Hey anons, drinking alone again

Hey anons, drinking alone again.

Make me laugh, feel with me, let's talk

Other urls found in this thread:


Drinking aswell. Seagrams 7 whiskey and sam adams rebel rouser double IPA. Enjoy user.

If that didnt give you a laugh, try this one out user.







Don't samefag that hard.

Samefagging hard man. Stahp.



Damn, whoever drew that needs to kill themselves...that looks like SHIT! He doesn't even look like he's hanging, good LORD!



I'm not op. Samefagger is OP. Heres proof user.


Naw, bruh. IDK what you mean.

Hey, heard about the Marina Joyce shit ? If you are bored , check it out.

Give it to me straight, doctor. Am I fuckable?

Drunk and alone here as well.
Wish I had some coke
>tfw I was once happy




how is that related to anything

What a nigger. Literally called that shit.

what happened?

Fuck you, that's why.


Long story short, ex left me
That was over two years ago though, but shit just gets worse and worse
Ah, you're the local feels thread shitposter. My bad, I rarely come on b anymore.


Summers here.

what the fuuu...is this real?


Summer is over.

IDK what this gif is.


Cats are for fucking faggots.
Do you feel that you homo?
Psychos drink alone.
Make sure to load your gun and keep it close by

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8


Yo where did ya get that poster behind you, its beautiful and I want it




OP here, smashing back rolling rocks netflixing, how is your night going?

This is my blanket. There are many like it, but this one's mine.


Does it come with that frame?


No, cheap one I got a t Wal-Mart for like $8, or something.


what kind of fucking retard finds these genuinely funny?



Dude also thank you for showing me this site, so many fucking posters


fuckin disturbing man


Check out their sharkrobot.com/products/zip-up-hoodie-evolution-of-water.
Shit legit.

DSBM is fookin dope


I fuckin' love that artist. Ted McKeever is the shit.




One off.

good pups, user.

I quit drinking 2 weeks ago. Can't even go a few hours without thinking about going out to get a few drinks.

Нахуй иди, уёбок. Скорейшей смерти тебе.



Hey buddy I'm drinking alone too and I've been posting watcha drinking Sup Forums threads all day. I posted three threads with no response. So from one kindred spirit from another.

Fuck these underage summer fags.


English Bull Mastiff's are some biggies

Genuine kek

I like chihuahuas.

chihuahua or blueberry muffin? the real question...


same guy with the bull mastiff pic, heres another pupper




Which one?

thanks fam.


Ahh, alright. I'm a big dog person. Im looking for the pic I know you would love. Here user.


Always found this one funny

I plan on getting a German Shepard in a few years.
Need a big dog to run with, tiny chihuahua legs can't keep up.

im a Papa John's man myself.

BRUH, believe me. I've order so much from Papa Johns, really cheap (50% off), but Dominoes Pan Pizza is da shit.



German shepards are great protection and family dogs. I have a black lab right now full blooded. She's an old lady now though, she turned 14 this year. Baby girl's name is Sophie. Here's a pic user. I got a couple more aswell.


2nd pic

Here's the 3rd, got the baby dressed up in the pittsburgh gear

But seriously? Where are all the grizzled lonely alcoholics that I once knew and loved. This place has become shittier than it ever has before. Where are the original threads? It's just regurgitation of all the shit Sup Forumstards used to consider cancer. This place is pure fucking cancer

Never been a fan of deep dish too much. Had it once years ago and wasn't into it. I'll stick to my plebian thin crust pizza.

Late to the party, Sup Forumsrother, what are you drinking?

What time is it where you are?

We move on user. We move on or we adapt to try to capture that feeling we once had.

She looks quite calm. Sure, she's had many great years.