Is this the greatest moment in the history of music?

Is this the greatest moment in the history of music?

This is so surreal, but then again previous presidents have given positions to people in the public eye so it wouldn't surprise me if he gets something


He's not getting any role, he begged Trump for a meeting and then got 15 minutes. Probably just wanted a photo op

>following pitchfork

>mfw I scrambling to live throughout the year
>mfw I hope Brian Wilson isnt dyin'

I don't mean like a genuine important role, but he could get a meaningless title like "ambassador of the arts" or some shit

Trump's gonna fund his ideas

Trump's going to use him to advocate for his urban development programs.

where are his eyebrows

I bet they're throwing money at him to play his inauguration. Nobody else will do it

30 Million Dollars just to play Touch The Sky

And then baney met damiey

Prestige Worldwide

He'll get a position in the humility department

token black artist/10
what a cuck

is that a new pic in the article? has kanye dyed his hair blond?



you alt-righters think Trump likes RAP music?? HAHAHA

He's more likely to revive Lynyrd Skynyrd from the dead to play Sweet Home Alabama at the inauguration than let Kanye play his 'silly little ghetto ditties'.

1) There' no such thing as the alt-right
2) Trump's from New York. He literally gives no shits about skin color, as long as you can get the job done.

No alt-right? Sam Hyde and his edgy middleschool comedy disagrees.

Trump probably doesn't hate black people, you're right. He's seen enough of them in his time to realize they can behave much like white people.

But he is the ultimate tastemaker for this country now, and I can assure you his taste is NOT Kanye West.

>1) There' no such thing as the alt-right
fucking kek, it's hilarious how quickly Sup Forums types run away from labels THEY invented once they realize they can be used against them

Best fucking timeline. It has only started.


the article (keeping in mind it is TMZ) said that it was Trump's group to ask Kanye in

>Sup Forums invented the label of alt-right
The alt-right is just a scapegoat for the media's shitty coverage and ultimate failure to predict the election and tip it in favor of their candidate.
No one's actually managed to define it in a clear cut and concise way like the NSDAP, Bolsheviks,Tea Partiers or Goldwater Republicans to did themselves.

*to did
did to

>labels THEY invented


>The alt-right is just a scapegoat

just like SJWs

>he is the ultimate tastemaker for this country now

>Not reading the rest of the post

you mean the election that happened at least a majority of a year after edgelords started self-identifying as alt-right? yeah, I'm sure it was just invented for that rather than getting media coverage due to how prominent it became in social media.
I agree that they aren't particularly clear cut or organized though, it's pretty much just a vaguely fascist internet mob comprised of edgy teens and young adults.
I meant Sup Forums and capitalized it for emphasis

is for

he bleached them, along with the hair on top of his head

it's getting really hard to keep track of everything.

I'm Canadian, so a year ago when Trudeau was elected it was like "oh, yeah, it's cool to be tolerant and just generally nice and understanding! It's the modern way to just be a good person and recognize your privilege, alt-left for life!"

then people start tossing around terms like "lib-cuck! Why are you pay reparations and letting in refugees instead of taking care of your own people?"

then it's cool to be super ignorant and self-righteous in the sake of being "alt-right". "I'm a white male who has experienced the smoothest life in the history of the developed world, and that's how it should be! Fuck the rest of you. Your skin is stained? YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM."

now we have people (like Sam Hyde) who make you realize how unbearably cringey it is to be "alt-right" and have others lash out when you try to label them with it.

Sup Forums style nihilism really doesn't lend itself to politics at all.
Why can't we all just agree that racism and all other isms roll off the tongue in a genuinely funny way, but that out in the real world we wouldn't say any of this shit out of fear of being bashed by normies of a darker complexion?


>"le racist old white ppl" meme

stop embarrassing yourself

because of pic related. Sup Forums attracted idiot edgelords to the site who took it seriously, and did so in such large numbers that it became to internet culture what Sup Forums was almost a decade ago, but this time with an obnoxious evangelical political agenda. it even gets faster than Sup Forums now.

Trump doesn't have enough taste to like Lynyrd Skynyrd; it would require having his own opinions.

His favorite music is whatever Rolling Stone lists as the 100 Greatest Songs of All Time.

Really make me go haaaaah...

wait can someone explain sam hyde's deal? is he actually alt-right or he's alt-right ironically or he's alt-right to make fun of them? ro what

you got it backwards user

kanye is the ultimate tastemaker, and his taste is trump


He's definitely right-wing but it's impossible to tell when he's fucking around and when he's being genuine.

Not an argument

alt right / nationalism is literally the opposite of nihilism. it's the left that believes all people are the same and everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want with no consequences.

that sounds like laissez faire capitalism desu senpai

communism accepts as a tenant class warfare to end subjugation by the powerful

great career move

communism is a fairy tale. decentralized planning does not exist in humans.

the left is the side pushing anti-racism and open borders. the left is the one pushing against gender roles and even the structure of civilization itself as a "social constructs". yes, both lolbertarians and lefties are nihilistic.

He's already rich and famous. No matter what he does people will buy his music. Do you seriously think this will hurt him?

Kanye sold out to the white devil, fuck him, fuck his deplorable fans, fuck all his racist ass albums.

Sometimes he acts offensive as possible to piss of lefties, sometimes he makes bizarre sketch comedy that seems to have a political message but whenever someone questions his sketch comedy he insists he just wants to make people laugh and has no interest in using comedy to preach. He's an enigma.

hahahaha you guys lost

What A Time To Be Alive

hahahaha you were born with brown skin hahahahahaha you want some chicken? hahaha you want cocoa butter? hahahahaha you want some ebt?

