Gonna write my first gay experience and you guys can tell me if you want me to carry on or not

Gonna write my first gay experience and you guys can tell me if you want me to carry on or not.

>Friends with this guy all the way through school, from 3 year olds basically.
>Be me in 8th Grade
>School organises a camping trip
>Me and my friend team up obviously
>We'd been walking with our grade for 5 hours
>we finally get to the camp site
>me and my friend start to set up our tent
>guy left out from any group is forced to work in ours.
>as Im building the tent I have to get a drink
>walk past friend, brush my hand on his ass by accident.
>he turns around and we both blush and quickly go back to what we were doing
>the other guy who was helping started to wrestle with my friend for some reason.
>I join in and wrestle both of them to the ground
>and as Im on top of them both, I can feel my friends cock.
>he was rock hard.zip
>the other guy was just there watching me stare at my friend while blushing.
>quickly get up and finish the tent


Sure, keep going. Sounds similar to an experience I had

Literally every gay experience I've had was while on campouts with random "straight" friends who didn't know I was bi. What's up with the woods and turning alphamales into faggots?

>so we finish the tent
>about 7:30
>we decide to play hide and seek
>me and my friend team up
>he says 'hey' 'why dont we go over there'
>sitting behind this rock under a tree.
>he brings up what happened earlier
>how I felt his hard cock by accident
>start blushing
>he rubs my leg up, down, up, down
>we start kissing
>I start to grab his ass
>holy shit, its awesome.
>pulls his pants down.
>see his boxers are wet at the front
>hear someone coming
>hyperspeed activate
>everything back on
>looking normal
>it was the guy who was paired with us
>for fucks sakes
>now its our turn
>we decided to hide and pretend we were looking for them
>resume sex
>getting really fucking hot
>both our nipple are rock hard
>his dick, throbbing to the touch
>get on my knees
>ready to take it all


im a betamale maybe thats why i never turned gay or bi hahaha

i support your gay experiences tell me some more

more 69 homosexuals



Keep going

>fucking guy from before starts honing in on our location
>run like hell out of there
>both boners out
>10:00 everyones in there tents
>cant do shit because tardo is in the tent with us
>wake up at around 1:00
>everyone in the tent asleep
>my friend is has his arm around me and is facing me, still asleep
>try to quietly wake him up, doesnt work
>start to jack him off
>he wakes up, the guy is literally asleep next to us
>turn with my back to my friend, with a struggle, his fits his whole penis into my ass and slowly
>and quietly thrusts into me
>im supressing all the moaning right now
>my friend pulls out
>turns to the guy to see that hes still asleep
>we think hes bi
>we take off his pants and lift his shirt up
>start giving him a blowjob and I start to suck his balls
>wakes up startled
>shut the fuck up.gif
>he enjoys it, so we carry on
>by this point we're sitting in a circle jerking off
>I go down on the guy and start pounding his ass, hard.
>whilst my friend is licking my ass.


OMG go on I'm a dyke but I love this

Fap fap to your lies


i have a story when hes done

Kill yourself


Puppy tax so post

ok so im notop
>me and a mate all through highschool were really close, grew up in the country and had the same taste in chicks, also had a lot of pseudo gay experiences
>perving on guys and catching eachother, seeing boners at sleep overs, rough housing and wrestling etc but nothing ever comes of it.
>one day actually see his cock because he didnt do up his boxers in the morning and he was doing a thrusting dance to some random song (we were dipshits) and any way his cock was fucking fat. at least 6 inches flaccid

>one night after going out for drinks after graduation ( we would drink at a mates and then take booze out to the local skate park to meet more people and get smashed) we are both chatting up a couple of girls from the same group a year or two younger than us
>police are spotted on the other side of the oval connected to the park and everyone bolts. Me and my mate grab our booze and slide into a drainage ditch and everyone else goes in different directions.
> small town so cops spend forever doing circles trying to send everyone home and pouring out any booze they find. Our parents are pretty chill with us going out and being shit heads as long as we dont get in trouble by the police so we are bunkered down hard. sometimes climbing into the drain pipe to avoid spotlights.
>we are both talking about how close we were getting with our chicks and then he sticks his finger in my mouth and I nearly give away our hiding spot because he'd fingered his girl.
> say i wish i got sucked, he says the same


please cont

>we lay on the ground at the edge of the ditch so we can watch the police finally drive off, still complaining about not getting any and then we start humping the ground showing off how we'd think we would have fucked these girls. intiate boner mode and I lay flat to hide mine but he rolls onto his side to say we should get going and i can see the head above his belt line.
> 'dude wtf' "feels good man" 'i know but Idont need to see that'
> we both walk around the town trying to find anyone but decide to start heading home
anyone still reading? his names jack btw

>showing off how we'd think we would have fucked these girls

Im here buddy

Reading Sup Forumsro. You're bringing out some latent homo in me

I am >cont

I want you to die of aids, you filthy shit eating faggot.

holy shit, is that our mootykins?

