This album is so good

this album is so good


i really liked it when i was literally 12

inb4 hes 13

I just heard it for the first time this year. Fucking loved it.

why does he sing like he's trying not to wake his parents up

views by drake

It's Sonic Youth for teenagers.

glad u enjoy it

To Pimp a Butterfly - Kendrick Lamar

>Sonic Youth isn't for teenagers
Put it away, son.

brave opinion
gud thred


this sucks lol

The Hardest Part of Loving You is Saying Goodbye by the Humble Braggart's Quartet

You might also want to try Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, Radiohead - Kid A, Death Grips - Ex Military, Kanye West - MBDTF, Sufjan Stevens - Illinois, Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven...

le list goes on


the album isn't bad because more people like it gtfo poseur

>more people like it

objectively speaking, maybe like 10% americans or brits has heard of this album

whereas maybe 99% americans/brits have heard of adele

change ur definition of popular, user

in the aeroplane over the sea

I liked you more when you were 12

Other way around

Man I've overplayed the fuck out of their discography, even their early twee shit. I just want to listen to Loveless with a fresh view again but I've listened to it so many times that I can't get any more enjoyment out of it. Shit sucks mang.

I'm a Brit, it's much lower than 10% even half of the music nerds I've met haven't heard it. People forget just how many normal people there are in the world.

Robert. Pleased to meet you.


Can anybody recommend some good shoegaze with a slightly hard edge like the first track?


It's just the cranberries with more reverb

Is it possible to guess the lyrics without messing with the balance?

I like this album while watching porn though