>tfw took a test and i'm slightly left leaning but hate libtards and hate cuckservatives
wtf am I? i find both parties retarded and shit and extremist

hmm i wonder who could be behind this post


The '''''''''''''''Alt-Right'''''''''''''''' Doesn't exist, its just another way to call someone ''white-supremacist''

>still listening to this racist fake ass uncle tom
Go back to stormfront.

>Yeezus meets with the God Emperor

its about time this happened

ebin :DDD

I've created unfunny meme

haha fuck that uncle tom fake motherfucker and rape white women

>no such thing as alt-right
Alt-right detected
>Trump doesnt care about skin color
Retard detected

I know you're memeing but the scary thing is there are people who genuinely believe this. Tons of KTT posters are throwing out their Kanye discography right now just because Kanye doesn't blindly follow the "TRUMP IS AN EVIL KKK NAZI WHO WILL FUCK OVER MINORITIES" narrative.

I'm the same as you, slightly left of center. Everyone hates people who take things to the extreme, it's not a matter of us vs. them. I'm liberal on a lot of issues but I hate people who preach on social justice because they're generally obnoxious.

>I can't believe it's not an argument

Didn't Nixon make Elvis a DEA agent or something? This isn't really a new thing.

congratulations, you might be a national socialist

well fuck them then, if kanye is really gonna make an album based on wii games then I'm all for it, I could not care less about his politics or mental instability.


>Retard detected
Name one example of Trump being racist. He has never said anything bad about blacks, Asians or any other minorities.

what is KTT

>Alt-right detected
Faulty alt-right detector detected

>Retard detected
Super retard detected

>the left is the side pushing anti-racism

The majority of people are against racism.

>open borders

The majority of people are in favour of immigration - the main argument is over the extent and oversight of it, which tends to stem from either misconceptions about crime and culture (nationalist insecurity), or worries about the current and future economic situation (a fairly reasonable stance). My main issue with the latter is that immigration is not going to be anywhere close to the deciding factor for the worries that some people have.

>against gender roles

There's nothing actually wrong with enabling people who don't wish to conform to stereotypical gender roles. However, there's a lot of gray area in here in which the strive for enabling people who are legitimately being held back by the standards of society clashes with some very real differences between the genders. Throw the ambiguity of the morality of encouraging transgenderism into the mix, along with a bunch of people who don't have to face these kinds of problems, and you get a bunch of people yelling without having any real understanding of why the "other side" is angry beyond just dismissing them as "dumb liberals" or "dumb conversatives".

kanyetothe. Don't go there unless you like cringe. It's a cancerous place.

>Why is Sup Forums right-wing?

This kinda explains it and is also related to why is Sup Forums against lewronggenerationers etc.

No, you're just on Sup Forums which is the biggest nu-male board by far on Sup Forums, so much so that the people here being accused of "being Sup Forums" are wobbly enough on these issues to opt out after getting spooked by "Lol the alt-right is Sam Hyde and middle schoolers lol XDDD" gaslighting.

>you're pro-mass immigration and pro-gender reassignment for kids. you also believe all races are the same despite all the evidence

Holy projection, Batman!

You literally back nothing you say up. You just pretend most people agree with your views and go from there.

if you think mass immigration cannot bring a great country to its knees, keep an eye on france for the next decade or so. it's only going to get worse.

France and the rest of Western Europe will become the new Communist bloc. Realistically, Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe (including possibly Russia) may see an upturn due to the economic and cultural demise of the EU and Western Europe.

God I refuse to believe people like you exist

I'm Canadian. In our country, the left won.

Also, I'm a white male and have been privileged my entire life and that will literally never change in my lifetime. I just don't feel the need to fight for my OWN rights any further, because they've always been there. I don't have to DO anything...

I have absolutely no problem with my prime minister apologizing to native communities and letting in refugees because that doesn't take ANYTHING away from me and my life, at all.
In Canada, it kind of makes us smile to see people being treated fairly. Crazy, right?

He's just taken the most noncommital stance on everything. it's really pathetic.

This is probably somewhat true but it doesn't mean that you should make judgments about positions just because it seems moderately accurate for Sup Forums.

I'm fucked up because now I realize there is a seed planted for counter counter counter culture and you can see it in some users.

>not caring about your granddaughters growing up in a literal rape culture as islam floods your country


Define this word in an unambiguous way that everybody has to agree on according to logic.

I fucking hate to call myself "liberal" because people will think of you as pic related even though I disagree completely with most of them

Probably some sort of Libertarian

Lol, I tried to refuse that people like you exist too, but now a B-list celebrity is in the white house.

They had better writers on the Apprentice than Trumps campaign speeches...


im actually so happy today

>If-If-If-If-If-If-If-If-If-If-If-If... Okie Dokie

I went to a school an hour outside of Vancouver, BC, and 70% were muslim. 25% were Sikh or Hindu, and 5% were us white kids.

The angry, rapey muslims are those that are trapped in their shitty thirdworld dogshit countries. It's pent up aggression. White people are definitely guilty of that too.

In Canada, brown folks are just regular dudes who drink beer and crack jokes.

>because that doesn't take ANYTHING away from me and my life
Fuck you. Your sheltered life made you forget what kind of people you're dealing with here.
Parisians know. People in Brussels and Orlando know.
This kind of naivete is what destroys nations.

don't get the reference m8

Yeah, I'm not very political myself, I don't like talking about these things generally but I just tell people I'm in the center if they ask. Most of the time they think I'm an indecisive idiot who's always on the fence about everything but I'd rather be that than the guy you posted, or like this guy

kanye is under MK Ultra mind control, they "hospitalized" him after he said too much at the last concert

>Obama's speaking skills