No rekt thread?

No rekt thread?

Rekt thread

P.S. not a gore thread. A rekt thread




Literal bump...


no idea what's this is since no thumbnail

thank you op

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At least he tried!

totalwar? holy shit its gold


She's a disgusting, fat, sub-human piece of shit, but that doesn't make her getting assaulted ok.




that was more of an almost rekt



sadly, that fucker survived and he keeps on torturing animals.

gore can be rekt
rekt can be gore

welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend

Cunt deserved it



>steps to the right and falls to the left



Have a safe journey Puppy


How sheltered ARE you?

Kys pupper



Do you enjoy rekt threads? Then Karma will take care of you, the universe will ensure that you die in a violent way and you will be in one of these webm files someday.

I'm hard right now and i'm now ashamed.



Tf is wrong with you


id rather be entertaining to my future b/ros





You were never taught to read?



nobody cares


Black lives splatter


travel safe pupper

Wew. Fucking. Lad. Guaranteed repliez, amirite??

Why does the guy in the suit walk so damn weird? I swear, that's an Alien.

drowning is like the least worst way to die kek

prob just walked in on his wife fucking a pack of niggers


All these filthy disgusting niggers. And then they wonder why they get shot?


You could be right. He walks as if life has no meaning to him at all anymore.


Why did you run away from the wild Snorlax and without trying to catch it? Do you already have one, or were you out of Pokéballs?

i already am in one

Travel safe pupper

reddit as fuck in here

That was acid bro.

Shut the fuck up you inbred.

No fucking gore, you asshole

It's only another filthy nigger, who gives a shit?



Travel safe pupper


Stormtrooper training is going good i see.

which police shooting is this?

Now that's what I call getting railed

its not a police shooting its a hired kill filmed to prove to the buyer they killed him

aww, poor disgusting, smell animals that I will never know in person and cannot reciprocate my feelings toward them. river of fucking tears you hopeless faggot

>pls no gore

in a rekt thread


>these things can vote

Shut the fuck up

This guy weighs 1/3 the weight of one of her drooping tiddie sacks. How the fuck did he knock that thing over?

that was refreshing to see

Think it's in Brazil, probably just some gang shit

she was the one being the aggressor she whale she derserved

she turns her ankle, tries to take her weight off it to avoid breaking it, and loses her balance

Even without the Scott Stevens check, it was a good strategy to make her waste all of her energy trying to waddle after you.

They certainly did.





that was self defence

You sick fuck!

what the fuck dude

Wait a minute, that's toothpaste! You don't normally put that on a hotdog! You normally put ketchup or mustard on one! That must taste bad! Could you imagine someone eating that? How absurd and witty!

Not rekt


Really Rekt

Tyrannosaurus Rekt

Grapes of Rekt

Ship Rekt

Rekt markes the spot

Caught rekt handed

That was one of the first videos I ever saw of someone dying. May have actually been the first. Memories.

Some sport like soccer/football whatever the fuck, some dumb retard threw a lit cigarette and the whole stadium went up in flames in seconds. You can find the video online

how I wanna go out tbh

But cops just profile...