How pure does your fiance have to be

how pure does your fiance have to be

does she have to have a clean background, and be a virgin

or does love conquer all

pic related my future wife back when

Hope she got those teeth fixed.

has braces now

great bjs tho

user, disregard the middle eastern philosophies that try and dominate humanity with ideals such as naivete and submission as virtue.
You want a woman and man to lie together for life? they must know and be confident in their own sexuality and make sure they are both compatible or flexible with each others needs.

If I ever marry I want my woman to be as sexually confident and experienced as myself because I plan introducing guests.

if I could I'd have a line marriage with three women and at least one other guy.

she looks totally molestable in that pic.

What makes them so great?

Fuck I'd kidnap her

No STD's
No felonies
No kids
No exes with which they have contact
No debt

This guy gets it.


This is pretty logical shit right here.

>"His heart leapt. Scores of times she had done it: he wished it had been hundreds – thousands. Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope. Who knew, perhaps the Party was rotten under the surface, its cult of strenuousness and selfdenial simply a sham concealing iniquity. If he could have infected the whole lot of them with leprosy or syphilis, how gladly he would have done so! Anything to rot, to weaken, to undermine! He pulled her down so that they were kneeling face to face. "Listen. The more men you've had, the more I love you. Do you understand that?" (2.2.54-55, Winston)

This but also
>has their own car
>is already holding a steady job
>lives on their own

she takes special care

much fun

This guy gets it. I don't care if she's fucked other guys before. I just want her to be a decent human being

>triggered every permavirgin beta in the thread with sense and logic

Completely agree.

No blacks or dogs

Other than those, I'd be thrilled with her.

She is gorgeous OP!

all natural:

no fake tits
no pluck
no nail clips
no shave
no bathing or shower
no hairstlyes
no cloth
no gloss
no voice

Gross, she needs basic grooming standards, fag.

If she's taken a brown dick I'm out. Doesn't matter if it's Jamal, José, Mohammad, or Hajeet; if she's gone brown, put it down.