This is Will Toledo. Say something nice about him

This is Will Toledo. Say something nice about him.


He's a fag :)

what an ugly fag

What happened to that chubby little kid who smiled so much and loved the Beach Boys?

He killed that fucker and went health goth apparently

he's a good songwriter but not someone I'd like to hang out with

Hey Will

his band sucks and he looks like a pussy

Personally I'm a big fan, kudos to him for making good music

Fuck off will

He looks like a scary pedo without glasses

what did he do with that qt boy that made comfy bandcamp records?

He attended my university

He's a big shot now. Gotta dress consequently.

He produces good music

He came to my hometown one weekend when I was away for school, and I couldn't make it back due to an event that I couldn't miss happening on the same night. I was upset

Saw him last month at a real small venue. Really great show, wasn't expecting his material to be so good life. He's a real cool dude, drank and talked to him for a bit at the bar afterward

damn what the fuck happened to him

oh hey, an image he actually looks decent in
thanks OP

This is Willy Toledo. Say something nice about him.