Feels thread?

Feels thread?
Feels thread

>5th grade my family was moving
>wasn't allowed to tell anyone because my mother taught at the school I went to and they would have let her go before we left
>had a crush on a girl in my class
>she plays the guitar
>she sings like an angel
>last day of school comes around
>still haven't told anyone about the move
>she comes up to sign my yearbook
>leaves a phone number
>I move that summer
>the next year I'm looking through the old yearbook
>decide to call the number
>it was a home phone
>man answers "hello"?
>I say "sorry wrong number"
>hang up


Other urls found in this thread:


This was years ago. You can't keep living life in the past, user.

You need to move on. Find some hobbies, make some friends. You don't need a girl in your life to be a happy and fulfilled person.

Oh man I'm over it I just thought I'd share a nice sad story tonight

Anyone sad and lonely? Need a friend? If you have telegram we can talk, my user is @JesusChristMyNigga

> be 14 in christianfag family
> parents send me to some faggy christian camp
> lonely as fuck
> meet solid 7/10 freshman girl from my church
> turns out she chill af
> then some junior comes
> classic tall, white, jock, shitty grades fuckboy
> they hit it off in my cabin
Please just fucking kill me

You okay bud?

Jokes on you. I am asexual

Thanks for checking up on me, man. I'm doing good now. This was eight years ago, lol

>5th grade girl
>able to play the guitar
Somehow I doubt that. Not that it's impossible, I juuuuust fucking doubt it

Oh look, another thread where weak willed crybaby faggots bitch about a made up disease instead of actually getting off their asses and bettering themselves. Booooo

Should of stabbed them to death.


>be nerdy autistic shutin
>take a bunch of acid and become hippie, in the process fall in love with this girl
>go through several months of an agonizing emotional rollercoaster where my own issues fuck everything up
>go to a festival with her months later, she has a bf at this point and spends all weekend hooking up with this asian dude right in front of me
>homeboy passed out on ketamine sunday night and left his hat right in front of me, had wanted one all weekend and it was sold out and he was pissing me off so i took it
>see her a week later and she steals my hat and runs off
>blocks my fb snapchat and # and calls me a wook and says she never wants to see me again
>try talking to my homie about it and he is actually on her side and agrees im a dirty fucking wook
>now all my festival friends think im a wook and dont want to hang out with me
>bitch stole my hula hoop too

you deserve it for doing drugs

tru shit

Can we get some war feels?



Cry about it.

>be me 14
>friend introduces me to his kinda distant cousin while playing LoL
>we did other stuff like watch movies together
>introduces me to her big group of online friends
>after some time, we start dating
>she's in California and I'm on the rest coast
>I'm blind as fuck and never caught any red flags
>she refused to video cam
>she only showed pictures of "her"
>gives me some b.s. reason but I believe it anyways
>family is telling me she's not who she says she is but I ignore them, hoping they aren't right
>date for almost a year, when my family is going to California for my aunt's wedding
>decided to tell her I want to meet up 3 weeks before I leave
Yeah I'll see if I can
>1 week later she breaks up with me over the smallest, dumbest reason
>while I'm in california, I guess she told her cousin to tell me the truth
>turns out "she" is just some 25 year old, gay asian guy
>even the friend who introduced me doubted who "she" really was
>tells me he did it because he knew I was a loner and things like that
>pretty sure he did it for his own self-pleasure
>first time I could say I was actually in love with someone ruined
This was about a 2 years and a half ago. I still hate myself for being blindly stupid and him for wasting my time
Sorry for long post
>inb4 underage b8

fuck outta here fag stop trying to act so alpha you fucking autist

time to shank a gook

Enjoy crying in your pillow because you're too big of a pussy bitch to rise up and overcome. It's just easier to choose being a faggot instead of actually living life huh? Stay special, snowflake.

move on, it's happened to a lot of people, it'll just make you stronger and smarter in the long run just like it did to them too.

well everyone involved has done quite a bit of drugs

dude lives in like new hampshire im probably never gonna see him again

>be 20
>still lonely all the time

>too big of a pussy bitch
dude, I have a gf now, fucking chill. Have you ever even seen a fucking feels thread? How fucking retarded do you have to be to act like a fucking alpha on a feels thread? Goddamn user, do you really have to stoop so low that you have to act like the dominant male on a place where people come to talk about their feelings?

