Wtf are these Sup Forums

Wtf are these Sup Forums
They've been popping up in my apartment in increasing quantities, I've killed atleast one a day since moving in.

Another one.
Pls help

Bedbugs maybe?

Not bedbugs, do not be alarmed. Those kind of look like flour beetles to me.


Weevils confirmed.

Check your food stores, especially any supplies of rice, grains, any food you keep in containers.

You may have to toss out a lot of food.

Try to circle black marker around them I swear they won't escape.

Weevils seen here, crossing OP's border wall and impregnating his population.

They've been here since I moved in 2 weeks ago and there's almost no food for them to eat? They've just always been around m80.
They're always in varying places, typically downstairs near the kitchen, in the stairwell, or the bathroom...

bug bomb the place, and eliminate any food that they may have had access to.

They love grains and rices.

They crunch like a beetle when I squish them...
Thanks for the help Sup Forumsro's.
Now how should I go about killing every single one of these little fuckers, along with earwigs, cause I got one of them yesterday also.
>inb4 cumbomb

Going to have to wait till my next pay check for that..
Any brand you'd recommend? Can I get them from a hardware store? I don't really wanna have to call an exterminator

Move the fuck out, that shit hole is infested.

Bug Bomb them.

remember to open all cupboards, move all couch cushions, anything that would provide cover, open it up, think like a rat and they'll have nowhere to hide.

Pretend you're Christoph Waltz on a jew hunt, and you'll clean out your apt.

Call an exterminator, you'll end up saving money, in the end.

Most big stores have something. Probably a hardware store too.

Do you have pets? If so, keep them away from the apt for 48 hours from the moment you bomb the place.

There's no where for me to go user, and I've already got a 1 year lease agreement signed.
The price was too good to pass up; and the neighborhood is amazing, primarily military, so quiet.
Pets aside from spayed and declawed aren't allowed.
No couch in here yet, so it shouldn't be too hard to get em.

>only declawed allowed

Fucking Shitlords....
What the fuck.

Will a bomb also kill eggs? I want some amount of peace of mind in my new home.
The less chance of any bullshit like this happening again, the better

No that would be the landlord/manager's responsibility. No need for user to foot the bill

Dem be weevils!

When I lived in Charleston there were tons of them

Agreed. Inhumane as fuck. They didn't say anything about sneks though, of ferrets...

I think some might, or just claim to, but you can always get some spray to follow up the bombs, just shoot all your corners up like you're a 12 year old who just learned how to jerk off, and is trying to hide cum around the house.

Did you successfully get rid of them fellow user?

They were never in the house. Plenty outside though.

Usually hanging a few from the porch, and fucking one in front of the others gets the point across.

Hopefully this is the solution.
I was hoping moving to Wisconsin from the south I wouldn't have fucking bug issues in my first residences
Home infestation thread?
That's already been done with the local nig family, user.


How did you keep them out, or did they just never find their way in?



It's a frozen wasteland with nothing to offer.

Take your bed out of that frame, I guarantee there are bugs living in the corners of it.

Those frames are shit, and accumulate so much garbage.

Also, clean your fucking house m8

>been here 2 week
>working at shit gas station making $11.00 an your cause third shift
>interview at local Walmart distribution center for order filler, 18.75 starting pay
Beats the fuck out of Virginia where I came from.
I miss Ohio tho

This... Is... A picture from Google....

>gas station 11.00

I do the same and make 8.05

Fuck me....

I need to escape the south