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Lots of different production ideas, and a lot of different approaches to flow tone, and delivery from Ritchie, pretty good so far, but I'm only on my third listen

What do you think of Eeny Meeny Miny Moe?

my favorite non single on first listen

Ritchie has said in interviews that's he's a big fan of Death Grips, and I'm glad they can work that influence really well into more traditional rap, I like it a lot

I love how versatile these guys are, between tracks like EMMM and slower tracks

Really good, but not as good as LFTDO imo
still a strong 8 tho, shit bangs

this is gooooooooood, damn
bad boys 3 is fantastic

holy shit s on my chest slaps

Second listen, loving it so far.

"Oh Shit" is one of the hardest songs I've heard in a long time and it gets me hyped like only Death Grips used to. I have great expectations for these boys.

Shame it's the worst song though

the worst one is the one with vic mensa

It's surprisingly fucking good, after a few listens. I liked the first album but it didn't get me hooked and I never returned to it, but this goes so hard that I'm gonna get back to it now that they're showing promising results.


found it on soundcloud

Wow, you guys are actually helpful.
Thanks for linking it instead of just sending me elsewhere

Top 3 hip hop albums of the year

Oh nice didn't realiset this was released I was a fan of live from the dentists office, Anyone got a mega?
free here

Nevermind just realised theres a link here

it was pretty good except for Vic Mensa's verse
>used to vaca in Jamaica no you're Jamaican me crazy

yeah definitely the weakest point on the album.


Definitely one of the best hip hop albums of this year.

Not a huge fan of the death-grips approach, like it reminded me of Cherry Bomb (internal puking). But the rhymes were good I guess. but like, really? "eeny meeny miny moe"? like c'mon, who wrote off on that premise.

Why Vic have to shit the bed with that line.

2016 Interlude was the cringiest part for obvious reasons


shut up sam hyde

also it really sucks how they had that fucko from wolvves on the album, he's like an outed abuser or whatever


>All This Money
>S on My Chest
>What's Goodie
>Eeny Meeny Miney Moe

>Oh Shit!!!
>Girl With the Gold Wrist
>2016 Interlude
>All Quiet on the West Side

>Bad Boys 3
>Back Then
>Look Mama I Did It

>Keep on Slippin

You mean 2016 interlude

How can you not like 2016 Interlude

It's so fucking short and so goddamn catchy

it's annoying, repetative, and is in general throwaway shit. Political adgenda aside.
>It's 2016 meme

Probably one of the few "interlude" tracks I've ever really enjoyed on an album.

Also; what's wrong with the political message? Lol

Definitely a throwaway track. Wished they used the instrumental on something else.

Anybody else getting a strong Das Racist vibe on tracks like What's Goodie and 2016 Interlude?

>Bad Boys 3 and Look Mama I Did It
Fuck outta here those tracks are great.

Yes definitely

one of the niggas sounds so much like kanye west but I like it 7/10

Totally, these guys remind me a lot of Das Racist and The Cool Kids.

anyone else wish they didn't end s on ya chest with the sped up vocals?

all quiet on the west side is so fucking comfy

The one thing keeping this album from being perfect is that I feel like they rely on hooks too much. Eeny Meeny Miny Moe is fucking brilliant but the hook takes up more than half of the song, and it's fine because it's a really good hook, but it gets old. I feel like on a lot of songs they are wasting potential for verses that would add much more than just a hook-verse-hook-bridge-hook structure. What's Goodie is best song on the album because it goes away from this