How do I straighten out my curved dick?

how do I straighten out my curved dick?

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wtf dude. did your dick make a wrong turn at Albuquerque?

Go back in time

Stop having boners while your dick is developing

Yo nigga gotta find yoself some zigzag pussy. I'm talkin about bitches who got a cooter shaped like harry Potter's scar

You aren't alone, OP. Mine's not as bad as yours, though.

my dick is slightly curved too . i'm 17 . what do i do fam?

cut it off, tends to grow back within 6 months

In all seriousness, go to a doctor.

When you are flacid tie a string just under your head and pull tension until you get a boner. Do this 3 times a day

Snap it back into place

it's not near as bad as op's . will i need surgery?

You don't. Turn the bitch 90 degrees and nail the g-spot.

When you are getting a boner, grip your hand TIGHTLY around where it curves. While pulling it the opposite direction that it curves.

Do this every time while its getting hard and it will straighten out a bit.

Have you tried a bench vise?


no wtf
don't believe everything
It's fine dude

>what do i do fam?

underage and b& m8


fuck if I know. That's why you go see a doctor. jesus christ, do you need to wear a hard hat to go outside?

Use hot sauce on it. Im not shitting you OP. Rub hot sauce on it to loosen the skin then try and bend it to straighten it out.

I tried it and it worked like a charm


If you really want it straight, ask a doctor. However it's normal for dicks to bend one way or another


I straightened my cock the same way..

Urologist to scope down the urethra.

If blockage, they can remove. This can make it straighten quite a bit. Immediately.

He makes a good point OP

Yepp. Technically you can do this on your own by inserting a steel rod down the urethra before you get hard - But it feels mighty uncomfortable, of course.

this is very true

Post time stamp OP

Depends on what your doctor recommends; the condition is called Peyronie's disease. Its caused by plaque (scar tissue) formation. The doctor could recommend surgical procedure or mediation that eliminates the scar tissue (collagen)

I tried this myself in my youth. First I used mild hot sauce and it had no effect, but then I tried with the extra hot and it definitely worked. It's not perfectly straight but a significant improvement from before.

If it's always been like that it's congenital curvature. Peyronie's disease is usually the result of injury, like from that Abella Anderson gif.

jerk off with the other hand?

My grandad told me a story of how he had to survive the trenches of WW1 and one of the people he was stationed with had an extremely bent penis. But one day he split tabbasco sauce on his penis and as he gripped it it straightened back into place.

Trust me OP user is right about the hot sauce

yup I got it in my hand also called Vikings disease

Photo shop

Use a wrench

or vigorous masturbation since age 12.


>hot sauce of truth

Don't admit you're seventeen, dumbass.


this. It sounds stupid, but it's actually the best way to do it.

It won't get straight right away, but if you keep at it for about 10 minutes a day for two weeks it'll get straight as an arrow.

I also got a problem my dick is small, I'm 9 yo is that ok in my age? can i reach the end of vag1na?


Check number 5 OP

user is fucking right

I am 3 months old, but I think you are a cool dude

There is no way to straighten it naturally. Only option is to have surgery. They cut the skin under the gland and pull it down. then they cut the muscles at the longest part and sew it back making it straight. You will lose a couple on mm or even a whole CM. I have mine curved too and i thought it was not worth it.

I like it. Curved cocks are sexy af

Wow. user was actually right

Got a slight curve, found a postition with my ex that meant i was never not hitting her spot.

Inject co2 with a sodastream.

this works, you push the nozzle down your urethra past the curve, the metal rod keeps it straight so the co2 can do the magic. It cools the muscles and causes contraction to set the straightness permanantly.

I used a sodastream as the rod is not too long or wide, perfect for not damaging your urethra, and as it is stainless steel, will not cause infection. Then give a blast of 10-20 seconds of co2 from the sodastream.

Dont forget to remove the plastoc agitator from the co2 nozzle.

Curved Poops are hotter that normal poop, its just curved

Here is some nudes OP. Just beat it back into place

Vitamin E. Google it.


Make a daily routine you can stick to

Hot sauce in the morning and before bed and use the soda stream in the afternoon

that is the best thing ive ever heard

start masturbating with your other hand, nice dick tho.

>that picture

that is a 10/10 penis my friend


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