Why Sup Forums can't stop talking about Grimes?

Why Sup Forums can't stop talking about Grimes?

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le spgahet gal

Shes the closest thing to the gf that half of Sup Forums imagined for themselves.
And the longer they thought about this potential gf the more perfect she became (but didnt get any more real)
So when somebody that even slightly resembles this dream girl appears they sperg out and crown her queen of Sup Forums because according to their depraved fantasies, she is literally perfect
Even though she looks like a fucking goblin

Kill yourself.


I think her music is pretty catchy

Let me tell you something. All you said is just false cancerous crap. If you pretend she is a "goblin" then her music must be the remaining attractive element. And another thing: why do you judge her based on her appearance? Just because she's a woman? Judge her music, you stupid fuck.


I hope this is ironic
Im obviously talking about waifufags not actual fans of her music

It's not ironic. Even assuming you're talking about waifufags: what makes you believe a waifufag is attracted to goblins (a very lame and disparaging term, probably you're just projecting because you're really ugly)? If she looked like a model you would say that people only like her because she's beautiful. See your vicious circle argument?

Judging by the fact that that is what you actually think on the matter (otherwise you would have written something else) it seems pretty obvious to me that you're talking about yourself.
Whether or not that makes you a 'waiufag' is I guess between you and whoever gets to arbitrate the use of such retarded terms.

Her new album is amazing

bunch of plebs found Sup Forums and have made it their life purpose of worshiping some 28 yr old who hates their guts

>waifufags not actual fans of her music
Are they exist?

Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?

this comment is just hard to take seriously because of the way you preface it and finish it with "Checkmate!" you fucking loser

*Why the same 5 spammers can't stop shitposting about Grimes?




She only hates asshats like you who talk shit about her.

>you preface it and finish it with "Checkmate!"
Preface it? Are you blind or stupid?

5? I'm afraid you're completely delusional. There are way more than 5, and that includes the hordes of Grimes haters (they can't keep their mouths shut about her too).

A couple of spammers who post nonstop about her, including some controversial statements they know will get many responses. Basically, shitposting and constant triggering

This. The same happened with Lavren but Grimes actually makes good music so waifufags became unbearable

>including some controversial statements they know will get many responses
And what is wrong with that? Demand and offer. If there's demand (naive people ready to be triggered by anything) there's offer (trolls). Basic economy.

Serious question: are you describing yourself?

Now spit the truth: are you one of them?

this isn't remotely accurate. your shitpost goes hard

Because she's really interesting to talk about. It's really that simple.

Why do the big fans of grimes type so weirdly.
They sound like they're in a cult.

do we actually want Sup Forums to like her?

yeah often there's some narrative being proposed that never existed, it's like people don't intend to actually interact on here and just want to wipe their ass with Sup Forums

Why can't Grimes' marketing team stop making Grimes threads?

wtf who TF would ask for that in a resturant???

"yeah give me some spaghetti, the same i can cook at home in 10 minutes"... wow, what an experience im bout to have, this is gonna be DELICIOUS :)

Shes the crazy pixie gf mu has always dreamed of

yeah whats the point

Grimes is

spergy like Sup Forumstants
actually makes her music almost completely by herself
is shy and awkward in a cute way and is clearly unable to handle mainstream success
uses tons of drugs
looks just weird enough to be alt-pretty
has a really adorable and soft voice
actually has some fantastic dance/synthpop songs

She's a wet dream for people here. If she eventually starts making true patrician level work she'll be Queen of Sup Forums.

Maybe they are unpaid slaves

It's kinda like a cult. A cult of good music. A sense of humor is required if you want to understand this stuff.

i'm too good for any of that

That makes you think. On one hand the fans want her to be liked by everyone, on the other hand Sup Forums consist mostly of assholes.

Not really:
>Due to the culture of rampant contrarianism on this board, the only time you are going to see a huge majority here saying that they "like" something is when the thing in question isn't good enough to be worth hating. Likewise, the only time you are going to see a huge majority here saying that they "hate" something is when the thing in question IS good enough to be worth hating (Because - to paraphrase James Brooks - people throw rocks at things that shine because things that shine are easier to see.)
>For an artist, being universally loved on /mu is a bad sign. Likewise being universally hated on /mu is a bad sign. However being simultaneously strongly loved AND strongly hated by /mu is a wonderful sign, since the size of that dichotomy itself is the closest thing this place has to offer to a true judgment of artistic value.
>The proof that Grimes IS a great artist (insofar as /mu hive-mind opinion is concerned) lies in the fact that she has the POWER TO DIVIDE this place. Only the greatest artists can do that.

'cause she's the queen, sucker.

It's like a lamer version of Discordianism.

can't wait til sky ferreira comes back and puts an end to this grimes bullshit.

>I'm too good for having a sense of humor

More like a fresher version of Areaology tbqh.

>grimes bullshit
user, be nice to Grimes.

>can't wait til sky ferreira comes back
So, you're replacing an obsession with another obsession? It sounds like a good plan.

I didn't know this existed but I immediately feel like I belong.

As soon as the 3 main spammers leave she'll be posted as often as Burzday

>So, you're replacing an obsession with another obsession?

and then what?

>So, you're replacing an obsession with another obsession?
>can't wait til sky ferreira comes back and puts an end to this grimes bullshit.
Grimes = obsession #1, Sky Ferreira = obsession #2. Clear now?

does she have someone constantly following her taking pics of her? theres so many pics of her doing random shit posted here

this is correct.

cuz she keeps invading our dreams

horny virgins/obsessive autists

complacent shitposting

i like Grimes but this is very accurate

>very accurate
How is that accurate? That imbecile said
>Shes the closest thing to the gf that half of Sup Forums imagined for themselves.
>Even though she looks like a fucking goblin
Is Grimes really looking like a goblin? Are Sup Forums users attracted by ugly women? It doesn't make any sense. That prick is talking out of his ass. Maybe he has an ugly gf and he's mad about the fact he can't date a beautiful one ==> projecting.

you can't have a movie without somebody getting hurt

you'd think that you would eventually learn how to speak english after all the time you spend shitposting about grimes here. but that just doesn't seem to be the case.

you could use a brush up on basic logic as well.



You seem more upset over the fact that I called her a goblin than all the other insults I directed towards people like you
Wake up and smell the cum rags on your floor user
And stop fantacising about meeting her in person and just hitting it off, its not going to happen

>people like you
People like me? Yeah right, because I criticized your retarded post I'm one of "those people". Let's be real, your post is complete shit just like your mind. I'm not fantasizing about her, I just pointed out the idiocy of your post. You are mad because some people love her even if you think she's a "goblin". Grow up faggot and accept that people are allowed to like whatever artists they want. Stop assuming they think of her as a gf because she's a female, you clueless Sup Forums drone. Go fuck yourself.

Because some cancerous unwelcome outsider insurgency has set up shop here and refuses to stop spamming her dumbass face everywhere

Idk who you people are or where you came from but if I could kill you all I would


get memed bro

>if I could kill you all I would
>posts an image with him shooting himself
You're really dumb, mad edgy bruh. FYI Grimes is popular here since 2012. You can't do nothing about it.

>FYI Grimes is popular here since 2012

Go back to where you came from

>if I could kill you all I would
>shooting himself

it does have the same affect more or less

I don't think so.

Fuck off and miss me with that gay shit. Grimes isn't anywhere near my ideal girl .


just like these threads