ITT: ask a LotRfag anything

ITT: ask a LotRfag anything.

Saw the movies and want to know more? Can't be bothered to read the Silmarillion? Wonder why they couldn't ride the Eagle Express to Mordor? Come in and find out.

So what were the green wizards doing?

I'm assuming you mean the Blue wizards. When the Istari came to Middle Earth the two Blue wizards went east to the lands beyond Gondola and Mordor. It's not really clear why or what they did there

are dwarfs real?

Why are there no niggers on the good guys side?


What eventually became of aragorn and arwen after their marriage. Does frodo sailing with the elves mean he enters the immortal lands?

What guarantee is there that there will not be a worse evil that terrorises middle earth?

Because the nuggets were tempted by Dayton to be on his side. We all know how impressionable niggers can be

Aragorn and Arwen had kids and their descendants became great lords among men

Frodo and Bilbo did sail to Valinor in the end. Chances are Bilbo died not long after. Ford's ultimate fate was never told.

Evil never truly left Arda and continues to persist today

for real though how many dwarfs are left? where are they? just secluded in the mountains and mines?

So... Why the eagles could not carry Frodo to Mordor?

Like hobbits the dwarves probably just fucked off somewhere and keep as far away from us as possible, although I did read a fan theory connecting LotR with Snow White. The seven dwarves might be the last surviving dwarves because they were the dwarves who were given the seven dwarf rings of power

What is the Silmarillion about and why should I read it?

Couple of reasons, the first being plot convenience. A good series doesn't just end half a book in when the protagonists take the easy way out.

That being said, Mordor is a pretty heavily guarded place. They would have been seen miles away and then the Nazgul would have gotten them. Helll, Sauron probably would have detected the ring coming ahead of time. He knew Sam and Frodo were in Mordor, just not where they were specifically.

This is cheapest and dumbest answer I ever read to this question.

Thank you.

How did Gandalf become Gandalf the White? Xp level up?

how does magic work, can any one learn magic or is only the wizards?

Who was the biggest badass?

Feanor or Fingolfin?

The Silmarillion tells about the history of Middle Earth since before the creation of the world when the gods were born. The main trilogy tells about the end of the Third Age and t hth e subsequent beginning of the Fourth Age. The Silmarillion covers everything before that. The creation of the world, the coming of the first and most terrible Dark Lord Morgoth, the coming of the races of the world, the age of heroes and magic, the fight against Morgoth, The rise and fall of the kingdom of Numenor, Sharon's first rise to power, the forging of the rings, and much much more. It's essentially the Bible of Middle Earth. It's a great read. The writing gets really thick sometimes, like the Old Testament, but it's great regardless

He convinced the party to flee so he could get all the xp for himself, then shows up next session with sweet new gear.

His task was to protect the world from the coming of Sauron. When he died fighting the Balrog the powers that sent him, the Valar, basically gave him a boost

The wizards are basically minor gods given human form. No earthly being can learn magic on their level. Elves can get close, but not nearly as good

>the Valar
ive never heard of the valar before they look so bad ass

So if a balrog can only be killed by a true hero, wouldn't Aragon, legolas or gimli be able to kill it? Saving middle earth is pretty close to hero status

Hard to say. Feanor did me create the Silmarils, but it was entirely due to his actions that so many of the the Noldor left Valinor. He was a huge dick to everyone. Fingolfon just went along with it because he had to

Read the first third of the Silmarillion. The badassery knows no bounds

It's not about being a hero. Balrog are literally lesser gods (Maiar) of fire and shadow. Gandalf could fight the one because he was another Maia

Something I forgot to say, Gandalf may have had that in mind for after they got through Morris. That's why his last words to the Fellowship were "Fly, you fools!" He could have been telling them to go to the Eagles, but they never figured it out

Who or what is Tom Bombadil?

So Gandalf is a compact Balrog?

no they say "fly" often in the lord of the rings. it invariably means 'make haste' and go.

Not necessarily. He was a Nair who served Manwe, the ruler of the Valar and first king of the world. Gandalf was said to be the wisest of the Maiar, which wad why he wad chosen to go help stop Sauron when the threat began looming again in the third age

Who knows, man. None of the Wise knew. It's possible he could be a Vala who came to Middle Earth and just kept out of the way doing his own thing. He could be a physical representation of the Music of the About that created the world. Whatever he is he's incredibly powerful and gives absolutely no fucks

See this for reference

See the silmarillion as the bible in lotr

>Music of the Ainur

Essentially yes


Can Melkor ever return?

Not until the end of time. The Valar locked him up real good