I did some Vaporwave art, got any requests?

I did some Vaporwave art, got any requests?

The picture can't be ridiculously huge, and must be 333x480 or larger.

Landscapes work the best.

Continuing from the last thread with my last fulfilled request. If the thread 404s, I'll deliver with a new thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is the last request from the old thread.

Bump. This is nice OP. What program are you using?

First request (no tracking)

I'm using Adobe Photoshop.


Could you do something with this picture?

Something with the Bridge of the Gods, there's a personal connection to it with me.

requesting this image without this tracking thing and add tiny chinese letters that translate to "milk"

i forgot to mention, the tiny text should be in any corner of the img


Yeah, I'm just trying to get my art stuff out there.

I was already ahead of you on putting it in the corner.

Please do this one OP.


thank you man

No problem!


does this count


what is this even, you take a picture, crap it up, and call it art?



It's multiple effects, duplicating layers, replicating distortion, static and recreating the old VHS effect.

why would you do this


Not really?

Because it's a neat style? it's fun?

nice. thanks man

im flabbergasted that you would call this a style, you may have fun doing it but to call it art is absurd. by that logic i could shit on my neighbors windshield and call it art

No problem! Sorry it took so long.

Art is subjective. You literally may not find something to be art, but you literally can't say sometihng like pixel art (NES/Sega Genesis/C64) graphics, especially in videogames, in order to try to make a game while imposing limits on yourself, in the form of color limitations, resolution limitatoins, and other such limitations, to imitate how games and video game art used to be back in the time, isn't art. This does the same thing. Imitating an old piece of equipment, that can only output a certain way, and had certain flaws to it. Art is a VERY general term for a wide range of things.

I need to go out for a smoke break, if you have any requests, post them, if the thread dies, I'll make a new one and deliver.



I'll work on both of these right now. They're gonna be harder because of the larger size, and the fact that the first one has a bit of a blur and some noise.


anything here?

Will you do this one?

Pls make it amasing



that art is inspired of the cover of closes vol. 1 by boards of canada?

This turned out to be an amazing one.


Sorry it's taking so long, I was distracted by Vinesauce.