
post your chart and your current mental state. Are you okay? Need someone to chat to? Nice feelings edition

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm okay,bit annoyed at my bad connection though
also craving chocolate

I don't have my usual chart saved to this computer so I just made this on the spot.

Forgot the picture.

Sachiko M and Otome Yoshihide - Filament 1
Alt+F4 - Alt+F4
Remarc + Lewi Cifer - Ricky
Project Pablo - One For Some EP
Dj Yoda - Chop Suey
Deep Blue - The Helicopter Tune

incense - meteorites
furyo, mccarthy, greg ward

mental state: finals week

mental state: youtu.be/4w1kNI_gOMs?t=2m48s always










good shitpost user

Blaise your chart gets sadder the more you change it
Cigs prices went up here, people going mad over them

i really like your selection

i like rush and stevie nicks

look more into todd rundgren, maybe?

finally got around to listening to diamond dogs, good shit

my chart is basic but my mental state is shit
doing poorly in school despite putting in a lot of hours so decided to take a leave of absence from school this year
went through two bad break ups last year, my first 2 romantic relationships ever. still kinda hurt from that
struggled with making a lot of new friends at uni this year. felt kinda isolated all semester

where do yo go to uni user?

I'll be giving some pleb recs.
I would prefer Jazz recs, but anything you show me will be fine.

Feeling allright. I'm positive that this time my effort will pay off.
I'm a bit concerned that a depressive episode could come out of nowhere and ruin everything, but I'll probably manage better this time around.
Miharu Koshi-Parallelisme
Probably already heard it but We Buy a Hammer for Daddy and Solo for Wounded CD
Where are Labour of Love and Black Monk Time?
Fela Kuti-Expensive Shit
Sorry to hear that user. Spend time in taking care of yourself.

Double Rainbow-Fuck the Internet

since you liked head hunters i think you'll like electric byrd - donald byrd

shit waifu tbqh
I'd expect to see AAAAAH FRANKIE SINATRA on your chart
Jean-Pierre Mirouze - Le Mariage Collectif

Wow so psychedelic bro wanna do some drugs?

feeling paranoid now.

no drugs are for losers

lmao i did have wildflower there at one point. got sick of it. i did happen to name my frank sinatra playlist after it, though

mcmaster university. it's in canada

i'm not even sure if it's known for being that hard but i was sitting down to study everyday for at least 8 or 9 hours, probably studied 6 or 7 hours on average but my mind just wasn't working like it used to. had a lot of 'brain fog'/memory problems and couldn't concentrate often. luckily the assistant dean of my faculty allowed for all the courses i was taking this semester to be removed off my transcript without being shown as Fs and said i could come back in fall 2017. lmao im using Sup Forums to vent

Still looking for noisy, and twee, and wintery

glad to see fahey and astral weeks move up :)

calm down senpai
also where is all of the XTC
++cluster and Ram

check out more minimalism, satie, cilo etc

shit pretty much exactly the same thing has happened to me except I'd already applied and been accepted for placements so I had to just keep going. averaged 70% first two years, 40% the third, and my final year is going down the shitter. Kind of lost as to what to do at the moment honestly. I should have taken a break

thanks for the recs

U pussy

thanks bro. tough love is what i need

fuck it, imma remix it

u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u a puss-p-p-p-p-p-p-PUSSY

Kahimi Karie - The Best of Trattoria Years Plus More

Mott the Hoople - Mott
Mott the Hoople - All the Young Dudes

The Chameleons - Script of the bridge (sure you've heard them already)

Sinatra - Watertown
Renaissance - Scheheraze and Other Stories

Joy of a Toy - Kevin Ayers

Tomorrow - Tomorrow s/t


I'm doing alright, finishing up the semester with better grades than I expected. Gonna have to work a lot over break, but I just joined a new band that I think has real potential.

Currently confused as to why we have two chart threads up.

First week of work has been stressful, especially after my supervisor had a mental breakdown and called me "fucking useless" yesterday. I'm doing aight though.

good taste but you have the worst godspeed albums on there. is it just cause they're greyscale and fir the aesthetic you're going for?
raime - quarter turns over a living line
gravenhurst - offerings
sylvester anfang II - s/t
set fire to flames - signs reign rebuilder
if you want more vague black-and-white album covers

looks like mine was posted 1 minute before

Flying Saucer attack - s/t
Pauline Oliveros - Primordial Lift
William Basinski - The One WIth Numbers
Richard Youngs

love man

good taste

love pet sounds, mmt and the piper at the gates of dawn, anything else from your list that you'd reccomend me?

the girl I like was kinda cold to me today lol, maybe she just had a bad day

hahaha no, they're legitimately my favorite albums by them. they have the same emotional heft, but a noisier and heavier sound that I love.

Hate when that happens.
Hey, Brian.

wuz poppin Cuckster didn't see your post

Not a favorite list, just some albums to cope with loneliness. Any recs?

Nm u?
>cope with loneliness
Anything by Tim Hecker.

I forgot to regulate today so p bad

Try The Mummers - Tale to Tell and Kevin Ayers - Joy of a Toy. Both are lushly orchestrated melodic albums with a hint of childishness like the ones you mentioned.

In fact, Tale to Tell has a similar context to those classic albums since it was written by a (possible?) acid casualty. All I know is that the guy who wrote the music hung himself shortly after releasing the album.

The Genuine Imitation Life Gazette by the Four Seasons is also good, but it's very hamfisted and maybe tries a little too hard (sort of feels like a Fifth Dimension album); still, the arrangements are very admirable and I like it all anyway

omg nice questions
omg nice dubs


Lmao r u 40

Le cute album covers!!!!!!

eow dude deep...

