yeah, the reason I find free jazz interesting is because the instruments form nice textures, and overall really dynamic.
But it's not the case with you. You have what it takes to make good music, don't use "freeform" as an excuse to just wibble around with your instruments cluelessly, even generative art can get more interesting.

it's just hard sometimes to write songs, I normally just record my improvised stuff and use what I like. I will take your advice though, it will prove to be helpful I hope

No one said making music is easy.
You can only make unique stuff if you do stuff no one else does.

Or using random things.

I mean, I know it's not easy. However, I feel as though my music is rather unique in comparison to some of the bandcamps here. I'm not saying that my music is better or anything like that, but it is a bit different than much of the stuff posted here

sorry if this comes off as arrogant, I just meant that I don't see really any music like my own posted here. which is probably a good thing seeing as I've received this kind of feedback

Using random things is what many BC "experimental" musicians do, so nuh
But you should take more music into consideration than just this small thread. If you check any free jazz performance, or listen to Trout Mask Replica, you'll realise that those are all talented musicians creating organised chaos, not just random wibbling. Unconventional music has the same goal as "normal music": putting the listener in a mood.

oh I do. I know that my music isn't groundbreaking. I think it could be said that I am not as talented as many musicians and working alone is a bit detrimental to the actual structure as I don't have anyone to say "well, that's shit". that's why I post here, for feedback like yours(which I really do appreciate btw)


The tasteless and unpleasant guitar tone, and shitty delay ruins the playing it for me. The way the BC page and the cover art looks screams "Guy in his bedroom posting his shit to Bandcamp No. 121872817281728178"
I'm not finished though, I hope it gets better

do you really think this is worth peoples money?

^That's why you put anything as name your price on BC.

im in a bad mood so im gonna listen to some of the trash here okay
>guitar ambient // dark ambient
>experimental electronics
>my music is available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and others

>you can rate all of my releases on RYM if you're into that:

>please follow me on spotify, it really doesn't matter if you listen to me or not:

>music video i made [bad]:

[i'll attempt to listen to this]
it's lit!

Agree. Sounds like someone struming over 2 chords with a detuned guitar (Thought that's what it is)

Groovy sometimes, but may be mastering my ideas before posting.

I really only put mine as name your price because I don't have a paypal linked and even if I did, I don't want anyones $ for my stupid shit

I do the same lol. Fucking Paypal policies.

holy shit lads new dear laika

it's nice but indie rock that isn't the lonesome crowded west or you're living all over me is just not for me.

i really hope this is just an unflattering picture of her

heard a few tracks, quite nice. you seem to have achieved a small bit of success, congratulations.

god fucking damn someone in these threads that actually knows what they're doing. i really, really hope you stick around these threads because you are a fantastic player. it reminds me of the voice inside of me that wants me to finish learning classical theory, drop all the shitty ambient/rock stuff i'm making and just make american primitivism till the day i die. obviously this isn't primitivism, but i highly prefer that to regular classical. do you know anything about american primitivism? with the amount of skill you have you could try and make a composition or two in that style, just a suggestion that i would love to see come to fruition.

is this nice art to use as a cover? not for an album, just to promote a song.

the 2 new laika songs are great, but i'm hoping he's saving the best in the other songs...

i cant use my paypal money for buying any equipment so i just spend it on discogs lol, you guys money has gotten me 2 or 3 nice records

Good for you. lol
Also, pretty artwork.

>bedroom pop/dream pop

always recc my dude justin

thanks, i've found a really nice farm to get dozens of them from. apparently lots of old painters would do sketches ("studies" is what they would call them) so they could have an idea of how to make the painting properly and a lot of these were saved by art collectors and museums and posted online for everyone to enjoy.


donations appreciated


Wow, that sounds like an infinite source, then.

Haven't see you here in a while.

>bandcamp page with no material available

please tell me you've already finished the allegedly upcoming album.
If you can think of any other tags that fit me itd be much appreciated

No reccs today, im un a hurry

How many of you guys like the Goslings?

Sketches like that might be perfect for my next psychedelic album, originally I wanted to go with one of Henry Darger's drawings but I'm a pussy to write a letter to Kiyoko Lerner to ask for permission

Please, give me a score or anything. I wann know how bad is it. I'm trying to be original here.

I am definitely retarded.


Underrated post.

No. It's for my personal enjoyment. If you don't like it, that's irrelevant to me. I would appreciate any advice.

Lo-fi, hip-hop, abstract beat, nujabes, dilla, fly-lo kind of vibe

Classical guitar album here

Dude it is NOT too late to start again at any age. I started classical when I was 19 years old and now I'm 24. If you just practice every day and challenge yourself, you can get anywhere. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

Thank you very much for checking it out.

Wow thanks. Don't hesitate to jump into classical, the theory side of it is pretty easy once you get a overall understanding of it. I personally suggest getting a private teacher who will keep you on track and force you to practice even when you don't feel like it.

>American primitivism

Dude, John Fahey is one of my favorite guitarists. I am planning on writing and recording a classical album that is influenced by that style. Red Poney by John Fahey is one of my favorite songs. Shakey graves is bringing that style back a little bit too.

Thanks a ton for telling me that, now I know there are other people who want to hear a American primitivism influenced classical guitar album.

Love it. I'll actualy like to start making this kind of music, but not my thing. Haha.
Also, I'm from Veracruz too. lol

classical guitar album again

I wanted to add that I love shoegaze and I'd really like to hear a shoegaze album with classical-ish melodies. Kinda like Deafheaven's sunbather album but with more Bach-ish melodies. Somebody should do that. Maybe you should!

Why don't you? It would be a killer, if you do it!

Once I win the lottery and get a decent amplifier and pedals I swear I'll collab with you

ahuevo loco, se aprecia

"A huevo, loco". ¡Jaja! Te mamaste. xd

it aint ogre until I say it's ogre

don't die i luv u
>electronic post-rock

>i've been gone for a while
>because i've been busy with life
>and a new EP
>and acoustics guitars
>and bumping this thread


Asu verga, apoco viene gente de Veracruz por aquí? xD

>Acustic Balad
>Vocal Harmonies
>Keyboards and shakers

The song has a Juno vibe of sorts

>electronic,Sup Forumscore,some beats here and some drum 'n bass there

Legit new into this and just released it

Still struggling with a header and profile pic

These are pretty gud (listening from down to top)

Oh you're definetly original with all that experimental stuff. More than me definetly. If you want a score its 6/10 since it's mostly just experimenting but I know how hard it is to find your own sound so keep at it brah! (Bernando Snails was my favourite track by the way)

>Sup Forumscore

Yo, we. xD