Have you yo-landied today?

Have you yo-landied today?

Other urls found in this thread:


What does that even mean?

Been yourself without concern for what others might think

of course i have
do you think im from 9gag???

If that's what it means that I've been yolandying all day, erry day for the past 42 years.

Yo-Landi Visser, Rapper person of South Africa's most famous group "Die Antwoord". But I don't know what makes her so special that one would invent a verb after her artist name.

>Implying Yolandi is not a fake stage persona to make money off rebellious rich white south african teenagers who want to fuck niggers as a way of saying 'fuck you dad'

that is not a verb

Implying yolandi isnt who she wants to be even out of character


oh ok what the fuck is this bullshit now

South African white trash.

Uh huh

Ita a thread i will make once and never again rest assured


Does that involve screaming in horror @ the caveman hair?

I would fucking destroy her dirty little pussy

Mm hmmm


I "yo-landied" 24/7

better than tinder! plenty of horny ghotic sluts of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/frchan.html

Who's brave

They have been spamming this sort of thing for like 4 weeks now

I took one for my brothers

it just redirects to some shitty site


You're correct, but add that Die Antword in a general are just a stage persona.
Although they're apparently both obnoxious personalities, at least if half of the stories from the making of Chappy are true.

commencing dump

Oh yeah

better than tinder! plenty of horny emo sluts of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/frchan.html


It's on every fucking thread... Even on the fucking furries thread. They don't know where they are, literally no one here will click that.

Ever since that movie about the robot, can't stand either of them.



Too old

more, faggots?

theres a pic somewhere of her mooning an audience. u can see the pusspuss.


link pls

Ugh, no, I haven't, thank God!

There is a pic ninja posted to his instagram where her pants sagged and you can see it

this one?

Yes plz.


The answer?

ninja ...for the homos

better than tinder! plenty of horny emo bitches of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/frchan.html

Infact this is it

What did they do?

Isn't she the ugly bitch from Chappie?

Yeah, she's a rapper from South Africa.

Most of the actors from the movie said they absolutely hated working with them. Just google it.

Those stories all came from a tabloid writer who has had it out for watkins since the memores of a cline days back in 2002 most of the production staff say they mostly stuck to themselves

Dicks out for yolandi

small kek

He has a nice dick

This dude has the shitty tattooes I have ever seen

She looks stinky, like stale sweat and cigarettes stinky. Maybe a bit of BO in there too


I would hit it..

after I power- wash her


You realize she showers everday and keeps clean right? She was only actually dirty when watkins first met her as a street rat

>Friend mentions Baby's on Fire
>Give it a go
>Interesting, usually never listen to this type of genre, but the videos and the whole ironic persona had me
>Best bro is from South Africa, we'll call him Whiteboi
>Barely heard them before, get close group of friends listening to them, have their whole discography, and all. Bought it of course arrrrr
>Couple months pass, suddenly EVERYONE is into them
>Some girls tell me and Whiteboi they're coming to our city (where we live, Europe btw
>LOSE our shits
>End up going, fight for front row and shit, eventually get there when I started chanting JUMP and all follow through. Motherfucking Ninja actually did, crowdsurfing. Open spot took it don't care
>Legit, friend also crowdsurfs his way to the front, to the point guards had to stop him from being thrown over the fence separating the stage (fit friend and a couple others literally threw him and people followed)
>Everyone was so pumped. I'll usually compromise. Not this time I was full rage mode
>Guy I took the spot wants to fight idgaf
>Throw my hoodie, Ninja wears it during a whole song, throws it back to DJ
>All stops, bras had been thrown and all, he ends up coming out wearing one like fly man, pic related
>Slow song, he sits superhero just landed pose. Hand right there
>Have Whiteboi's passport, been waving it for half an hour
>Decide to throw it, lands right in his hand
>Security wants to take it but he grabs it back, sees South Africa written and asks who's it is
>Actually sees my friend, looks him in the eye 5 whole second, bangs chest with fist bro style
>Hands back passport, motherfucking fistbumps whiteboi
>Again he loses his shit
>Had touched hands with both, no homo, but this was the shit

Most amazing thing ever. Pumped up concert with a band you really like. It's surreal seeing them up close like that

I would hope so..
its just a schtick anyway

>of course i have
>do you think im from 9gag???
do i smell the summer?

>I saw them a couple years ago at Bonnaroo
>best show of the fest
>no cool story tho

sounds sick af

They are indeed very good live!



>Afterwards try convincing security he's actually the cousin. We had changed two Wikipedia pages to say that, shit's still there no joke no one bothered to change it back
>Security isn't having any of it, tells us to go to other security guard see if he gives a shit. They're paid for this shit
>Isn't having none of it either, but by now we have a bunch of groupies fighting for our cause, it's obvious they wanna get it but idgaf, also they legit think he's the cousin lol
>Other friend from same city wants to come with us
>Basically tell him to fuck off, with luck we'd barely get in
>Pissed off a bunch of people
>Don't care, made out with our own little groupie

So yeah that's my experience with them. The fistbump, again surreal.

Also the amount of people trying to look like Yolandi and failing so miserably was ridiculous.

>jerking off to Gummo

>I fist bumped an actor! Woooo!

This and, surprisingly, Manu Chao, have been the best live shows I've been to.

And this says a lot especially since I just came back from a 7 day festival across 2 countries. Big Names, along with other real good shit (David Guetta, Whiz, The Vaccines, Hurts, and smaller bands). I even got backstage in Latino, hooked up with 30 Y.O. (I'm 18) samba dancer with a BF, I'm going to meet her tomorrow in the city next to me. Still nothing compares

>actor rapper singer song writer painter hair stylist video maker director

I know, right? Just like Christina Aguilera during her sweaty butthole phase. Dirty is fucking hot!

cool starry bra


>hair stylist

Change it from Die Antwoord to LITERALLY anyone else and thats a good greentext. Their music is garbage.


He does his daughters hair he does yolandi's hair he has done several peoples hair for videos

Oh and he used to do plushies for max normal.tv so add toy maker to that list

>made plushies
>toy maker

Lol no. Just no.

saw them last year at garorock, theyre fucking incredible live

No they arent

love it

I've done my hair every day for a decade, guess I'm a hair stylist then, tit.

Been to a bunch of live concerts, most frontstage or very close. The whole atmosphere Die Antwoord put out was unmatchable

Isn't technically every site on the internet shitty?

Look up spook asem by yolandi visser, video shows her tits nude and bouncing around

One of the girls trying to look like Yolandi

>Had her bra on my face I ain't even mad

You are making me want to go to the columbus show one october 10th so badly but i dont like people and tend to avoid them so i would probably be akward the entire night

Why do they do this? Ill never inderatand why you would prefer to copy someone else over being yourself

definatly going to see the more, also new album hype!

Just drink up man
Last festival I made a rule for myself, for festivals. One night mostly sober, really get to enjoy the music. Another, TRASHED

Both nights (and the other 5, except one I was I in ER because of that) were fantastic, totally worth it. Go man



columbus, ohio?

I actually have not drank since i turned 21 and i am 29 now but maybe i might try it for just that one night

What are you doing in furry threads, user?

I find it stupid too. But hey, compliment them on that and they're so easy


What the hell is edgy about being sober?