Got nothing to move on to. Usually living my life like pic related.
I do definitely feel more educated about how terrible the internet can be though.

underage b&


>be me
>I've been playing pokemon go
>i met this girl thanks to pokemon go
>i asked her out
>she said yes
>ffw date's day
>i take a shower out on some nice clothes
>on my way to see her
>i arrive to the place 15 minutes before the accorded hour
>ffw 15 min
>it's time nigga!!!
>I don't see her anywhere
>ffw 30 I still don't see her
>i get home and send her a message
>no response
>ffw today 30 mind ago
>she reply to.my message
>she gave mea shitty excuse
>i "forgive" her
>i tried to make a small talk
>no answer
>heart is broken

That was going to be my first date ever, she is beautiful and all I wanted on a girl.
Now I'm crying and lurking 4cha

It's a great messaging app. Free, can create groups with 200+ people, super super secure. I love it

Are we making a chat group?

Hopeing one day I'll make some good friends from pokemon go
>I barely go outside so I never play it

We could

Also, sorry to hear that. You'll meet another cute girl, don't worry user

At least you had the courage to ask her out my dude, you did something that half of us couldn't even bring themselves to do.

You'll go far in life man, keep looking forward.

Today is my dead brother's 30th birthday. 6 years ago he overdosed on heroin...my wife of 14 years left me in January. I dropped out of school two months ago because of depression.

I haven't felt this low since I attempted suicide at 22. That was 11 years ago. I hope Putin keeps to his word and nukes this fucking planet. If I can't get rich, fuck everyone, let this planet burn.

I'm thinking about her rn, this is hurting like a mofo

My sister passed away last week and we had her funeral yesterday. Though she made my family's life a living hell, I feel so scatterbrained and so uninspired to go on throughout the days.

I can't really get any motivation to leave the house or even talk to anybody, even with online friends. About to start a new job too, but I cant even imagine what I'll be like in front of society.

Anybody have any experience coping with a loss?

>nothing to move on to

you can move on to tomorrow, and the next day and the day after that - day by day you live life, hour by hour and minute by minute.. Get off your PC and do something different, not even productive just go get some air or something, you might just find something interesting because whatever you're looking for in life isn't on the PC.

dont worry op, she wrote her number in my yearbook too.

I lose my grandparents a few years ago, I won't lie to you it still hurts sometimes I think about them and cry like a kid.
But you will move on, you have to, time cures everything

Stay strong user

i bet you vape.

Well atleast you didn't know her. You'll meet another aspiring pokemon master again

>eurofag, just finished school (so around 20)
>had girlfriend for 2 years, lived together for around 1.5 years. Moved together while still in school
>She moved to a different city to go to universtiy, I helped her find a flat, move and all that stuff
>Went to australia with the plan to stay there for 6 months, working and traveling
>Miss her like crazy, feel sick without her
>Tell her I miss her, skype like every other day or so
>Have plan: Come back after 3 months without telling her, surprise her.
>Book flight back home, spend all my savings for the flight but don't give a shit, I'm gonna be with her again. Don't tell her
>Pick her up from her finals. She is suprised, happy and we go to a final-party (don't know what it's called)
>Have an awesome night
>Next morning she breakes up with me, says she has "developed but you stayed just the same"
>One week later she tells me she has a new boyfriend

took me over 2 years to get over her
>after 3 months for fucks sake

I did met her once, we talked and we catched pokemons together
She was perfect user

>don't have too many friends
>social anxiety
Yeah I know what I'm looking for will probably not be on my computer but it helps pass the time playing vidya all day. I'll try to be more productive next school year. Thinking about sports.
Thanks for the input though user

underage b8? not only are you under age b& your a new fag. and your fucking gay.

I meant you'll meet another girl one day. If she stood you up and never talked to you again, it might be best to forget it

got any means of contact bro? can help, been thru it and im out the other end feelin pretty good.

