ITT: Your Favorite Album Covers








Nothing will beat this for me

Did Stevie even see this before he signed off on it?

fuck yes

and this one


How is that possible when he's BLIND


"muh edginess"

"muh art"





pretty good


Ha he ho

you're the only edgy one

God damn has westheimer always looked like shit?

>tfw every piece of horror related art or music is just passed off as edgy by this board when it takes way more thought and time to produce than all the "experimental" indie/folk garbage

>takes way more thought and time to produce than all the "experimental" indie/folk garbage

I was with you til there



Roky Erickson's solo work is amazing.

he has a fuckton of releases, where should I start?




i never got this one. its like magic eye shit right? im supposed to see the band?
this is a good one



Everyone's favorite Weezer album


I don't see the band in it (although maybe that's the intent). I see that the 'machine' is haunted and displaying bizarre things (b/c ghost).

And I just think the aesthetics are neat, and memorable, and intriguing.

But this must be everyone's favorite Weezer album cover.

Sup Forums...behold your new favorite.

The Evil One (the album with Two Headed Dog on it) and Don't Slander Me