>fucked 18 girls

where you at Sup Forums

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She's my wife.


be nice to all the girls in high school

the ugliest get hot and rich

21, fucked 2. Love of my life just fucked someone else so I guess the dick game ain't too strong. RIP me.


>admitting you're 16 on an 18+ website


19 girls
do i win a prize?

> 20
> fucked 1
> it was in january this year


I am 34 today. Been with my wife for ten years, only woman I have ever been with. Two kids, 3 years and 3 months. Wouldn't change anything for the world.
You ever wake up to the perfect day? That is my life every morning.


It was fucking disgusting. Stinky fucking Chinese vagina. FUCK.

>20+- (you start to lose count after 10 or so)
>Fucked over a thousand times and now dick game too strong
>Moral of the story: Even if you can, doesn't mean you should

so u gay now fam?

>still virgin

That's pretty sweet user.
I used to feel the same way until my wife left me.

No. I'm just a desperate pervert.




Alpha as fuck!

Its summer. Forgive him. Besides, we all know that Sup Forums has always been filled with kids and everybody knows that. Site is already cancer anyway so why not add to it with more faggot kids?


21 soon and I got zeroooo

one was my best friends ex

>Some faggot has to listen to what another faggot says online and wait two more years just to use the site or lurk because muh rules

I've been on the other end of that stick, lol! Not a good feeling but you learn from it. Plenty of fish in the sea

>stopped counting past 10
>probably 30+
>uni and tinder around uni is full of sluts
>actually bored of it now
>stuck with it because I can't get a decent woman for long term, and i only know how to get sluts

>Had a threeway
>Not the gay kind

so 2?

You're a shit friend. Even if your friend says it's cool with him if you bang his ex, he isn't cool with it.

>1 girl

7.5 years being her boyfriend now.

Stopped counting a long time ago. Now a days I only do escorts, less bullshit.

I'm saving my character points until I become a wizard. I'm gonna be a powerful wizard

Do you guys still fuck, at this point?


I don't fuck since 17 because my gf don't wanna have sex kek but I love her and respect it.


oh how true this is

Only 6, I always end up doing LTR, I like the bond aspect

1 girl
Married her. Pic related.

Been there for 3 years now with my gf.


Wow, she reminds me of my Ukrainian girlfriend back in high school

32 and stopped counting around 20. My best guess at this point is north of 40

25, been with 43

>4 girls

>fucked 5 different girls
>god tier hardcore sex tho

>Fucked 0 Girls

Bet I can catch up without even starting until I hit 19.

Yes, but not as much as before.

Man not everybody has the dedication and willpower to be an aspiring wizard and stick with it. Gotta put in work to become a wizard. People are gonna be so jealous when we get there

>fucked 34 girls
Oh whale

get hiv you fucking faggot

> 28
> 52 with 30 of those being the past year and a half after i split with my fiance and partner of 9 years


I pray for a day in your life, user. Don't take it for granted


22, 20. Been with same girl for 2 years though. So 20 at 20.

>26 years
>fucked 3 diffrent girls, and about 12 diffrent escort girls.

32.. Around 65 ballpark.

If this was YLYL I would've lost to that pic

> 24
>fucked 1
>Spetember 2015 - late June 2016
>pic related
>the feels when she cuts off our friends with benefits/quasi relationship (we were pretty intense but not actually together), because she started a new job and met some little bitch dude.
>Back to the hand game boys

true. started losing count shortly after 20 too. Advice - No woman will ever believe you when you tell them this. After 10 yrs together my wife still thinks I just don't want to tell her the 'real' number. For some reason she needs to believe that it is around 100. My guess is it is around 50, but I honestly do not know. Maybe when I die I will see the real number when I am shown my end-game stats.

