Punk is for kids with unresolved parental issues who weren't talented enough to play metal

Punk is for kids with unresolved parental issues who weren't talented enough to play metal.

>you can't debate this

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Nice projection

All i know is every kid i've met whos "really' into punk is an insufferable faggot.

"punk is the greatest musical achievement of all time man"

That implies it takes talent to play metal.

>implying playing metal is hard

>mfw I love my parents and I play in a black metal band
>mfw punk is one of my favorite genres
>mfw I'm not even an edgy person
Stop projecting.

i used to hang out with punks in grade 10 they were fucking awful, the only hot girl had herpes and the rest were just gross fat hairy sjw feminists. the whole movement seems to be targeted towards girls too fat or ugly or with too many unresolved mental issues to fit in with normal girls. and of course a bunch of beta orbiter male feminists who were self aware enough to realize that they didnt have a chance with attractive girls

Yeah, whats with every punk fan being an overly self-conscious, holier than thou puss that constantly needs to prove their right?

I feel like every time I've gone to a hardcore show, I feel like I've walked into a dick measuring contest that just happens to have guitars playing at the same time.

Anyone playing "punk" after like 1982 needs to examine their life more closely. Ditto for anyone who claims they dress or act in a "punk" fashion.


Metal is not much better

thanks for the life advice, duder

Pop punk > punk

niche subcultures think they're bearing torches

they don't see at the time that they are crafting stereotypes which are taken advantage of by companies, which destroy the artistic charm

punks past 1982 know this to be true, so most of them bought khakis and toyotas and oxford button downs. kids today think they're the only cool cultured ones, when their dads were.

"Metal doesn't require talent!"
"Punk requires just as much skill!!!"


does skramz count in this

>sjw male feminists
Those are not punks, especially when the "establishment" in America is currently full of SJW liberals. Punk is anti-establishment, and its more right-wing or libertarian than anything.

Skramz is fucking cool. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

lol u dont have to convince me man, but people who call themselves punk nowadays are fat early 20s girls who share jezebel articles on fb



whats the middle bottom album

Besides that, good chart

And yeah skramz is awesome
>tfw not in a skramz band

Pageninetynine- I forget the name but it's on RYM

This is fucking hilarious. The green-haired, Doc Martens wearing "punks" on tumblr are pathetic.

>talented enough

Is that a mannequin foot? Wtf I love skramz shows.

There might've been a time when your statement had some truth to it but all the punk rockers of yesteryear are parents now. The only rebellious thing to do now is to stay as far away from punk as possible and listen to anything that's NOT punk or even related to rock and roll for that matter.

>Seriously do you really want to end up like pic related?

Can confirm. Diehard punk fans are the most anal pretentious faggots who struggle to respect any other genre and are utterly transfixed by the need to project the right image.

Punk is strangely the most unpunk thing around. Just a few weeks ago one of the old punk rockers burned a whole lot of memorabilia on the Thames and triggered a bunch of contemporary punk fans.

Damn, well said man.

End up a happy father with a successful son? What are you trying to convey with that image?

Delete this post right fucking now.

Weird because every metalhead I know has some issues with their parents and they also got bullied a lot.

Apparently, being punk means that you have to hate your parents. I have a great relationship with my parents. All three of us voted for Trump because we all hate the current establishment, and my mom and I listen to The Ramones and The Clash together all the time. My dad enjoys laughing at SJWs with me.

Maybe I'm unfamiliar with them, but I've never seen the rebelliousness of the Ramones.

my nigger

They hated hippies and communism in 1974, and they literally have lyrics about nazism on their first album. They wrote songs like "We're At Happy Family," with lines like
>We're friends with the president
>We're friends with the pope
>We're all making a fortune selling daddy's dope

They're not as rebellious as The Clash, but they wrote some controversial songs.

I am sorry to hear that you and your family are retards.

>implying liberal SJWs aren't a fucking disease


>implying punk is inherently simple and metal is inherently complex

Both are equally fucking awful lmao

There is nothing punk about this image, and nothing punk about hating yourself for being a white male. You're just a fucking cuck. Liberals today are even more ridiculous than conservatives were in the 80s.

