Stranger messages you on slsk

>Stranger messages you on slsk

>"HeLlo PLZZ id track? Thank"

who cares?

the first album i downloaded off slsk i messaged the guy who put it up saying "thank you"

he never replied

>Seller on Discogs starts making conversation with you

>yo man quit being an asshole and share something, literally anything

>guy from band thanks you for sharing their music

i also did this

>you follow your IRL crush's soundcloud

>Stranger kills an Arab

Some Soulseek users are actually infuriating though.

I was looking for some obscure trance album a while back, and there was only one guy who uploaded it. He denied my download because I wasn't sharing enough Trance on my profile. When I told him I was trying to get into the genre, he told me he has been listening to it since the early 90's. I've never been so rattled before in my life.

>look at my entry-level reference, senpai

>downloaded thousands of albums
>never shared a thing

>band member comments on your instagram post

>He doesn't like the cure

i run a modest online record store with a discogs presence and do this all the time, but only to people who i can tell it will make nervous (i.e Sup Forums and reddit teenagers with basic taste)

it's honestly fucking hilarious, i use perfect capitalisation and grammar, and liberal use of smiley faces

>downloaded over 3 terabytes of music
>the only album i shared was Alien Rap

why does it make them nervous?

it's a social situation outside of their comfort zone that isn't dripping with irony and/or memes


>hey I'm not on my main pc :) can I download :) pls I just want some tunes :)

A few days ago what apparenyl was a German gurl asked me if I had R.E.M albums.

>trance album
>trance album

How does this even make sense?

How is Soulseek any different from Limewire?

lots of trance artists make albums
calm your triggered ass down

It's not dead