Did you fuck jack

Well thats what we were doing, both trying to show off in amongst being drunk and horny
Pic is closest I could find to what his cock looks like

Awww baby got upset cos of his homo boner. Just enjoy it, you reading it you Fag


>our houses are out of town, about a 45 minute walk.
>we walk most of the way, still paranoid about cops so we are going the slower way through paddocks.
> lots of touching as we hold barb wire fences out of the way for eachother and also stumble over shit constantly and trip. start making a game of spanking eachother as we get past a fence.
>this leads to a point where neither of us is game to go first because we arent holding back and are really just hurtin our hands smackin each other.
> face to face we are just circling each other trying to slap eachothers asses
>Didnt realise we were quite loud by this stage yelling at eachother and nearby houses lights turn on. they are across the road but the paddock we are in belongs to the family so we both hit the deck.
>we see someone come out with a torch and shine it across the fields (there had been a spate of farm equipment getting nicked in the area) so we are huddled even harder against the ground
>get the great idea to just slide my hand across and lightly tap jacks ass with my hand and whisper, 'i win'
>"no I win" as he slaps my ass
>I slap his but push my hand down so its still quiet but pushes him down,
>this turns into us groping eachothers arse cheeks whilst face down in the dirt of a field hiding from the farmer walking around.

Cont pls

Here, you can read this while he's typing if you haven't already

not enough gay fucking


>farmer jumps in his ute (truck? for americans?) and starts to drive around to his machines
>we take the chance to run to a nearby feed shed which only has grain and a lot of lucern bales in it.
>hiding some more because we are two random drunks in this guys field and he got pissed at us once before for walking through his paddock when we were sober and still at school
>im looking through a gap in the wood when jack slaps my arse loudly again proclaiming victory.
>i turn around and say shut up but hes run up the bales
>I chase him a bit but he starts to kick at me, so I grab his jeans leg and pull it down, it was the terrible era of having the back of your jeans down that little bit which meant even with a belt his pants came down.





>sudden shock as im looking at his cock, and his underwear is already rolled down a bit.
>he falls back onto the hay.
>without stopping I climb up and roll him across as he reached for his pants. I slap his bare arse, 'why the fuck are your undies down'
> "I was jacking it as soon as we got in here"
> slap his arse again more as a grossed out that i saw his dick unexpectedly but he isnt trying to roll over and im enjoying him over in front of me
> tells me to do it again. so i do but grab his arse when my hand lands, do this a couple of times.
>getting so hard looking at his bare arse and him moving his butt up for my hand.
>I see his balls hanging between his legs and they are like 50% larger than mine so i just cup them up against him.
> he jerks forward because my hands are cold and rolls over to face me

aaaand this is the post where i call bullshit


blacks are disgusting. stop it

hairy men aren't good either


then post what you got, faggot



>'dude youve got a bigger cock than me'
>"show me then"
>standing in front of him with my cock out we both start fondling eachother, both never having touched another dudes dick before.
> doesnt last long til he asks me to suck him
>his pre cum is already over my thumb and I lick it to get and idea of what its going to tast like.
> different to my own but not gross so i kneel in front of him.
> he tucks his jacket under his bare arse so the hay is poking into him

>that moment when the balls almost touch
>that moment when you realize you might be gay
>deep sigh of relief as the moment passes
>go to church on sundays
>gonna take your faggot ass to heaven when you die
feels good man

fuck it

I would love to take two dudes with dicks like that at the same time



>dont really know what im doing so just fit his head in my mouth, whilst still playing with shaft and balls. sticking my tongue in and out to try and lick it as he makes small thrusts.
>im super rock hard and take a hand to play with myself.
>that hand must have been doing something good because he notices and pushes me back.
>says we should 69.
>Loving the idea, we lay out our jackets and other bits of clothes we can spare on top of a tarp.
>both quickly freak out and look for spiders ( this is australia and fuck trying to explain a redback bite on your dick) after we both laugh at it we sit across from each other not sure how to get into position so we lay sideways opposite each other.
>He just tries to fit as much cock in his mouth as he can get and starts grabbing my arse. I do the same with my hand and then we start fingering each other, no nastyness thank fuck


