Post your rate curve in this thread

post your rate curve in this thread

Other urls found in this thread:

five stars dont exis-



I'm probably too generous with my ratings

I have it fixed sometime in 2017. Promised.


lol wtf
stop using a name

who are you?




only decent ones ITT

ok im an user now

I know people criticise top-heavy curves, but why would I listen to and rate things I don't like?

he evolved

drop name
drop name

My curve is extremely, insanely, radically normal


I tend to only bother rating stuff that I actually like a decent amount or intensely hate
Should I go rate a ton of boring but unoffensive shit like Arcade Fire and Grizzly Bear 2.0 so I have a better curve?

Fucking this, I'm actually pretty picky about what I give good ratings to, but a lot things I don't like I don't listen to in the first place, or just leave it in hopes that it'll "click" one day

Mine leans more towards 3.5/4.0 which is still pretty topheavy but idk your rating system seems pretty inflated. If you have over a hundred 10/10s you're doing it wrong imo.

gloomy and carrie

Link? Also, why are there no 5's?


that's right, memorize it now


why would you flesh out how much you dislike things rather than how much you like them?

reminder that if your rates have no weight you should delete your account

There are no 10/10 albums

You wish you had these curves.

Fucking stop.


how do you guys rate your albums? (the ones you listened to more than a couple of times) do you go with your heart tells you, or do you rate track by thrack and take the average?

fucking stop

very nice


albums are often significantly lesser or greater than the sum of their parts

a mean 3.0 means you are not very good at finding music

according to


>peak at anything but 2.5

nice random namedropping

look at this shit that just happened to me

you too

I usually rate tracks as I go along at the same time that I come up with an overall rating based on feel. If they're different, I average the two.


Get on my level.

There are 10/10 albums because music is subjective.

>worst trip likes the second worst trip

Holy fuck.

which one's worse

>not enjoying a single album all the way through



There are many albums that can be enjoyed all the way through, but the level of enjoyment isnt high enough to warrant 10/10

Nice comfy-core list


intelligent well brought up individuals

boring taste

yeah... haha

:^) is a shit tier reddit meme and defense mechanism

What are your top 6?

Music is bad and you should feel bad for liking it

public strain
telstar drugs
long season



such a plebby curve



thx for playin!!!!

aw :( i am glad i am not you. music can be fun!

profile ?

All that work for a troll account. That's dedication.

be gentle, friendo. btw, I didn't *just* listen to F#A#, just decided to review the CD version. *Did* just listen to Low, however :-)