Haha omg such an innovative way to respond!!!
Really at the top of the /chart/ trends!!!
"I don't have time for girls, but don't get me wrong" haha ;)
U r the quintessential American Alpha Male AMIRITE???!?!?!??!?
KILL YOURSELF ANONhahabahhahaba...

The very definition of boring

Solitude is the answer



I'm your father

don't know what to say
Nice francoise hardy... the rest is shit lad


Absolutely awful

Your supervisor sounds pretty clued up!
You fucking faggot
You fucking idiot
Just look at that shit taste... no matter how many charts you throw up in these threads they all have that one constant factor... they're pure shit...
give up grimescuck... it's fucking over for you... why get interested into an artform when you have no intellectual capacity for anything... just give up... just handle these saucepans and cook your life away... fibd yrself a girl... a nice one... get cosy... get an apartment... make love... have children... grow old... live like everyone else... watch tv... smile... cry... die... get a haircut...

Brian u absolute TOP LAD
BOW that's a real LAD right there



given the fact that you're on mu you have probably already heard in the aeroplane over the sea but if you haven't, given your taste, you'd probably like it

Not favourites all time, just what I like from what I've been listening to for the past couple of weeks (can you see a common trend?)

>todd rundgren
he's been recced to me before, never got around to him but I should

not heard of this, thanks for the rec

oh that was leftover from another thread

My overall top 10. I feel down most of the time but these are pretty good albums for my mood

>winter blues
but its summer and im melting
>lmao im using Sup Forums to vent
can relate, i only see one friend regularly and he has enough problems on his own, dont want to annoy him with mines
calm down theo
> just some albums to cope with loneliness. Any recs?

hey can you rec me somehting you know which is mine right? its closer to the top

Not him, but you really haven't heard of The Chameleons? They're basically Interpol, but good.
I'd also really recommend checking out their Peel Sessions as it doesn't suffer from the somewhat dated production of their records.

the common trend is youer my mommy
are u ok
love me some tek

Holy shit, god-tier shitposting there, theo.

yeah of course, but thanks anyways

cute chart :)

whatever man, you liked what I recd you, and my chart before I made it reflective of me now

not huge on basinski
good stuff tho
Fever Ray is for u though

good shit jmarv, what is that K album like?

Dan Graham & The Static – At Riverside Studios London
(Second side is no wave)

Guice - Ashes Off My Blunt

Don Bikoff - Celestial Explosion

Got a good chuckle.

assuming i got it right, check out the new radio dept, ohnuki's sunshower and mark hollis' st

lay off the ranch ya mad cunt
u will always be the cutest trip tho

at least i'm not an tripfag lol

bumping the superior thread

>Lmao r u 40
I'm almost 19...

also have a case of the winter blues
gonna update my chart for the 4th time soon

Lil Ugly Mane - Uneven Compromise

Aztec Camera - High Land, Hard Rain

stop that

Pauline Oliveros - Accordion & Voice
Big Bub - Never Too Late
Gas - Zauberberg
Frank Wright - Unity

>not putting captions

this annoys the hell out of me. when i like someones chart i like listening to the stuff i dont know. ya blew it OP

>he doesnt know how to screenshot and reverse search

Check the Twin Peaks soundtrack

I'm doing okay, I just turned 26 (in my timezone anyway)

Check out Evil Pimp

Check out Primus

Check out Rip, Rig and Panic

Oh hey een Nederlander, hallo. Check Glaxo Babies.


im sorry good music makes you sad
i roll my own cigarettes now so all packs of cigarettes cost $3

thanks user

idk if youre reccing me or commenting on how those were both formerly on my chart
relistened to the former for the first time in a while last night, now that youve reminded me i migh listen to the latter
im noticing a lot of music i used to have on my chart is slowly creeping back on it



damn u b riding my coattails son

Is dispepsi worth checking out? Couldn't stand escape from noise. Good chart btw.
cheer up :(

I feel good

give me recs

EPMD- Strictly Business
Three 6 Mafia Mystic Stylez
Al Kapone- Sinista Funk
Scott Walker- Tilt
Noah Howard - Live in Europe
Luciano Cilio - Dialoghi del presente
Keith Jarrett - The Köln Concert
Patti Smith- Radio Ethiopia
Lil Ugly Mane- Uneven Compromise
Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill
El-P- Fantastic Damage

here you go bud

and happy birthday dude. I'll check out twin peaks. I've added it to my queue



its a lot like harmony in ultraviolet era tim hecker

pretty cool and sparse ambient/drone record

I don't feel so hot, though I've been in substantially worse places.

this is avant garde

e-40 is a legend :~)

Dispepsi is the best Negativland release IMO. Give it a shot I guess.
Check out UGK and Matching Mole.

Big Triple Six fan already but I'll check out the Al Kapone one. Thanks.
Check out Beatnigs and O.C.

Thanks. Pic related is a pretty good guide into TP.


that is a wild video
this man existed and probably still exists in similar state. this is an unfortunately str8 man

I-I don't know what to say...
I think i transcended this board's notion of "music"
*tips etherial fedora*

please be in london


jesus christ

so you like music huh?

>itaots twice

looking for twee and wintery music? Check out Another Sunny Day, The Field Mice, Tiger Trap, Le Mans, and The Pancakes

thanks will do!

great album
yea kinda, just trying out a little bit of everything



is that your fav brinkmann. whats another good one

Im trying to get into some minimalist jazz what should i start with?

Okay but was auteche that good?
Lmao what is this?
Try celticmoon
Great taste! Check out savage young taterbug

>savage young taterbug
thanks 4 rec user. looks good :~)

thanks for the recs. renaissance is great so far. look into moon safari - himlabacken

recently done

you spelled ethereal wrong ',:^
feedtime was cool, kept me just angry enough to feel like doing work at work

Anima - Stürmischer Himmel