Prove you're white, Sup Forums

Prove you're white, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't destroy my city when a cop shoots a white guy.

only white people get dubs

I'm voting for trump

lemme search a picture of my father and i.

also, proof enough i guess

Confirmed nigger

I own this computer

My DNA test came back 45% British Isles, 34% Germany/France, 14% Scandinavia, 4% Eastern Europe, and 3% Italy/Greece.

i have a trust fund and a big nose

I'm voting for hillary and think that all back lives matter.

photo of me when i was 14

Luckily I'm not

My mom was russian and my father was ukrainian


I'm 3rd generation American and my family is from Norway.

I can't say diddidunuffin. If I wore a mask and said it, cops would know and stop pointing their guns at me the instant. I would be free no matter what



I live in a city with a Whole Foods Market and Traders Joe's.

im a huge curly haired faggot and my name is eric

I'm allergic to watermelon


Wow that!s me


Fat fuck

blonde hair, blue eyes, i know my father, don't have a criminal record and like heavy metal, white enough?


Do not be afraid.
Epiphany is strong.

You've proved you're white and a hudge faggot, you are truly THE OP

we need to eliminate the white race

You'd be really good looking if you lost weight.

jk its m son

I have a job

You better not shout
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm going in dry

I live in a city that is French for "Great White"

I'm northren European, and none of my family members have confused a gorilla with my dad

im trying
dont listen to this heretic

I bought my bike

Neitha do I, nyugga. Theys fixin the problem!

I study medicine

I took a clickbait test to see how privileged I am and got 81 out of 100. I'm that white.

When I go to charleston church I bring my gun and shoot niggers

My neighbor is dating a black dude, they are both cool people. I can tell he's currently visiting due to the smell of fried food seeping through the walls.. and the screaming


most visionary man ever.

I'll let my dad tell you

I have: career with a pension, a wife, and only one child (who was conceived after I married his mother).

If you are actually trying to prove you're white on this thread you must be a 14 year old.

Hurrr. Durrr. I have a tiny penis and I love Asians. It sure is fun being white.

Got pulled over for speeding and didn't get shot by the cops

i love the beep on the microwave

I can read what you wrote

u fukin nigger

My mom and dad have been married 48 years

i dont wear my jeans below my ass

I just got a call from my father. Asking if I wanted to come over for dinner at my parents place this weekend
That ought to prove it

Im half white! my Father Dutch my Mom is Peruvian.

Chekd white confirmed

i'm not a total fucking idiot

I Talk in proper english

I go to Sup Forums

hello 9fag


prove is faggot

>protip: you cant





>Nigger lovers

i listen to pantera

do i even wanna know...

Am I white?

get out of here schlomo

I'm not even sure you're fucking human

Allahu Akbar!?

I laughed when Russia nuked Turkey and Saudi

I have a steady job and a diversified portfolio.

I am white!

Idk why my dad did that he is 6ยด1
and he made me a manlet

No I am white!

so so many reasons...
>not on welfare
>no gaps in employment history
>own car
>own house
>nice neighborhood
>have investments
>have retirement plan
>know my father
>don't break the law usually
>can afford real drugs instead of drinking cough syrup

>im white
>my names white
>my mouse son, is white
pretty sure im white

1) sandnigger
2) ugli af

Maybe white proboscis monkey

This is my wife.
Proof enough?


Mayonnaise on my sandwich, please.

No my skin is white!

Indeed. And Lebanese and Syrians are caucasians anyway.

Why would ANYONE want to be white? I'd rather not be going extinct lmao xD


That's unkind


lol nice outdated "science" m8




If you're so worried about being white do the Michael Jackson thing. Nosejob and skin bleach. Change your name to Phil or Greg and move to a new city. Boom, white

I have a Japanese gf.

don't forget that you are iraqi; all white people are (mesopotamian).


/fit/ just called me a nazi white supremacist over and over.

goal body thread

And now let's examine what happens when a country gets rid of its white citizens.