Rank 'em (plz)

Mad > KOB > RDJA > Spiderand

spiderland > mad > aphex > kind of blue

RDJ > Spiderland = Mad
Haven't listened KOB

Spiderland>Kind of Blue=Madvillain>RDJ

>>Haven't listened KOB

because jazz is dumb and i hate it

kind of not ready for jazz... is KOD a good start?

These albums are all completely different.

I can't rank them based on inherent quality, because they aren't comparable.

>> is KOD a good start?

Yeah. Unless you hate Lounge music.
Then check out more complex jazz.


spiderland GOAT

>There are people ITT that will put KOB anything but first
good underage filter though
KOB > Spiderland > Madvillainy > RDJ
this is objective btw

>Spiderland over Madvillainy and RDJ
More like objectively wrong.

You can't hate jazz?

What the fuck do any of these albums have to do with each other?
They're all really good

Spot on OP.

Spiderland > Madvillainy > RDJA > Kind of Blue

Kind of Blue is alright but Miles has way better albums than that.

Kind of Blue=Spiderman>>>>>>>rdja=madvillainy
I don't like bleeps or blacks

Kind of Blue

----good music ends here----


----okay music ends here----



Richard D. James Album

They all have faces on their cover?

Kind of Blue > Spiderland > Madvillainy > RDJ

Not good. I'm sorry.

What's not good?

RDJ > Spiderland > Mad > KoB

me neither. Miles Davis is my favorite white musician

I agree with this

kind of blue > power gap > spiderland > haven't listened > haven't listened


>he disagrees with my music taste? must be underage