Are rocktards the most autistic people on the planet?

Are rocktards the most autistic people on the planet?

>anatolian rock
>cello rock
>Medieval folk rock


can you repeat the question

most of these genres are made up
like, wtf is "krautrock"?????

>wtf is "krautrock"

Only problems are the dumb umbrella prefixes and suffixes like alt-, indie-, -core (other than actual Hardcore Punk and its offpsrings) and -wave

yo steeleye span is the shit



Thats enough

well, most of these are actual scenes but why would you ever feel the need to specify all the sub and microgenres you like to anybody

>wtf is >wtf is "krautrock"

Krautrock is the pinnacle of rock music, it was all downhill afterwards.

>Can, Faust, the list goes on

>wtf is >wtf is >wtf is "krautrock"

The Can, Faust, Amon Düül II, etc

more like CANNOT haha

Both sides are wrong in this image.
There are much more than just four subgenres of rock, but to defend and use all of the ones on the left is really fucking autistic.


Its just fucking rock.

using pepe to pretend to be a normie is the single most hypocritical thing ever

I feel like electrofags are even worse. While in rock and metal, most people actually refer to the genres in broader terms than on the image (for example, no one says stuff like 'Medieval Metal','Anatolian rock' or 'Dunedin sound'), I feel that fans of electronic music are much more autistic about people getting the genre names right.

>one /bleep/ general

>autists throw a hissy fit if you call a 3rd wave post rock band 1st wave

Hip hop

Learn these and what subgenres are within them and dance music genres are simple.

>what subgenres are in them
Do you even get my fucking point?

style: string
genre: rock
sub-genre: punk rock
sub-sub-genre: hardcore punk rock
sub-sub-sub-genre: post hardcore punk rock
sub-sub-sub-sub-genre: emotional post hardcore punk rock
sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-genre: Mid Western emotional post hardcore punk rock
sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-genre: Twinkly Mid Western emotional post hardcore punk rock

style: string
genre: rock
sub-genre: Metal
sub-sub-genre: Extreme Metal
sub-sub-sub-genre: Doom Metal
sub-sub-sub-sub-genre: Drone Doom Metal
sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-genre: Extreme Drone Doom Metal
sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-genre: Extreme Funeral Drone Doom Metal
sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-genre: Cosmic Extreme Funeral Drone Doom Metal

your ignorance is showing

Your argument is totally lost

>extreme metal

not even that guy
also copy pastas making fun of classifications are not arguments
what books on music history can you quite to say all rock is the same? I'm curious

not a genre, technically

>electronic fans are more autistic
>pointing out how rock has sub, sub, sub, sub, subgenres isn't the point


>>not even that guy
and now you're pretending to be clueless

Jesus H. Christ how long did it take you to write all that out?

of all the made-up shit styles you picked the genre that actually exists and it's one of the best rock genres

Just pointing out hypocrisy and facts

He obviously did not


>no one says stuff like 'Medieval Metal','Anatolian rock' or 'Dunedin sound

God forbid you get doom, thrash, sludge or black metal mixed up though lmao

it's bait for tards like you
>I took the bait