Name an album with better drumming

name an album with better drumming

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I can't


drumming isn't music


Music isn't music if you think about it...



wtf i hate music now




Are you all fucking serious?

Anything by Meshuggah

Technically an EP but

Pretty much any "Rush" album.

It's actually the only thing that makes this bearable after 2 minutes.


only good answer desu


Literally any album by these crazy canucks except for their self-titlted / debut album, they didn't have Peart in the early days.

Don't mean to make us look like same fag the lame fags but come on rush is a given


are you fucking stupid? theres no drums on this kys

literally the only good thing of 10,000 days
no drums are the better drums

If you know you are getting trolled why do you still get mad?

>thinking any jazz at all is better than spiderland

take your blips bloops zamboowa negro booga somewhere else fgt

>look at thread
>almost zero jazz albums
Sup Forums is legitimately embarrassing

Listening to this would be better than anything that piece of shit "band" did.

nice bait


Not intended to be. They really are horrible.


lmao fuck off with Nile. Awful band.


These and every other Can or Miles album, + many more
Spiderland has pretty good percussion but it doesn't stand up to the best at all.

Clem Burke a best


Every Led Zeppelin album for starters

off of the top of my head
david bowie - blackstar
melt-banana - cellscape

Tago Mago

Any jazz or fusion album
Any peak Can album
Most good (key word) prog albums
A lot of metal albums

I do love Britt's style though

all of unwounds lp's have pretty tight drumming

his style is unparalleled

I can't, this has the perfect drumming for the album. It was the album that made me pick up drumming. Though "by-" has some of my favorite Zach Hill drumming

sara might be my favourite drummer. not the best, but she has a pretty unique sense of rhythm

agreed, it's weird how immediately noticeable his style is, even in different contexts (like the first breeders album). but on spiderland it matches the mood so well. nosferatu man in particular is just brutal. the recording quality helps too

bit of a stupid bait thread because there are many albums in completely different genres that have technically much better drummers and aren't even really worth comparing sonically

Fuck man

im not even sure if i like spiderland or just britt walfords drumming on it

what? it's all around an amazing album, the drums just compliment it so much that they stand out in a nice way

no yeah you're definitely right


Any Blink 182 album

Any Rush
Any 70s/80s Frank Zappa
Any The Police
Any Tool


sure no problem

double nickels on the dime

Josh Block is by far the greatest drummer out there, and I'd wager of all time.
Panda is real fun, always forget that he blazes the kit.

Britt Walford isn't the best drummer of all time, but there's something incredible about the drumming on Spiderland. Maybe it's the dynamics or the way it was recorded, but there's just a certain character to it. People think of it as a very guitar driven album, but I honestly think the drumming is what steals the show.


Ever seen the documentary, Breadcrumb Trail?

Britt's drumming on Pod is groovy as fuck.

Yeah, loved it. It gave me the impression that Britt had a huge influence on what made Spiderland what it was, even if Brian is frontman for it.

Yeah they go inton quite some deep explanation about their traits and styles.

Glad I bought the 2014 remaster which actually sounds just as good as the original, and comes with the dvd.


This right here, and Nation Of Ulysses

Dis nigga knows.

actually, yeah. music is just a bunch of audible vibrations that human brain is perceiving as organized

it's all of it for me. just a perfect album all around. they had ridiculous chemistry, and clearly all kinda understood each other in and out of the studio. I think what makes it work is that no one really steals the show, nor do they have to. almost like fugazi but with a more singular focus

really hard to believe all these weirdos just happened to be together in louisville of all places, especially since they weren't even the only band like that to come out of the scene

the demos that came with that are great, too. pam and brian's song especially

>tfw too inhuman to enjoy music

then post a jazz album


Fuck year, Polvo has really awesome drumming.

"What is hip?" is disgusting.


Jeremy Barnes is really good


Anything with Bruford or Elvin Jones


i have been woked




wtf I hate drums now


these also

The drumming is definitely unmatched, i can listen to spiderland and focus solely on the drums and its amazing


oh i remember this album has fucking great drums too.

Oh god yes

i like you


was he trying to make some statement?

correct, though the drumming on spiderland is by no means bad


milo goes to college

sounds like a drum machine