If you have to ask...........

That's the point. The Ramones weren't rebellious and neither was punk for that matter.

>$20.00 for a Ramones shirt at Sears?


Would you not say there are conservatives equally retarded? Like those who actually think a wall is remotely possible

Are you jealous because you can't listen to The Clash with your mom and make fun of triggered commies with your dad?

It seems like stupidity has become endemic. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

The sad thing is this image isn't accurate any more because liberals are too dumb to have actually read any literature that isn't a feminist diatribe about society reprinted on HuffPo. They barely measure up to the hippies of yesteryear who were actually widely read and aware.

>implying there isn't going to be a wall

You don't have any idea what the fuck you're talking about. You've got to have some wicked muscle endurance to tremelo pick for that long.

t. player of 10 years


I don't give a fuck about the wall, but I love the fact that Trump says whatever he wants and doesn't care if it triggers fragile college kids, he won't let people leech off the government anymore, and he isn't going to tax me to death and give the money to the middle east.

>that pic


Seems like I made the stormfaggots butthurt. What? You can't tolerate another opinion outside of your nazi hugbox? I think you mis-clicked. This is Sup Forums.

This. Black Metal is technically simple. The endurance is the hard part.

this is by far, the cringiest thing I have ever read.

Hating communism is probably the most pro-establishment you could be

>tfw you weren't part of the greatest political revolution in American history because you were too busy listening to Buzzfeed and hashtagging #NeverTrump
How does it feel, plebs? Trump's victory was a giant middle fingered "fuck you" to the establishment. Literally every politician on both sides, republican and democrat, was afraid of him. He has no political experience at all. If that's not punk, I don't know what is.

>not pro-establishment
Being force fed by the state is not punk.

>tfw you weren't part of the greatest political revolution in American history
>tfw you weren't part of the greatest political revolution

This is the white liberal.

so all real punks are commies?

>Says he's anti-establishment
>Immediately announces his cabinet is full of members of the establishment
Open your eyes, you dumb sheep.

It's the same muscle used for jacking off so they had their training already.

Good masturbator = Good metal player

that ampere/funeral diner split

i'm not going to bother explaining it to you, go read a book

as opposed to the SUPER individualist nazis , or supporting a system that exploits the majority?

punk is just hipster anarchism anyway, which is historically left wing

Can't wait till you grow up and you can't get a job aside from working in a coal mine.

Did you get lost on the way to Reddit?

lol you're supporting one of the richest men in the world

15 year old spotted

this is you

These two are polar opposites.

dude, PLEASE kill yourself. im begging you

>it's another Sup Forums gets baited into politics thread.
I can't even tell who's baiting who anymore.

How fucking underage are you?

Punk was always about provoking a reaction and has frequently embraced Nazi imagery. You just proved his point.

I'm a member of what some people call the 'punk scene' and to be honest it feels alt-right as fuck

>let's be antiestablishment by supporting ultra totalitarianism which painfully shoves dense propaganda down your throat!

Punk as a musical form can still produce some decent(albeit highly derivative and ultimately irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things) results now and again.
Punk as a viable and involved political platform died with Crass Records and (funnily enough)Ian Stuart Donaldson. Not to mention that punk's politics have always been extremely naive and uneducated in the first place, and for the most part utterly disconnected from the actual way things work and any substantially functional ways to incorporate the movement's core tenets into your life(unless your idea of punk is being a braindead, crack-addicted crust punk).
It's a largely dead medium. Who cares.

>what is socialism

best post i've read in a long time hahaha thanks OP

lol le epic burn he sure got #shrekd, upvote

>implying communism has anything to do with liberalism

K Y S before you're gulaged comrade

>who weren't talented enough to play metal
but 99% of metal is literal garbage. just go check metal archives and see how many talentless musicians there are.

