What's the deal with ?

What's the deal with umuwa.us/ ?

Is it safe to use? For those who didn't know it's a search engine but to me it looks fishy, for example just type in candy and see what results you get

anzu *_*


What happens when you type candy? Post a screenshot.


Maybe it's a top search on that search engine.



You know what candydolls is right


It's a pre teen modeling site except the models are dressed very provocative and wear lingerie and fetish clothing

So how is that legal? I guess just because theres no nudity? At what point does provocative become lewd and illegal?

It's legal because it has no nudity but it's borderline


I know

>privacy focused search engine


The fbi probably keeps sites like that open, just to catch pedo's. but idk.

says its from europe but its hosted in New Jersey, stats say that most users/vistors of the engine are from the US, Canada and Germany.

seems sketch

Oh shit I'm in New Jersey

How do they catch them? Grab people who search for the stuff on it?

Just use Duck Duck Go

Tried searching Iron Maiden, no results. Fishy.

Yeah I tried searching YouTube but nothing popped up, however if you put "you" you will get younow which is famous for pedos

They probably use some type of software or some shit, and log your IP address. but then again why wouldnt they just take the sites down.


Click it

I'm just patiently lurking in this thread for braver souls than me to post screenshots of their finds.


There's nothing on it you can't find on TOR. You're delusional if you think your searches aren't being tracked regardless, but the feds are not going to bother with small fry like you just for searching.

They will slap CP charges on you for sharing or if you conveniently get arrested for a different crime, though. You can bet your ass.

Definitely a tracking site