21 and 1 girl
>fooled around with maybe 15 girls in school and college bj wide.
>whenever about to stick it in realised I couldn't care less about them and wasn't going to expend energy shagging when I wouldn't enjoy it
>Decide to wait till right girl
>Find her just before 17th bday
>Had sex at least 7-8 times a week
>She died when I was 20
>I now have no interest in any other girl
>Regret not taking my chances back in school
>Thank god for cocaine and heroin, fuck everything

Why wouldn't you have enjoyed with the first girls.? Also sorry about your missus, that sucks man.

32 in a month

115-125 (I've lost exact count at this point)

teach us


60-80 lost count when I was 30.

When I was 25 I had a penthouse apartment, a porche 911 and three motorcycles. It helped. Only have a house and a family car with my wife and kids now.


Well it helps that I'm not ugly. I'm driven so I have money, nice car, and am not a douche bag. Although some chicks like that shit. I've met most girls online. Be nice, but not a white knight faggot. Get to the point as far as showing interest and asking them out. Don't be a goober, and it's not that hard. Some girls will give you shit like I'm pure, and I'm not looking for sex, and at the end of the night they'll be swallowing your load. Girls feel shame for wanting to be whores, so just make them feel comfortable being whores.

damn bro what happened


>fucked no girls

>kissed no girls

100% complete virgin

where you at Sup Forums

>21;18 girls 1 time each

pshhh 30;7 girls but hundreds if not thousands of times each destroying every hole on them just about any way possible. Id take quality of slamming over quantity of slammed any day.

>3 confirmed

There is a chance it could be four, but we both were apparently blacked out drunk so we'll never know for sure


same here

1 (my wife )

At least double dipped most of them


i was abused as a child and havent ever done anything more than masturbation i cant reallly even give myself handys but instead put a piece of fur on my bed and fuck that missionary position

>Doesnt know how to green text


Meh, still feel like a virgin haven't got any in a year.

Just don't, I like all the other shit that comes with a gf, not just fucking some slag



Why would I green text when it isn't a story fuck face?

>0 fucks
>0 kisses

Gonna wait for one girl and one girl only.

Nigga u expect me to believe this

That's just fucking stupid. No such thing as 'the one', you're gonna miss out on a lot of potentially amazing girls.

I used to believe in this. Then I got laid and saw the light.

eh don't care much for how much pussy I get as long as I settle with one but I don't want to waste time on women I won't settle with


I know most of you will give me a lot of shit for saying this but I don't think being a virgin is that big of a deal.
I'm 19, good-looking, social, smart and kind of rich(my parents are). I have made out with a few girls and love spending time with them, and they love spending time with me aswell. Despite this I'm still a virgin, even though I have had plenty of chances losing it. I live in a small town where everyone knows eachother so that makes everything harder. I'm glad I haven't fucked around like many other guys, since they're now looked down on by many people. I don't want to fuck just to lose my virginity, that's just stupid.
>inb4 faggot
>inb4 low confidence
Come at me faggots

If you're not ugly go get shitfaced in a club
>music so loud girls can't hear you speak like an autist
>you're so drunk you lose enough inhibition to seem maybe a bit cool
>some aggressive 5-6 whose face you can barely see comes grind on you
>play into it, caress her hips, turn her around after a while and reach for the sloppy drunk ass makeout, play with her hair and her ass
>never see her again and never know her name
so then you can end up like me, still a virgin but got 2 kisses biiiiiiiitch




stable relationship for 8 years atm

can you remember all the names?


dated girls for 3 years though so i was off the books for a while. could probably be around 30

I'm so jealous...really though I could fuck a girl if I wanted but I don't want to

that's ok the little hamster in your brain spun overtime to come up with some rationalizations to protect your ego

>1 girl
>1 guy

I'd shit on you if it weren't for the small town.

same lad do you just have 0 luck convincing a female of a round or two of copulation or do you not really care for casual coitus like me? i really don't see a point if it's not with someone i like very very much.

Down in one

exactly...no true purpose of tallying up random females that you have engaged in failed reproduction with.