CTRL+F No Cringe thread? Let's change that

CTRL+F No Cringe thread? Let's change that.


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god plz no



>bernie sanders
Fuck off back to plebbit.







Fucking KEK.

>wake me up inside


Gustav look legit like hes straight out the womb wtf

The original show is absolute shit, had no idea they made a PC trans version for kids. makes me legit puke


Oh fuck, how many people did she kill?

that's not cringe. that's equal parts hilarious and fabulous.

Wait...Its not just a masterchef junior?

>jason unruhe


Sup Forums IS reddit

you guys know he is 15 right?

more like 15 inches amirite

>doesn't afraid of anything

She saw the Hell, dude. The first women just a anti feminist thread in Sup Forums.


>RP outside
no stop, anything but this!


i swear i saw that in a vinesauce stream before


>dat music


My god he's 87 years old.

This dude films himself standing on his toilet and shitting... im not sure if he's a complete autist or a legend...


Isn't that against youtube terms of service?

Oh God, that feet...

definitely legend

The bullshit that current popular websites think constitutes "porn for women" is just typical porn but slower. I want a site that caters to ME, a hetero woman.

I would call it The Female Gaze and have average looking women and sexy-as-hell men. Eh and also sexy-as-hell women.

80%+ of the camera time would focus on the man (or men). There would be no fake moaning or clit slapping bullshit, no videos with men's faces blurred, and a zero-tolerance policy on nails that do not belong close to a vagina (be they sharp or dirty).

The actors would be paid an initial amount plus commission in perpetuity. None of this one-time-$300 payment crap that 18 year olds with no financial education get duped into for performances that get millions of views.

I would have the following categories:

POV (women's pov, not what it means in current porn)



Really Rough

Dialogue - sensual

Dialogue - dirty

BDSM & Humiliation


Scenario / Storyline

The Female Gays (real lesbians, courtesy of katie4)

Now, I'm not ballsy enough to drop my career and start a porn site, but I sure as hell wish something like this would catch on soon; I know there's a high demand for it. And on top of straight women getting great porn, imagine how much better the average guy would be at sex if they had access to videos of what actual women like!


Japanese girls man...I know that stuff.

Autistic as shit, but sweet nonetheless.

