So since Thursday last week I've been having some problems:

So since Thursday last week I've been having some problems:
Thursday - Woke up in the morning and couldn't pee for the life of me despite needing too, caused immense stinging pain at the tip of the penis.
Friday and Saturday - The same, it would very gradually improve throughout the day but never getting better, always still a struggle to pee.
Sunday - Peeing was getting easier but now I had a very sore lower abdomen as well.
Monday - Saw the doctor, got antibiotics, bought some Ural (like something you mix into water to relieve pain associated with UTIs) Did a urine test and that came back with nothing.

Now it only hurts a very very small amount to pee, it's probably normal now and I'm just more conscious of the feeling at the moment. Went back today and did a swab test and blood test. Because the main source of pain has now become my lower abdomen, like it was almost crippling at times starting Monday, it would force me to lie down. Now its very sharp and hurts quite a bit when I get up and move around, as well as dull ache in my left testicle (not hurting anywhere near as much as abdomen).

When I try to defecate I cant, if I push or anything it hurts my lower abdomen, and I don't want to force anything obviously. Been drinking water and trying to keep eating.

wtf is wrong with me, if anyone can help I can buy you a steam game up to $20 , include ID in the response please

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inb4 cancer and/or aids

pls b, help a brother out, its killing me


It's cancer AND aids

That sounds horrible bro. Could it be stones?

Kidney stones?

that's what the dr said she will be looking at with the blood test, it very well could be. But I haven't been passing anything like the symptoms of kidney stones say so not sure

I don't know what the hell it could be but good luck user

actually a couple of the symptoms do match up, my bad, but I haven't had blood or "tiny stones" in my urine

the fact that your doctor is this horrible, is alarming.

so is the pain any worse on a side of the abdomen?

if not i'll say stones too. but you need a better doctor.

maybe prostatitis?

prostatitis can mess with urination, cause pain, and hurt your lower abdomen.

And have you been screwing around? Symptoms could suggest Ghonorria or clamydia

yeah she isn't my usual doc, he is on holidays at the moment. It's pretty even, there were stages where it was more on the right, now however, more on the left. I'll check that link thank you

well consistent gf of 3 years, she was my first, I have admittedly cheated twice but the last time was many months ago, condom both times except for oral

edit: not dismissing this though, I don't know how long something like that could stick around for. Have been feeling pretty damn fine before this happened for the 2-3 months since the cheat

Sounds like kidney stones to me. The fact that your urine tests came back negative supports that. They usually test for gonorrhea and shit like that.
Go see a real doctor and get checked for stones.

have you had a fever at all?

ok thank you very much. Will mention this when she calls tomorrow about the blood test results and look at switching to a different dr.

no fevers or nausea/anything like that

This is pretty much exactly how my first and second kidney stones manifested. The sand and blood are both completely optional, I don't get either with a stone unless it's in the process of leaving my body. also for the first stone, nearly all the pain was in my left testicle and by the time I got to the hospital the next day I was vomiting every 15 mins or so from the pain.
Word of advice, drinking a lot of water with a stone actually makes things worse, try not to drink much more than you're urinating and grab some cranberry juice.
Were you dehydrated any time in the last week or two? That can cause a stone seemingly out of nowhere, especially with a high sugar or salt intake.

if youre getting sharp pains why dont u go to the hospital lol. i was having a consistent pain in my abdomen that would be best described as if my intestines were digesting something really bad, the pain never subsided. turns out it was my appendix, my point being, if i had a very strong sharp pain for a few days, i would call the hospital.

I think you should go to a specialist and have a endoscopy done.

Also try drinking lots and lots of water.

I think I no doubt would have had an occasion where I was dehydrated in that time period. I'm usually pretty good with it but that's not to say I don't slip up and not drink enough. And I think particularly last week I would have had a high intake of both, due to being lazy with the gf and eating junk. thanks for the advice

Idk I'm an idiot I guess haha, I just wasn't sure if it warranted that, one more day of the old pains and I would have. still bad atm so I should seriously consider it

colonoscopy maybe

I will say though, if the pain is not actively getting worse it should eventually work itself out on its own, but (assuming it is a kidney stone) there is a chance it's too big and would need surgery. It can take weeks to actually make it all the way out, but once it's past the exit from the kidney it's all downhill, so to speak.
You're -supposed- to move around as much as you are able to try to work the stone loose, but realistically if you have a bad kidney stone you're either in the hospital doped off your ass, or laying in bed crying and wishing you were dead.

it could be gout, gouts basically excess urine in the body, creating an acid called uric acid, which can cause flare ups and that seems to be what youre experiencing. gout can be caused by too much red meat, beer, or salt.

gout also causes kidney stones

OP are you kill?

actually I went to a urologist today for groin pains and learned a lot about this. Sometimes the prostate will get inflamed or infected, and the symptoms are basically what you just described. Go to a urologist they specialize in this kind of stuff, probably nothing incredibly serious but still requires attention. Don't ignore it. Hope it helps.

Again, go to a urologist, they are a specialist and they can help or at least point you in the right direction.

yeah i'd defs get a colonoscopy done
hang in there OP you'll be alright

ill keep your ID handy when I hear from dr tomorrow. Thanks

and thanks to everyone for all of the help will make another thread same time tomorrow to let y'all know what the go is. been nice to talk to people. lonely af right now with this pain and gf away for 3 days

thank you will mention this too. Have a good day man :)

ill try
been having a really shitty week

anything you want to get off your chest? I'm always down for a chat if it would help

ill give you the cliffnotes
>always had anxiety issues
>never knew, wasnt diagnosed til 19
>last 4 years were a really hard slow recovery
>incredibly painful
>dunno how im alive
>start recovering
>get some good medication
>its working
>im back
>everythings good
>doing volunteer work
>its hard but im having fun
>activity shut down by government
>2 weeks ago start looking for jobs
>had interview yesterday
>went ok but not too hopeful
>get home
>panic attack
>somehow got to sleep
>today, was doing ok all morning, very tired
>got home at 2, panic
idk what it is about looking for jobs but something is just firing something off in my head and its just unbearable
anyway thanks for listening to my plight

sorry was making some toast, reply incoming

no problem man, good luck

that sounds really full on, physical pain is one thing, mental suffering is a whole other story. I have been suffering a bit of anxiety issues lately with college, missed my first few classes then it just kept getting worse, to the point where I don't even want to attend because I have to come in so late, its stupid but it just stops me from attending or interacting. I gotta bounce and try and get some sleep. Sending my love (nohomo) from Australia.

you'll be okay dude, maybe its just a really weird pulled muscle or something

im not op, but everyone always talks about how shitty and cancerous Sup Forums is, but then i see shit like this and it makes me glad to be part of this awful, wonderful community. thank you guys

I agree.
Most likely infection.
Possibly stones.

We have to ask op, have you taken any drugs recently?

Thanks for replying man it's good to hear a sympathetic ear
I had a similar thing to you happen in 2013
I just couldnt go to college anymore
couldnt move out of bed
shit is terrifying
also I'm in aus too, small world huh

alright OP, it was good talking to you. im sure youre alright man, dont sweat it. please be happy (i know thats easier said than done), and if you ever need to talk, or play some games, add my steam from my ID. goutfag out

>healthcare in the US
>post on Sup Forums for a 20$ videogame compensation

O I am laffin

you dont know if hes in the US or not, you shouldnt judge so preemptively

ausfag here
last thing before 404
please be good to each other
and be good to those around you

hug your friends
hug your family
embrace them every day
and feel and spread that love forever