So this girl was attacked while home alone. Raped, tortured, had her fingers, feet, arms legs...well, as you can see...

So this girl was attacked while home alone. Raped, tortured, had her fingers, feet, arms legs...well, as you can see, basically everything... chopped the fuck off while she was still alive. she then had her flesh torn off and was made to watch her sister get hanged. the girls were then laid out for their parents to find when they got home.

how was your day?

Other urls found in this thread:

and her sis

Where did this happen? Mexico?

My day was okay thanks for asking. 6 hour shift at burger king. I had to deal with a new employee though. Training them is always tough.

I had a pretty good day user. I don't really care about this - pain to other people doesn't affect me. I'm a hedonist. I don't like pain, so I choose not to experience it.

My day was great! Unlike this girl, I didn't see any niggers.

yeah that sounds intense

Today was pretty nice. Walked my neighbor's dog. Started reading a new book. Made some lasagna.

God is dead.

Let's ask the "Survival of the Fittest" memelords what they think!

Did she survive?

Without love we are nothing but monsters.

It ok OP. You can tell she deserved it by her skincolor.

Went pretty okay. Got my crazy pills today from my family doctor. Caulked some baseboards along the stairs and the bathroom. Smoked a lot. Job interview tomorrow.

What do you expect us to do? Shit happens.

Why murder and rape a little girl if you aren't going to film it and put it on /b for all to enjoy?


I love monsters


this is like 5+ years old and it's from mexico

I was having an alright day until I read this

>training new employee

Fuuuuuuuuck. Right in the feels. I know your pain bro. Seems I have to train someone new every two weeks at my job.

I couldn't make it through more than a few paragraphs of that drivel.
Too right, user.


My day was pretty tough. I had to travel 40 minutes to uni and it was raining and i had no umbrella.

After class I just came back and have been on my computer since.

So I guess I had a hard day too, just like the girl in your pic.

dats a movie prop... also watermark says jj abrams films

Bet the face is untouched because he was enjoying the facial expressions.

Should humans all simply fucking die? What the fuck is wrong with us. Humans are a cancer on existence.

Fucking kek'd

>that one idiot

This was in like Brazil or some back water ass ghetto nation mid 2000's before they knew moving pictures existed

Few broken bones

>Should humans all simply fucking die?
Yep. Why don't we start with you.


psh, go on then. cunt. life a shit.

hmm, maybe because you are a terrible trainer. quit your job and jump off a cliff.

good post.

My day was good user. I attacked this little girl while she was home alone, raped her then proceeded to cut her limbs off... Well you know the rest, so all in all was a top day :)


>first time with this lady
>cum so fast
>like Sonic

And your lady have a bad day?? Fuck you /bro!

bet this shit happens all the time in billionaires' mansions. human sacrifice is no less common today than it has ever been.

I'm just gonna be that one cunt and say.

Repost after repost after repost.


My day was pretty shitty user.
I had to try and find some asshole who raped a little girl, cut off her limbs, and hung her sister.
That fucker is still out there, by the way.

My feet hurt from work.

>i'm sad that this isn't more common
are you per chance single?

Well I safely drove to the store, met a friend, went to the gym, ate dinner and didnt have anything bad happen because I live in America and im white.

Jesus that's fucking horrible.

So your saying America is a safe place to live? Kek'd

So me saying repost means that I want more murders to happen? More like I want some original shit to happen since all that happens on Sup Forums nowadays is unoriginal bullcrap.

>implying you didn't feel a guilty tingle

I herd her parents were involved with the cartel

The little girl never thought she would see the floor from that angle

Took some morphine, then some oxycodone

Then worked on projects for a little bit. Ate some bomb ass hogies. Life is good.

Yup believe so

RNfag here. Worked a 16 hour shift and now shitposting and having a beer. Been a pretty good day

welp, i guess this is the price we must all pay, otherwise we'd all be marijuanahing until extinct from reefer madness.

>Took some morphine, then some oxycodone
i bet that chopped up little spic wished she had some morphine and oxy while getting her limbs cut off.

omg kekekekekek

Go to bed, summerfag.

Having a stroke?

Yes those girl certainly choose to experience that. What were they thinking?!

We? Don't include me in that shit. I'm capable of some pretty violent things, but not torturing and murdering little kids. That's some subhuman shit right there.

And I don't need fucking LOVE not to be a complete fucking morlock.

These mexican cartel fuckers are basically Isis on cocaine.

It was alright user, covered a shift at Starbucks, it sucks tho because another local Starbucks is under renevation so they cut our hours to fit in the baristas from there store into ours labor wise

>cartel fuckers
This shit is global, common, nothing new and probably happening to some screaming, pleading loli right now.

My day was ok OP. Was really got here in LA. Can't wait for the weekend. Can't wait to see Robbie Lawler know out that nigger Tyron Woodley.

But no really.
Why does this turn anyone on?

hmm, I work at an abattoir, we skin, gut and bone out little animals just like the girl in that picture.

do you ever fap on their corpses while asserting your human dominance by eating burgers as you cum on the burger's kid?