So Sup Forums I fucked up I put a thing in my ass and I can't get it out...

so Sup Forums I fucked up I put a thing in my ass and I can't get it out. and my family is sleeping they don't know I am bi Sup Forums help.

Is it a buzz lightyear?

nail polish bottles

Try putting more lube?

its in deep

or sit and squat and push and wait

Dont worry, user. All you have to do is stick more things in your ass, which would strech your asshole and eventually they will all fall out.

BottleS, as in more than one? Better hope they don't break, nail polish and broken glass in your ass is a toxic combination.

this is actually not a terrible suggestion
if you put something bigger in, and then push that out, the other thing will follow
just not something longer to avoid pushing the other thing deeper
you better post a pic when it comes out too

How big is it? Something that might work is waiting a while until the poop builds up, and then it comes out naturally.


why tf would you do that if it could easily get stuck


this definitely is a fast solution, although i won't blame you if you prefer the pleasure from stretching your asshole

Just squat and push dude.
Or you could take a shower and finger your ass until it falls out.

do i need to go the emergency room

put a garden hose up there and run some water to help swish it out

nonononono not unless ur bleeding

Go into each of your family members bedroom and stick a nail polish bottle in each of their asses so you wont be the only one with a nail polished ass.

if it's been in there more than 3 hours and you've tried everything else then yes

why not just call a friend and have them use tongs?


>they don't know I am bi
trust me, they know you faggot

stop being a faggot in the first place

i know

Go to hospital and take pic of nurses face when you tell her what happened,with timestamp ofc

are you sitting in a chair as you type this



I'm going to see if i can poop it out

if OP is still young enough to be sleeping w/ their parents and it's nighttime they probably won't have a friend that he came out to who's willing to help

if he's loud enough...

I'm 18

Liking men doesn't mean you have to stick shit up your ass faggot

To get nail polish bottles out of a rectum, simply use nail polish remover bottles.

well do you have a friend you can call?
also i don't wanna sound like a broken record but try tongs bro

Damn just reading this thread makes me want to take a mean shit.. Have fun OP. Hope being a fag is worth it.

Sticking shit up your ass doesn't mean you like men.


no i like men

sadly no

Stop sticking stuff up your ass and just take a real dick instead. Problem solved

I cant stop laughing at op

tmw OP dies vacuuming his asshole

I'm glad you're having fun

Try putting a superglue covered stick up your ass,it will stick to the bottles but not to your ass,beleve me,i tried it


ok i give up I'm going to the emergency room

How hard have you tried pooping? Have you taken laxatives? Also is the bottle made of glass?

it is glass

>be me 18
>Mom pissed me off earlier in the morning.
>Rummaging through her favorite supplies I see them.
>Shove three nail polish bottles up my ass, That'll show her.
>Can't wait to see the look on her face when she trys to paint her nails
>If only I could get them out and put them back. It's okay I'm a faggot and soon I won't be able to keep things in my ass.

That's the life you chose OP.

Got a blue berry stuck up my ass once. Just shit it out mate.

This is even more interesting than the bottles of polish. Green text, please.

it's my nail polish

Poop it out

>I'm a faggot and soon I won't be able to keep things in my ass.
that's what enemas are for m8 XDXD

buddy don't you know you don't fuck with glass. Ok don't push extremely hard because if it breaks you're completely fucked and we don't want that. Seriously try taking some laxatives and if that doesn't work go to the hospital

I have tried very hard

You're a dumbass OP

Op... Dude... If its a small bottle and u didnt crack the glass u will eventually shit it out no matter how deep calm down

i have no laxatives

Use those tong things you got at chuck-e-cheese that look like a hand or shark.

i'm pretty sure nail polish bottles are very thick and hard to break, he shoud be fine unless he shits them out while standing up, then they'll break on the floor and wake up his parents lol

Even while squatting..? Sometimes rocking back and forth or sort of standing up helps too


yes squatting

Yeah well go get some man, you don't want to go to the hospital for this shit

I just realized I'm typing to some fag with stuff up his ass.. And he is replying to me while having stuff up his ass holy shit um drunk

and today was the day op learned to fist self better get that thing in there can u take pics. we can help more with pics

>be me 18
>won't buy anal beads cause I'm a pussy faggot
>have blueberries
>shove one up
>shove two
>wait. Where did it go
>c://user run ohfuckingshit.exe
>panic mode engaged
>still need to cum
>finish masturbating
>feels fucking fantastic
>go shit out blueberry
10/10 would do again.

i can feel it with my hands

U act like its lost up there forever unless u do something. How do u think shit moves thru ur intestines?

Yeah I don't think he's gonna break those bottles


Bruh. Do you have lube? They got in there somehow. Add some more. And let your body do the work. Don't push too hard. But just enough to give a slight and slow nudge.


R u a boy or girl

I amo not OP but I had a similar situation with a tiny thing time ago.

Peristalsis, it probably won't work on large glass objects

If you can feel it, then you have a good chance of getting it out

Trap user here. He shouldn't. They are really small and are pretty damn thick so its kinda hard to break them unless you have a hammer or something. No need to worry. Just so long the cap stays on. Which it should hopefully.

Also. I don't finish to understand.

Dude you seriously need to get the laxatives. Go walk to a fucking gas station if you don't have a car or could wake up your family.

Trap/trans/sissy/whatever you wanna call it.

Where do you live? I'll help you get it out.

This thread brings back memories of when I got a sock stuck in my ass

OP google to be sure but I think laxatives are a very bad idea. if it doesn't come out you'll have a lot of pressure and a lot of mess coming out around it

don't be too embarassed, I know a lot of ER folk and they see this stuff ALL THE TIME. yes they will laugh internally a little. who wouldn't? It's funny. but remember - they don't know you, and they see this all the time.

to them, you're just another faggot who came in with something stuck up his asshole. with the shit they see (sometimes literally) they will forget about you in a day

Oh well if I knew you were that much of a faggot I wouldn't have been giving you the best advice in this thread

Cali. I'm not OP btw.


Not OP. Dumbass.

W/e post pics

Its not large, and while it probably wouldnt move glass, shit buildup will

Dubs and trips. My nigger.

OP you're a faggot, You'd better think twice before sticking things up your rectum


Straight up tell your parents that you haven't shit in days and your in a lot of pain and need to go get laxatives, if your parents think you're straight they won't say anything to you, my parents wouldn't say anything if I asked them to do that in the middle of the night back when I lived with them

enema time

My friend is an ER nurse practitioner. Things up people's asses is nothing new at all. They've seen it a hundred times before.

Damn. I'd suck your toes and pound your ass.

out of every possible house hold item you could possibly shove into your ass, why the fuck would you use something small,made of thin glass, and full of chemicals?