ITT an act's REAL best album

ITT an act's REAL best album

it's a great album but come on man

you just got fucking TROLLED.... can't believe it.... YOU GOT BAITED
so fucking funny......... I POSTED THE WRONG ALBUM ON PURPOSE and you didn't get the joke.... I'm so funny HOLY KEKEKKEKEKE LELELELLELEL
I'm pissing my pants... TROLLED TO THE EXTREME
IM SO FUNNY.... TROLLZORD... KING OF Sup Forums.... youre a fucking newfag.... feel for my FUCKING BAIT......ahahhaAHHAHAHAHAHhahhaha
Im so smart ahaha

Felt like posting this meme again because I'm proud of it.

But anyway my personal picks

Bjork: Homogenic and Biophilia
Billy Joel: The Nylon Curtain
David Bowie: Diamond Dogs
Herbie Hancock: Fat Albert Rotunda
Kanye West: Late Registration.

SFTD is good, but this is better

Diamond Dogs is shit!

I respect your opinion but why do you think that!?
Also what's your favorite Bowie album!?

It's too tacky for me,
and my favorite album is Lodger!

I enjoy that album too but then again I have lots of Bowie bias!
Most of his albums are 10/10 for me!
Maybe we should post our Bowie best-to worst charts because I would enjoy seeing your opinion on him!





great taste

who cares?
Maiden Voyage

Fair enough.
I do.
Also fantastic.
Herbie has so many phases it's hard to pick.
I always swap the 2.

No Vespertine? Props for Biophilia though, one of the greatest albums of the decade

I was REALLY having a hard time between Vespertine and Biophilia. Posting 3 albums would be pushing it.


i thought homogenic was widely considered to be the best?

1. Diamond Dogs
2. Reality
3. Tonight
4. Black Tie White Noise
5. Never Let Me Down
6. Labyrinth
7. Pin Ups
8. Hours...
9. David Bowie
10. Earthling
11. Let's Dance
12. Space Oddity
13. Young Americans
14. The Next Day
15. Heathen
16. Aladdin Sane
17. Outside
18. The Man Who Sold the World
11. Scary Monsters
12. Blackstar
13. Heroes
14. Station to Station
15. Hunky Dory
16 Low
17. The Rise and Fall ...
18. Lodger

You right, I was a dick. Rec me a couple killer Billy Joel album, I've only listened to Strangers all the way through

....There's some stuff missing there, pal.


>Acknowledging the existence of Pinups.


It's ok, man. I forgive you.

Nylon Curtain. Definitely DEFINITELY listen to the Nylon Curtain.

And what if the album IS NOT REAL. I mean if it DOES NOT EXIST.

That's an imposter! This is my real chart.

that isn't abbey road