So which one of you is on the left?

So which one of you is on the left?


her proportions look really gross here

Damn, she's gettin' THICC. Nice to see she's eating good.

it's an awful photo in general

charge your fucking phone op

she's turned and leaning backwards. it looks weird as fuck but rest assured she's still qt

memeberry is on the left you dunce

The aspect ratio of the picture is off.

Damn, Lauren is T H I C C

I am baffled by how this photo makes whichever mu waifu this one is look so deformed

Theres all kinds of shit going on in this picture

her smile always looks so forced

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who have that nasty troll on the left as their """waifu"""

>scottish "women"

all humans have a disingenuous smile, user. especially when they pose with complete strangers

lavren's true smile is beyond compare

Why is Lauren living in my country? Go back to Edinburgh or wherever she's from.

she found a boyfriend in NYC

So this is Sup Forums's standard as to what an attractive woman looks like?

I want her out.

post your pic

I'm not a woman

From what I can understand, if the musician is a girl with a more innocent, little girl look who they internalize as "attainable" then they lose their shit. K-pop general is the extreme of the board. Grimes, Lauren, etc.

>dat arm meat

she has the physique of a steadily aging cafeteria lady

welcome to the gun show

no shit but you're implying that you look too good for her. post your pic

I'm not saying I am or not, but beauty is subjective. In regards to what I originally posted, I guess I'll have to chalk it up to having been with more women who are just more attractive than your waifu; don't get butt-hurt that I'd pass her to my niggas, b

>I'm not saying I am or not
ugly detected

>thinks that he is worth a shred of a kek

that is famed Sup Forums poster Brando

my baby's been eating more wings like i told her
mmmhhh look at those yummy arms and legs