Any decent alternatives to Kat?

Any decent alternatives to Kat?

>torrents dot eu
>piratebay dot org

Missing kat. Damn

Other urls found in this thread:

thats a proxy right?

is that shit even trust able?

Spotted the newfag

why the fuck limit yourself to oe site anyways.

use a crawler like with this script and search all the major sites all at once. shit even have direct magnet links so you dont have to visit any shady russian sites

oe = one

also crawler isnt the right term I know

its a search engine that searches through pirate bay, kickass torrents and like 20 other torrent sites.

THANK yooou soo much !

faggot op here
if anyone needs books then is fucking awesome for ebooks

Retard here, what does this mean?

Also is it still safe to continue downloading things I started before this all happened?

Use tor to download torrents

>Also is it still safe to continue downloading things I started before this all happened?
It is unrelated with the legal problems of the owner of this site.

tl;dr use instead

torrenting is never "safe" or "unsafe". It's an open standard and only as safe as you make it

Is there anything to do to make it more safe? I've gotten 2 warnings from my ISP and don't want to make it a 3rd.

there is written page up and down about this I cant be arsed to explain it for the 1000th time. Google it

>Also is it still safe to continue downloading things I started before this all happened?

ofc user. they wont go after individuals, way too much litigation and red tape involved. usually the ips might send out warnings, but until then happy leeching

>tfw your ISP blocks as many torrent sites as it can

It's such a hassle, I honestly don't even know why they bother.


why not use a VPN retard?
Its only about 5 USD a month

VPN its 5 USD a month. Is it that hard?