Stoner thread go

stoner thread go

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if you cut a hole in a net, it will have less holes than before

Yooo that's fucked up

oh, high. how are you smoking right now?

what a beauty

recently im vaping amnesia haze from my flowermate 5.0 pro and i gotta say its really nice.

Wish I was high. My babes are still in flower =(

thanks, my personal fave

vaping the same strain with my PAX2 but I'd prefer an indica

where do you get thc vape juice from?

im vaping weed, no concentrates.
but you could vape concentrates with it.

how many cones can a smoker stoner smoke to this bongs

you obviously haven't been around long enough to hate that fagot for posting his overpriced shitty "art" in every thread.

i still fuck your mom

Sure you do ryan.


I really want to make some Lean but I don't know where the fuck I'm gonna get prescription grade cough syrup. Any reliable alternatives? I'm in NZ btw

are there no darknet vendors in nz ?
i wouldnt do shit like drinking cough sirup to get high.

No I meant THC vape juice.

Nah man, I wouldn't know where the fuck to start looking. I'm trying a fuckload of new shit at the moment bcos I pretty much have a deathwish so

not in NZ but you could try alpha bay or agora marketplace

i just vape weed. no vape juice or anything.
just grind it and put it in.

go on reddit darknetmarkets and get started.
there are tutorials for everything you need to know.

How on earth do you accomplish that? Dry weed in a vapouriser? How? Sorry for being a noob but would really like to know how

Not the one you replied to but just google "dry herb vaporizer"

Heat it up so it gets hot enough to vaporize psychoactive chemicals but not hot enough so it combusts.

You fucking moron.

I know this is Sup Forums but chill the fuck out. he just asked a question, you can't expect everyone to know everything.

Suck my dick.

>dry herb vaporizer

nothing moronic about not knowing something you silly cunt.

>mfw a girl I know is gonna make weed brownies for me

Mfw it's after she's sucked my dick.

>mfw her boyfriend puts extra protein in the brownies

we found the thumbnail summerfag ladies and gents

Sorry, got it off reddit and didn't realize it was just the thumbnail

Just smoke some damn flowers.

Check out the trippy stix website. I'm pretty sure they make vape pens for flower now.

What's the best scence you ever got?



harvested to perfection. Look at dem trichomes! Sweet AF

55 USD Swedish home-grown. Already smoked a few so think it was like 6g at first.

She's single, actually

where you get it from?

thats why when she say to you she not ready to fuck but me she say let me fuck jajaja

i say yes

Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.


All out of smoke lads, only got £6 to spare and cant find anything else. Also I'm ill as shit and wanna die, theres only so much that strepsils and paracetamol can accomplish

Aussie here, just punched 9 cones in a row hectic headspins rn, smoking bushies

dis shit dank o not?

do what I do, either buy drink(alcohol, although I much prefer weed) or bet with the £6, walk into a bookies, a chance you'd win. Only need a 2.5/1 shot.

But damn I really wish I lived in Cali, those baggies and strain names etc look like heaven lol, I can buy all the weed I want out here but it's just not the same, have to go to Amsterdam for that shit but Cali etc seems so much better.

could you take a worse picture ?

thats a fuckin root toot and a doot mate o right
ye na get fucked mate fuckin rite lad
stupid bloody aussies


he ya go chap

fffs, take it out the bag, and try to get it to focus, set it on macro setting if its a proper cam

Oy m8 me mum

3/10. not trimmed good

even if it's not great stuff if your tolerance is low just pack the joint should be gd to go

5 hours til meet my dealer didnt smoke for 2 months

smoke a fat bowl for me, have been dry for 4 weeks. won't be able to get more until the 10th

you can do it. dont let your dreams be dreams


chill ya bogger, this good or not?

i think its now contaminated with sweat and should not be smoked anymore

nah bro it gud

damn I'm same cannnot waaaaaaaaait till I get to smoke up again, parents are away in a few days, used to smoke every day, been off it for about 6 weeks/2 months dealers hittin me up every day been hard but got through it

haha, tbh it don't look bad, mids, not high end but not shit either, looks gd to smoke bruh enjoy

wtf thats either a fucked up thumb or manky toeil. either way, GET A FUCKING WASH, CLEETUS

Don't go to darknetmarkets until you're running tor on a VM with tails or whonix.


you should see me naked im a girl btw

tails if Snowden recommends it

yeah, right

Gonna smoke a bowl right now


bubble buddies

juicy fruit

That's fucking pretty

just get the fuck out

So fucking gay

thats exactly what the tutorials recommend. tails is the way to go imho.

u laik what u see there boi?

blasted rn heres a lil treat from the past

The pistils look super dark brown, like it was flowered way to long yet I would like to try that, it somehow seems like nice weed

Anyone else love getting stoned on vyvanse? Bout to take one today after work and dab myself silly

My current piece I'm using. It's made to be more of an oil piece but NJ dispensaries can't sell wad so I've been smoking Death Star through it.

nice, whats the 2 brown things, brownies/hash?

had to google that, why not just stick to green? or is your tolerance through the roof lol

I tried weed for the first time 2 weeks ago, really enjoyed it but it the joint had tobacco in it, can i smoke weed without tobacco ? Id much prefer that

yeah brownies that were way to strong

yes, are u Euro I'm guessing? I smoke a lot and a lot of us Euros can't do that, I've tried and it's a waste,too rough of a smoke etc etc but I smoke cigs too. You can do it without tobacco or a tobacco alternative, or a bong etc sooo many options bro

what part of jersey u from brick here

Fresh out of weed D:

Dabs or uppers? Because if you're asking about dabs its just like green but better and I'd argue its even healthier. If you're asking about the vyvanse, that's just because its fun. There are a lot of fun things to do besides just getting stoned out there, like L or mushrooms.

get it scraped lad

-not smoking dabs


*breathes all over you*

Right tho? I hardly even smoke green anymore, just have a little bit I'll take a one-hitter of from time to time otherwise I generally only smoke it when other people have it. There are times when I prefer to smoke weed to dabs, like if I'm tripping and not trying to intensify my trip too hard with a dab, but those times are pretty rare.

nah dabs aint like that. unhealthy as fuck and can cause para-mania (irrational fear of ghosts)

Yep eurofag here, a weird thing with me i just dont like the thought of smoking tobacco but have no problem with weed, how should i handle my first all weed joint ? Just really slow im guessing ?

lol I remember my first dab (no I don't)

But forreal if the oil is good it is healthier than weed. Less plant matter, just 99% purged, turped THC vapor.