Every time (apart from twice) I've asked a girl out it's always been an incredibly awkward situation.

the most memorable time it happened was this

>be 13
>mums friend has a really hot blonde 12 year old daughter
>liked her since I was 8
>was a retarded kid and I never knew how to show feelings for a girl so I would always act out around them etc
>our families are going to some theme park
>go on loads of rides with her
>make eye contact for a shit load of time just smiling at each other while on some ride that I obviously wasn't having too much fun on
>end of the ride tell her I like her
>she awkwardly looks away and changes subject

I remember in school too (i was like 8 or 9) I asked a girl out and she just looked at me and laughed. Shit hurt mayn. I'm over both experiences and I've tried perusing multiple girls since but still a more or less kissless virgin at 21.

Thanks user but I think I'll be alright

Oh shit I didn't explain the apart from twice thing

>me 15 year old
>last year of school
>really like this cute tomboy looking girl
>I'm too awkward to ask her out because for whatever reason I care about what my peers would think of me (even though I'm not incredibly liked anyways)
>flirt with her a shit load on MSN
>next day she knocks at my door
>can hear ask my mother "Hey is user coming out?"
>said no and played RuneScape.
>she lived a good 15 minute walk away from me

other time:
>playing football as a kid
>a diff tomboy asked me out
>i didn't really like her though so said no but still want to be friends
>she's lesbian now

>said no and played RuneScape
>ma nigga

>Be 22
>Homeless since 18
>Lose all friends at end of high school
>Loneliness is the worst thing about being homeless. you have to depend on yourself, and when you tell people about being homeless those people make you feel like they are happier with your life in disarray, because of the negative things they say.
>Move in with randos on craigslist so i dont have to live wondering if i will have shelter, while being tormented by abusive family
>One rando is cool but location is bad
>Move to another location
>Terrible rando
>Actively tries to insult me, dog attacks me
>Bad stuff happens
>I move in with new randos
>6 other college students
>They throw a potluck party for me just for moving in and invite a bunch of other nice people
>They involve me in everything
>We go out, throw parties, work, make meals together
>I even get christmas presents for the first time since I was 15 years old
>This lasts for over a year
>Lease is ending, they've finished their degrees
>Everyone moves out
>Now I live alone, friendless again
>We don't talk at all anymore



I keep dreaming about my old classmates who I haven't seen in almost 10 years since I moved to another country. There's especially this girl who was my 1st gf and later close friend. I found her fb and everything but it would be extremely weird to add her. I just keep dreaming with her and there's nothing I can do.

Sorry user.
Don't let the sadness linger though, it won't really help. Go through the emotions and keep going. Time won't stop for you. when it'll be your time to truly die, dont give yourself any reason to regret not doing something. Don't do it for you, do it for future dying you.

>it would be extremely weird to add her.
Fuck that, nigger, do it. Maybe she misses you too.

Send her a friend request. If she accepts, awesome, if she doesn't, move on.

>Be me right now 15
>about to go to sleep contemplating my existence
>have to go pee
>pretty poorly made house have to walk through sisters room to get to the bath room
>sister has a curtain over her bed so she has privacy
>walk past see through crack in the curtain
>her and her friend snuggling
>she offen said she had a girlfriend I just thought of it as they just friends who say that
>go pee
>walk back to room
>lay down start to cry a little
>my 12 year old sister has a girlfriend and I'm 15 and have never had a girls phone number
>I want to die

Pic unrelated

Thought a picture was going to show up guess not

tru say

Pic for science?

Lost my dad to cancer in December.

>fucking miss him everyday
>had a dream two weeks ago
>drove off a cliff killing myself
>no thoughts of suicide ever or wanting to hurt myself
>grieving counselor tells me it's my conscious wanting to be back with my dad
>fuck I miss you dad

Unfortunately it's dark and they are both fully clothed it's 4 am where I am right now

We... Should...

>Never any cheese pizza in Sup Forums anymore

And both if them are like 4/10 and mabeya 5/10

waking up every day next to her, making love to her, never tiring of her

even when you argue and have fights like all couples do

tfw you'll never experience that bliss

And thus the crippling depression kicks in

Star Wars dad here. Saw my son stand on his own today. He totally made it a few seconds without holding on to anything. It was incredible.

Just 159 hours until next time.

Just take him and run away you fuck.
My father never did and it was the worst mistake of our lives.
Hes a cunt now though, so who knows.
I would for sure.

i was not ready for that

Start lifting

You have telegram?

