Viper the Rapper

>hear about YCDESC vinyl on Sup Forums
>decide "eh fuck it I'll PM Viper on Twitter about it"
>copypasted response
>insistent tone
>vinyl exists only through word of mouth


But honestly though, I want to support the guy. I just hope I don't get played in return.
If anyone actually owns this on vinyl please post pics so I can verify it actually exists. Thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone on discogs asked the same question back in January. I wouldn't get my hopes up

so im not the only one who appreciates the infinite amount of irony he's on

I'd expect an artist with this much underground popularity to be happy and gracious to his fanbase. I suspect he's instead ripping people off. Very confusing but maybe I'm just being naïve.
He did scam the fuck out of people with that moving company. lol

most likely he doesn't even know how to make vinyl

He draws the music on himself

If I paypal him 39 USD I'll never see it again, and have nothing in return.

Wow, 39 bucks? Even for vinyl that's expensive.

He's a major con artist tho

He didn't specify USD and didn't mention shipping to Canada.

Should I paypal him like 39 Zimbabwean dollars?

tell him to take a picture with the vinyl..

Might be a good idea

Alright, sent him this

>yea send me the money
>its vinyl ok send me the money
>yep its there send me the money
>thanks for being a fan send me the money


>But honestly though, I want to support the guy. I just hope I don't get played in return.

I'm fucking telling you not to. He's going to take your money. He's done it to me before when I asked him to make a track. DO. NOT. GIVE. HIM. MONEY.

yep. If no pics don't do it user

lol, tell me more
Did you ask on Twitter?

No, I texted him.

He told me the track would be finished after a week and asked that i Pay him in advance. A week passed so I texted him again to see if he was finished and he said he was going to need another $40 and that it was gonna be "real good."

OP can do what he wants, but I'm telling you that not only will you never see your money again but the vinyl doesn't exist to begin with.

He's a con artist.


>he actually gave money to Viper

Also his houston based moving business has a terrible rating on the better business bureau website. Basically people saying they showed up drunk and banged up all the furniture

>Style: Abstract, Gangsta

fucking lol

Maybe I should just pay a company to press a copy of it
Should be cheaper
And wtf is Viper gonna do, sue me? lmfao



Replying to be onboard for this great thread

>I'd expect an artist with this much underground popularity to be happy and gracious to his fanbase

if you think viper is popular you should probably kill yourself

Everyone on this board knows him, which is more than can be said about most

No response so I think the jig is up