What are the patrician equivalents of these albums?

what are the patrician equivalents of these albums?

a few of those are already patrician mate


American Football doesn't really get talked about anymore. Probably should be removed, but then I guess the emo kids would have a fit.


replace the whole thing with dna on dna mate

what's with the volume 2 meme recently?

no idea what you're talking about ngl

>I don't get it?
>Must be a meme!

some cuntlip is always bringing up SAW volume 2 like it would ever surpass the first one

well i think they're both great but saw2 has a lot more personal value to me

How are they not patrician?

SAW2 is too long imo

Your mom said the same thing about my wiener.

long albums for me get seemingly shorter and shorter the more i get into them but i can respect the grievance

Sup Forumscore is a meme dumbshit. the albums are meme albums that we pretend to like
ugh like just how new are you?

>Sup Forumscore is a meme dumbshit
Literally nothing to do with being Patrician.

How new are YOU?


other albums that sound incredibly similar and aren't as good but are patrician because they aren't popular.

>patrician because they aren't popular.
Not how it works.


the patrician equivalents of these must be shit, because these are shit

bad singing, insipid lyrics
>kid a
you can't even make out some of the words sometimes
>anything animal collective
of all pop it is the worst
>talking heads
>crimson king
perhaps the only good thing on this chart
>lift your skinny fists
meh, crypto-normie trash
how can anything from kanye be remotely interesting
bad screaming trash by a guy with no music talent, normie trash
>american football
never listened to this
>trout mask
another guy with no talent who thinks that making random sounds and saying stupid bullshit (le squid eating dough meme xD) a good album makes (it doesn't)
>soundtracks for the blind
uncohesive and soulless
>pet sounds
just listen to the fucking beatles
>velvet underground
meh, not that bad but normie as shit

pic related, a better album

Patrician =/= contrarian

Only two of those are the artist's best album (NMH and Beefheart)

>claims to know what patrician is
>pays attention to lyrics
Nice b8

The best Death Grips album is Niggas On The Moon you dickass

i don't trust that you know what random means


>>pet sounds
>just listen to the fucking beatles

bad attitude

>Oh I'm a Patrician
>the limit of my musical criticism is "stupid shit"

>Patrician =/= contrarian
>OAI is NMH's best
So you aren't patrician?

haha holy shit are you serious?
you think music is supposed to be something you just sit and pay 0 attention to?

listen to What's Going On, and despite it being a great creation of music, the lyrics on at least 1/2 of the album make me cringe

the lyrics are part of the music and if you ignore that then you're throwing away both good songwriting (so you can't appreciate it) and bad songwriting (so you like bad music).

I know, I'm sorry

I didn't say I'm a patrician, I just listen to things that I like. If I re-listened to these albums now I could probably give some deeper criticism or even find that my perceptions are wrong. Music criticism, just like food criticism, is silly - everyone has different tastes

I wouldn't trust a guy who reviews shit like pet sounds to review Shostakovich or AMM

>I wouldn't trust a guy who reviews shit like pet sounds to review Shostakovich or AMM

false dichotomy

>I didn't say I'm a patrician
You really have no idea of what Patrician music is then, do you?

Do you? What would you regard as patrician? I'm genuinely curious.

All of them are good

On Avery Island isn't the contrarian choice, it's just that nobody has listened to it because they consider NMH a meme band and don't realize they actually did neo-psychedelia really well on their debut

>they actually did neo-psychedelia really well on their debut
But better on their sophomore.

No...On Avery Island doesn't have a single bad track...and Aeroplane has like Oh Comely, and that's it, and it's just derivative of Avery Island...

Find me songs as beautiful as A Baby for Pree or Three Peaches, or find me songs as fun as Song Against Sex or a track as mesmerizing as Pree Sisters Swallowing a Donkey's Eye...I have to go to a medical appointment but I will give any tracks you recommend a second chance (unless they're garbage)...but you can't deny that Avery Island works much better as an album, every song flows perfectly together, it may as well be one song

>and Aeroplane has like Oh Comely
That's a great track
>and it's just derivative of Avery Island
What sounds like it on Avery?
>but you can't deny that Avery Island works much better as an album
But you can't deny it's derivitive of other Elephant 6 music. Listen to early Apples in Stereo, Gerbils and The Minders, it's the same template. ITAOTS, on the otherhand, create it's own unique sound, apart form the collective.

But I doubt you've listened to this other music, so you wouldn't know.

In The Aeroplane is way better than on avery island, being "derivative" is a meaningless complaint when it's one of two albums in the bands entire discography while also being objectively superior to the first. On Avery Island is the same shit as Aeroplane only with less inspired and unique lyrics and instrumentals. Aeroplane is also much more thematically and stylistically cohesive as a complete album.

On Avery Island sounds like the beta version of In The Aeroplane Over The Sea.

the microphones - the glow pt 2

from the top line
aphex twin - unselected ambient works
slowdive - souvlaki
animal collective - spirit they gone spirit they vanished
talking heads - fear of music
the forcarnation - marshmallows
the moody blues - days of the future passed
godspeed you black emperor - f# a# (vinyl tracklist)

from the bottom line

kany west - college dropout
the money store is the patrician choice
also american football
captain beefheart - safe as milk
natural snow buildings - the dance of the moon and the sun
the last two ones are also patrician

go ahead my son, now follow the patrician path


>aphex twin - unselected ambient works
Where can I find this?

Also Souvlaki over Loveless is only something you hear from people who think they know a lot about shoegaze but don't, and Remain In Light is patrician enough on its own

>the dance of the moon and the sun
this made up for being wrong about everything else

>i hate ambient music. now TRANCE, that's the real stuff

>implying he's not right about everything else