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Tired. Didn't sleep much. And really fucking hungry today for some reason.


Yeah that's kinda what I mean. I just don't let that side me show very often.





Who's gonna suck it then?

send more rabbits

Some1 should suck my dick..



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Not Rabbie, that's for sure.
Man, I love Steel Panther. Those guys are great.







I am so fucking horny but cba to masturbate.

Meh, sooner or later we all get enough and lash out. I prefer punching to words though.

Their lyrics are terribly amazing.

better than tinder! plenty of horny cosplay sluts of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/frchan.html



I'm just kidding. I forgive you.

Yeah, I definitely have a temper, that's for sure. I get it from my mom, and have little tolerance for stupidity.

They are.


stop being so darn lazy.





i cant help it.

Only thing i got from my mom was the boot when i beat the shit out of her wife-beating husband-to-be.



Anyone have that pastebin with the guy who is stuck on an island and ends up having copious amounts of sex with the dargon ladies on the island

I'm going to take some more pics tonight, so look forward to it.

Sounds like you did a good deed then.

fair enough, I tried.










Where's that skinny midget faggot that posted his gay ass pictures here? I wanna laugh at his ass breh


I shouldn't have bothered. They stayed together and it's working out beautifully between them. Cause they just project and channel all their dysfunctions onto my still-living-at-home brother.



That sucks man. And hey, once he leaves, their life will fall apart.

Anyhow, I'm off to work. you guys have a good one.

Why are you so obsessed with me, dude? You're practically begging me to post my pics.

Man, that fucking sucks. They don't sound like very good parents.

Later, Mous.

Requesting large/multiple insertions, gape, do and stretched out sloppy female fuckholes in general


Breh who the fuck are you my nigga?
I just can't fucking believe some little skinny bitch ass nigga would go around posting his pathetic self LMAO


Stay mad, faggot. I know you love seeing me.




Oh. Better explain this. I dont know who the fuck my bio dad is. All i know about him is that he's a real charmin fellah whose response to my mom being pregnant was that he tried to yank me outta her with a coat hanger. My brothers dad is my foster father aka "dad" and her current wonderful husband. Is just some fucker from her past. Who she cheated on my foster father with.

And thats the wonderful world of weiss.

Oh and, i now have a little sister too. Courtesy of captain cockhole.


That you dash?

Damn son you fucking stupid breh.
Get a fucking life you fucking homo you ain't nothing but a little bitch cuss
See if I ever saw you on the street I'll break you in half nigga LMAO




Man, I know how that is. My dad didn't even want me for like a year after I was born. My sister never even knew her dad. My mom was a dumb whore. 5 kids from 4 different dads.

Yep, sure is.

I'll fucking stab you, faggot.


Hey Necro, what's up?

>5 kids from 4 different dads.

holy shit..

Noice not bad

It's funny that she claims to be such a good mother. But according to her, I was the only one who wasn't an accident.

Thank you.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha
You fucking queer faggot, you prob. couldn't even pick up that blade bruh
Try it motherfucker. I'll enjoy breaking your delicate frame in half.
You're pathetic my nigga

Not the greatest thing in the world to have in common, but. 'eh.




My dad was a raging alcoholic who ruined my early life, beat my mother, and used anyone he got to close to.

He keeps trying to come back and make up for it, but I don't even give him the time of day. Will talk more later.

nice body, would love to see your ass even more


Hey there Dash
Nothing much, just ordering some food and skypin with a mate.

How's yourself doing?


>You're pathetic my nigga
I'm not the internet tough guy, "nigga". Let me tell you something that I've told many times before. I grew up in the ghettos of ATL around real gangs, and I've fought plenty of people, and I won every time despite my size. I may not be able to beat you, but I can stab the fuck out of you.

He sounds like a swell guy.
I look forward to hearing the rest.

Don't have any pics of my ass. May take some tonight.

I'm alright. Nice quads.

Source on the pic please



Love me some quads

Seem to be getting the hang of getting em

wat you are scared because you see a human you fking faggot


No, he just wants my dick really bad.

So *you* think you can take on me, faggot?
Yeah, whatever, kid. You're just a loudmouth who thinks he's the hot shit. Someone oughta put you down a peg or two, boy.

Pic related is me btw just so you know you're dealing with someone way out of your league


better than tinder! plenty of horny girls of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/frchan.html

Fuck off, nigger. I can guarantee that you've never fought someone in your life. I've fought white people, spics, niggers, and sand niggers, and amongst them, niggers like you were always the worst fighters.