Shit like this realily make me question the world

Keep being a great father. Always see him whenever you can. He'll love you as he grows up and might decide on his own to move in with you when he grows older. Thank you for your service as a father btw, fathers never get any recognition though they have the greatest influence over both female and male offspring.

Do you think you would be a lot less depressed if it wasnt for your sex drive?

serves you right for being a dirty wookie

How is the mom doing user

>Be me a year or 2 ago
>meet qt at my school hit it off and we're best friends
>get courage going to ask her out on a date tomorrow
>later that night mom says we're moving in a week
>Install sad
>super depressed
>tell her I'm moving
>my friends have a small party during lunch for my
>she's there
>cry a little bit
>fast forward Friday
>exchange email with her she dosent have a phone
> about to go on the buss home and star moving stuff
>she hugs me and I cry I little bit
>say bye and cry a little
>whole bus ride only thinking about her
>be me today haven't talked to her since and super depressed

Fuck man same :(
It'll get better, right?

Everyone around me is dying but no matter how much i poison myself i wake up every fucking morning.

>always had this weird lonely feeling growing up
>even when out with friends and people that I love and care about, get that lonely feeling
>suddenly that feeling all the time
>friends dont know what to do to help
>nothing but panic attacks and depression
>cant see psychologist til next week
it'll get better, right?

Feelsbadman check em though

Fuck I lost my Grandpa in December. Didn't fully hit me until I talked to my Grandma on the phone and cried as soon as I heard her voice. Shit hurts, man.

I feel ya. Just saw a video of my dad (RIP) playing with his dog, the day before this last father's day. Was the first time I heard his voice since I was a kid. Instant tears man, was a wreck for days

>be me 2 months ago
>my dog is a cockerspanial
>he get sick take him to the vet
>has medicine and is working
>week later dad text saying he's at the vet causee he's puking up blood
>says there going to put him down
>accept fate but still bawl my eyes out
>he sit in a urn on our fireplace now
>but it ain't ogre yet
>we have another one much older
>Know he might die soon
>4 days after cockerspanial died
>Dad text me he's dead too cry even more
>still depressed
> well now our other dog sits next to the cockerspaniel on the fire place

I'm still fucking depressed and trying to move on

>doing track becasue third sport in the year is free
>dont want to go home after school
>so i do track
>girl 3 years younger that me in track
>super cute
>pretty laugh
>perfect body type
>develop cordial friendship throughout HS
>I graduate
>fuck up at life with college and trying to be an adult
>end up driving a forklift for 60 hours a week
>have date with said girl out of the blue
>isnt whore (impressions can be wrong)
>can kinda keep up with me on intellectual level
>it goes real well
>she says we should do it again
>phone dies for good day after date
>dont get new phone until week later because poor
>get new phone
>text her 3 times with appropriate spacing
>she doesnt text back
>no grills in life since

I'm about to lose my girlfriend and best friend who saved my life when I was at my lowest point. I don't wanna go into detail about it, but it's extremely fucky and I just don't see any other way this will end up. I hate myself and want to die, Sup Forums. She is my everything and the fucking thought of losing her hurts so much. We planned on getting married and living together in a big house with two dogs, which we agreed would be a half husky and half German Shepard mix and a shiba inu.It's another lonely, endless night of crying.

"Our songs" were Swing Life Away by Rise Against and Everlong by Foo Fighters.



I was in the same position 4 years ago
There's no easy way through it, but the only way through is right through the middle
I dont know how but I survived
If I did, you can too

im sorry user.

hope you find someone or something

I paid this 9/10 girl to have Sex with me because I felt like I'll never get laid because of my confidence. Right after it was finished I felt like lower class scum. It did help because I'm now engaged but I can never shake of the feeling of what I've done.

Thanks. I really appreciate it, user.

You will make new friends don't worry my G

we may have poor self esteem and are complete trainwrecks but somehow we still manage to help each other out
you're gonna make it brah, it'll be okay


>30th birthday
>had two kinda-sorta FWB at the time
>they say, why not a threesome?
>fuck yeah!
>starts off with the cuddling
>they're into it
>they're really into it
>they ignore me
>I go off to play videogames with them making out and petting each other on my bed
>all alone

it's ok user. if they're gonna be cunts
about it and seclude you, then so be it. fuck them, go out and find a girlfriend or close female friend. don't worry about talking to them, just be yourself. good luck buddy