Also, if you still think think there's something radical and cutting-edge about parroting basic-bitch college liberalism/reads-Marx-once-isms as preached by most punk bands, you're way behind on your fashion.
As far as the "cool and provocative" factor goes, liberalism and progressive politics are arguably the lamest, safest shit going right now.

you asked for it

nice man I love that clip

can't i like punk and metal?

i'm 29 and often find myself the oldest guy in the basement of the house show. it doesn't have to be so polarizing anymore. "punks vs metalheads" is basically a legacy feud at this point. crossover thrash killed it.

every punk i know likes some metal and vice versa. go outside more.

What is socialism?

Google defines socialism as:

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

It seems that there is no mention of totalitarianism, nor ultra propaganda.

What is fascism?

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Common arguments against socialism:

"Human nature gets in the way" - But does capitalism, or fascism follow the alpha/beta structure that exists for mammals in the animal kingdom? How come collectivism has worked in the past and the present in different contexts?

"Communism killed 500 trillion billion gazillion people" - Aside from being blatant propaganda, what can be defined as a death caused by communism? Can an ideology kill someone? How many people has capitalism or fascism killed? And what about the intentions of the death? The kulaks deserved worse anyway

"The commies are greedy jews" - Nonsense. Communists oppose the money oriented system we have now. If anything this anti-semitic caricature would be more capitalist than anything. Do not forget the right wing of the USA is in support of Israel and the zionists, including your glorious leader trump. What is more jew loving? The vast majority of left wing people are pro-palestine, and anti-zionism.

"The communists are lazy" - I don't even need to explain this one. Communists consist of the workers, the people who improve the economy, and the middle class who are class conscious. Are you employed? Are you in education?

"The communists want a world nation" - People are divided enough in left wing politics for this to be even remotely correct.


The only people who can legitimately talk about social justice without looking like a bandwagon fuckboy these days are actual minorities, not Afraudkin Americans like Shaun King and college white girls who saw #YAASQUEEN trend on twitter once.

It's the political equivalent of So Fresh; saccharine and lacking in substance.

Dude they're on the same side.

>implying every extant socialist state didn't become totalitarian
>pre-empting the reply that they weren't really socialist

anarchism isn't communism at all, although realistically most 70s punk rockers probably wanted a more socialist state and were just being edgy with anarchism

>They still believe in conspiracy theory to derail from the movement

I'm fucking cackling

>Mfw dumbasses think punk was always shitty edgy punk.
Absolutely wrong because it's always been about anarchy and sticking it to the man

"The democratic party/Bernie Sanders/Hillary are socialist/communist" - This shows very little understanding of politics, economics or history.

If you want a true understanding of socialism, communism or left wing politics in general, these sources will give a good understanding.

1. Karl Marx - The Communist Manifesto marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/

Possibly the most influential work, it's basically a brochure summing an argument for communism.

2. Leon Trotsky - The ABC of
Materialist Dialectics

A better understanding of Hegelian dialectics and dialectal materialism.

3. Vladimir Lenin - Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

An economic argument against Capitalism and Imperialism pretty much.

Pay attention here

4. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - What is Property?

Anarchism's roots are in The Enlightenment period and the French revolution, but a good place to start on anarchism is Proudhon's What is Property?

5. Pëtr Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread

A beautifully written and short book on anarchism that was very influential to the anarchist movements of the 20th and 21st century. MUST READ!

. I'd recommend reading some left wing concepts before jumping straight in.

I'm not going to say that they weren't really socialist because of three things:

(1) The totalitarian states (outside maybe The USSR and China when they were 'socialist') weren't as bad as we're taught
(2) There are areas where far left has helped substantially, such as Cuba, Rojava, Revolutionary Catalonia, The Paris Commune, Burkina Faso, Chiapas,
(3) You will dismiss that argument anyway even though it is valid


All countries that practises communism are shitholes and communism has caused millions of deaths. Commies are fucking pussies and should end themselves

>Communism killed 500 trillion billion gazillion people

I literally mocked this argument 3 posts back

>All countries that practises communism are shitholes and communism has caused millions of deaths.
inb4 pic related happens

It did kill millions in USSR though but that wasn't true communism right?

Name one (1) country that has benefited from being communistic

Move to Cuba you fucking pussy

Wrong. The CBGBs scene wasn't full of anarchists.

You sound liberal but ok