Post artists that NOBODY dislikes

Post artists that NOBODY dislikes

u first

Plenty of people hate Dylan just because of his voice.



I was about to post this, it's why I don't like him.

Elliott Smith
Gang Starr
Leonard Cohen

and David Bowie right now. or if people say they always hated him it's just because they're edgy, any-and-all-attention-seeking kids.


Bright eyes (?)

Johnny Cash

Everybody loves stevie wonder


i don't hate him but i don't like him. don't find his music interesting

I hate that asshole always flipping the bird.

because nobody knows me...

what htel kiuving fuck do you want from me captcha HOLY FUCKIGN SHTBI

yeah, i'm the same, but indifference =/= dislike imo.
to dislike an artist you have to consciously feel negatively towards them, where as in your case it sounds like it's more "it's okay but not really my thing".



But we sure dislike you

Built to Spill

Is that Simon and Garfunkel?

never forgave him for raping thatt girl though

i dislike folk-punk on the whole; that whole lazy, unpoetic, boo hoo i'm a high school loner songwriting style.
bright eyes are definitely one of the better bands though.


Very few people like Dylan.

Simon and Garfunkel.

This user actually wins. I can't think of an artist that gets less hate than Stevie

i hate him

You know this one's true

I love louis CK!

he's in a weird spot for me. i hate his voice but don't really mind the whole package of the music

Taylor Swift.

Even my 65 year old dad likes her.

Obvious choice.

fuck off degenerate(s)

I hate tony shaloub

tf are you talking about

okay grandpa

Boring shite that all sounds the same

Go to bed, Carlton


*slits wrists*



>country or rap

He should have quit in 1980

lol, modern Linkin Park

Blur a shite

This board has a huge hard on for Cocteau Twins and Built to Spill

bullshit I hate ts