Why does it keep kicking me out of my own group chat Wtaf


>hes really getting into it and nearly face fucking me, im holding his shaft just so he isnt choking me as he rolls me on my back.
>before i know whats going on he sucks hard on one of my nuts, grips my arse hard and cums in my mouth. catches me as im swallowing my own spit and i half swallow his load. spit the rest out down my cheek as he lays on top of me.
> he turns around smiling but im half flaccid still in shock. he's still hard though and climbs over and rests his balls on my mouth
> dont even think as i start sucking his balls and licking his taint

Keep going with these stories please

> he 'accidently' rocks too far forward on my tongue and i touch his asshole. tastes a little bad but he brings his balls back,
> holding my head he asks if ill lick his arse if he lets me use it after.
> nearly lose my load thinking about it.
>dont even answer just push him into position.
> his balls slapping on my face as i tongue his arse is driving me crazy.
>" oh shit im cumming again dude"
> he jerked off whilst i rimmed him and felt cum hit my hair -_-*

Still lurking user. Loving this

bump for more! Also, what happened to OP?

> he hops off and asks if im ready, i try and get the cum out of my hair but realise its pretty much a no win and go for getting my own back.
> he lays on his back, but we suddenly feel weird looking at eachother. so he turns around arse in the air.
> I cant get a good position without falling over so he tells me to lay down again.
> think hes just going to suck me. but he straddles my cock reverse and starts to sit on it.
>feeling tight he spits on my cock which drives me crazy
>tries again and we get movement. just the tip back and forth for a while then a little bit deeper.
>soon his ass is eating my cock whole.
> i grab his hips and thrust a few times but he falls back, legs apart on top of me.
> i wrap my arms around him grabbing for his dick as i start just smashing my cock against him.
> he lets out an 'ow fuck dude' and i lose it. i pull him against me pushing my cock up and into his arse as hard as i can as i cum.
>feels like 3 huge ropes of cum and as he slides off it looks like it as some dribbles out.
i use my underwear to clean my cock and we both have a nervous laugh.
>we chill there until we are literally chilling there and decide to go home to warm beds.
>both get home hop on msn and talk about how hot it was, jerk off in shower tasting his cum.
>Sleep soooooooo well

cool story

Very cool story, thank you!



Anymore good stories?

i have a couple but im horny as fuck atm and cbf typing them out right now

I'm not gay but I have been very curious lately and want to have a gay experience, you lot make it sound like a really good experience honestly, but I don't know any gay dudes or how to approach someone. Tips?

Post cock pic?

Fuck user. The stories in here have made me email this dude that I think is gay that I kinda got scared and stopped talking to. He's definitely better looking than me. But the stories give me hope.

Me too dude. Fuck it, you're gonna die at some point might as well try it out while you're still young.

Yeh, might as well try out everything at least once

Same dude, just had a 3 some with my friend since I was 5 and his girlfriend and now I want to get that dude to talk to me.. wonder what the next fucking thing will be.

I have a story, if anyone is still there bump and will post.

>be me
>8th grade
>boring ass assembly/play
>sitting next to close friend
>I'm at the end of the row next to the wall and he's sitting right next to me
>lights dim
>start watching boring ass play
>friend came out to me about a week earlier saying he was bi and had a boyfriend over Internet
>notice he is moving his leg very close to mine
>move mine to the left
>he continues moving it towards me as if deliberately
>eventually his leg is touching my leg
>starts vibrating his leg
>but of course I tell him to stop and push his leg away
>moments later same situation
>after 15mins nonstop I give up
>5 mins later
>'user can put my hand on your leg?'
>dude puts hand on my leg and refuses to take it off
>not even caring cause it feels good
>5 mins later
>'user can we... Hold hands?'
>this fucking dude
>I laugh nervously
>grabs my hand
>it's so soft I love it
>make attempt to let go
>he won't
>continue till assembly ends
>nothing ever happens again
I'm hoping to change that thougn

bump for this




Bumping and with pic of crush

>be black
>be 18
>be kissless virgin
>have twinkish body but lots of body hair
>be super horny
should i just find some random guy on CL to suck off and ram me until i gape or is it not worth it? i really want a greentext story to tell

That's pretty much it
I'm still in contact with him but he that pesky bf so I'm gonna need to wait