Would Sup Forums fuck this chick to shut her up?

Would Sup Forums fuck this chick to shut her up?

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fuck no

actually probably. It's dry season

no, i dont get offended when people have differing opinions

looks like a 13 year old boy.

I fucking hate you




We have gags for a reason noh?

She's 18, rich and very confused. Youtube are going to town on her right now.

id hook him in the gabber

Fuck it, why not. Not sure she would know what to do with my cock though...


I hate you for not hating this stupid cunt

meh... kinda small. Like a child.

Would smash

I'd hatefuck her so bad

Nope, I don't find her face attractive and from what I see, the body isn't good enough to ignore the face.

cut if off and clue it to her clit probs

That's a bloke

Bro lets tag team the bitch, no homo

>I hate you for not hating this stupid cunt

sounds like something a zealous feminist would say. regardless, i dont hate her. she's just a confused kid, trying to find her way in life


Can i use that to hide my fat man tits?

No it's not, it's a woman who calls herself a bloke. Female to male trans. It's a woman, mate.

This is a delusional lesbian.

Wants to be a guy but likes women.

Here is what I want to see.

I want to live long enough to see some of these people realize their mistakes in life.

In her case I expect that at some time she will become straight and marry some neckbeard with a college degree in women's studies who spends most of his time being some assistant to an openly gay executive who take him daily across his desk.

ewwww lol

Wouldnt even rape her.

I wouldn't shit on the best part of her.

Boy - no
Girl - feminist - no

Would fuck

Yeah, she's cute enough. I don't get this whole binding video. Wtf is that?

Case in point.

I have a friend who is a die hard feminist, lesbian.
At least that's what she was.
Now she has taken to shaving her armpits (a very un-feminist thing to do)
Because she wants to meet a rich guy to take care of her
She has recently posted on social media such.
Also she is will to please said man with a threesome for compensation

So she started out as a hardcore feminist in college
When life smacked her in the face she realized she needed a man
Eventually she will give up on being a lesbian so she can nail down a guy that will take care of her.
She has an old guy fetish.

tfw I'm on her side
I can't stand you alt right types

holy fuck.

Sup Forums would fuck a rattlesnake if someone held the head still

bind your breasts so guys will think you are a guy

like your voice, lack of an adam's apple, stature(size) and other traits won't tip any men off.

its face makes me want to punch it then fuck its ass

I'd have to see the vag to really evaluate it.

Not paying attention to it has the same functional effect with the added benefit of not requiring me to do anything.

I choose that.

Die CIS Scum.


Is dude or girl?
Either way would demolished that tight anus!
>No homo

If fuck milo

Are these people trying to attract a mate, or are they just so far gone and so disgustingly self-involved that they've decided to make THEMSELVES their own perfect girlfriend.

Because I feel like that's what most of this shit is.
To separate the SJWs from the actual otherwise completely normal transsexual people.

He's a racist bigoted cunt.

Wouldn't fuck with someone else's dick.

girl that wants to be a dude

If it shuts her up, fuck yes.

hot as fuck tbqh. would love to.

You on gif too?

this is literally my dream person. she looks a lot like my girlfriend, except girlfriend has brown hair and much larger tits. (and also isn't trans).

She called everyone Racists amirite? What a dumb bitch.


Pretty sure she's a virgin

FUCK NO "she" looks like that fucking weird faggot kid I used to bully at school

Hell no..His dad is in the cia!...mom's kinda dumb, sister is a bit of a hippie...and there's always a weird family member there that looks like an alien..

this joke is really fucking stupid.

Simply this.
But I would make love to her like a motherfucker all day if it were possible. She's just my type.

looks literally nothing like steve. 1/10 for trying

I knew there would be one or two of you

Sup Forums would fuck anything. /thread

press her ugly cunt face into the pillow and take her doggystyle.. why not if it makes you happy OP.

She just doesn't pass as a F to M. she looks and behaves like a girl.
Didn't see one make a video about trans men in dresses?

physically fit, only slight butterface if any, white, decent size knockers... the only thing she's got against her is her hair but even that isn't a turn-off.
hell yeah. i'd shove my dick so far down her throat i'd poke around in yesterday's lunch.

Hers are not my problems

Zero idea who she is, but has crazy eyes, so is probably fun in bed.

No. This girl literally scares me. Those wide empty twitching eyes, the always plastered pained looking smile, and the strained voice she has. I know for a fact that if I try to have a casual fuck with this chick she will go bonkers afterwards and try to either claim I raped her or just straight up try to cut off my dick.

Plus if you try to fuck a feminist you usually end up as pic related.

Fuck this poor soul

Castrate yourself and feed it to the hounds

no, she's gross

also she's retarded. and her beliefs are wrong,

there really only are 2 genders, male and female.

she wants to be a boy, but only sometimes...


>my outfit is not your consent

Does she mean HER consent?

I stumbled on a video of her with the usual brain dead SJW arguments and quickly shut it off, but I honestly thought it was a sexually confused 14-year old male.

Nah I tried to think of it while watching her vid and no I cant bring myself to it and I fuck literally anything. That fucking chin bruh.

I mean I'm not above it, I'm just not 100% sure that would work...


Don't even try. Bitch on the far left can't even correctly write an "N".

i'd fuck her for the sheer joy of it

No tits, No ass, boyish face and I can almost guarantee hairy pits, vag and ass. Also she probably smells like BO and piss.

Did they put his testicles in that can and forced him to step on it?

No, she said it fine. It means that her outfit isn't the same as her having giving you consent. (In which case you would have consent...understand?)


TOP kik but still would fuck her feet

Yeah but isn't it a lot better to say "my consent" to avoid confusion because her phrasing can be interpreted in multiple ways?

Nah its pretty clear. Even if you thought her wording was weird you still knew what she meant

She is an annoying cunt, I don't give a fuck about her trans status. She isn't special and has no right to tell anyone how to act.

Why can't she be cool like Blaire White?

You are everything wrong with the world.

> wrong with world
> Is autistic

how does this response make sense?

Explain and elaborate please.

I am actually aspergic.

Nope, that thing is fucking hideous.

trust me sweety, noones gonna rape you.

and now who the fuck is this omg it all gets worse year by year

how is she telling people what to do in any way in this video? and of course you have the right to tell people what you think is and is not appropriate behavior..we all have these conversations with each other every day.

>why can't she e cool like Blaire White?

apart from the fact that blaire white is a moronic piece of shit, your request is just "why can't EVERYONE just pander to white dudes like they should"

the answer is because you're not fucking special, kid.

Anyone else get bad breath vibes from this zir/xir/they/faggot?


Yeah lets just pander to tumblr. That will fix everything.

hmmm... yea, probably. a hate fuck and cum inside the cunt


No but it wishes it was and doesn't pass for shit.

Seriously. I've never seen a passing trans, they are all kidding themselves.

There is always some clue to their fake-ness. And they will always be viewed questionably because of that.