Do you get I.D'd if you order something from McDonalds at age 14...

Do you get I.D'd if you order something from McDonalds at age 14? My brother wants to know and he wants to go there with his buddies at midnight

lol fucking what?

yeah you do better not risk it

No, but you have to have an up-to-date penis inspection.

Lol buying fast food should be a crime for some people but no you will not be I.D'd if you go to Mcdonalds at midnight

Only in america

>I-Im asking for my b-b-brother
Underage b&

What kind of stupid fucking question is that?

Only if you're high.

You need a state or federal ID. Unless you use the drive through.

Of course you do, and if you get caught they are required by law to call the police

Sup Forumsrother, you faggot

what the fuck?

McDonalds is closed at midnight

Its for my brother now answer the fucking question

are you and your brother some kind of retarded?

Ours is 24/7

i did but the manager called the police afterwards

McDonalds workers don't give a fuck. But if a cop rolls by while they're circle jerking in the parking lot, then they're will be trouble.

I'm sorry but am I some sort of cunt.

Why the fuck would mac fucking Donald's ID you?

where do you live?

If it's past your towns cerfew he could

They wanna catch you ridin' dirty, if they see you rollin' in the drive-by.

Rhode island

If they are not, they should, just because you ask this question.

now i know where you live, faggot
your life is over
im coming for you

You need a commercial driver's license (CDL) and a federal proof to make a legal purchase at any McDonald's. There, since everyone is fucking with you OP.


>more McDonalds outside of america then inside

yes, only in america.

Dont call my brother gay

142 Stanwood Street


Come at me


Your brother will probably blow the manager for a free 10pc mcnugget

My 14 year old brother would kick your ass, black belt in jujitsu

1. Got to McDonalds
2. Get burger
3. Stick dick in burger while getting drink

Yes he will op.
Mcdonalds also has the right to detain you for failure to provide ID

Possession of burgers by any burger under the age of 16 is a federal offense in burgerland

>mac fucking Donald's
sounding like a Philippino nanny there bud

Ordering there when you are any age is 100% legal in North America. Be careful about curfews and local laws wherever you live

>Eating at McDonalds

Too k 38 posts, but heres the faggot!

Congrats faggot!

Stop fucking lying you stupid asshole you need an id!

>not eating at mcdonalds
get over yourself, hippy faggot

Wtf is this shit.

everyone before him, including you is samefag op

If by outside america you mean the rest of the world? Then yes. But per country america had the most mcdonalds

That's to be expected then since America is the biggest country in the world

You're confusing Yankeeland with Mother Russia

Keep in mind that you need a Burger License to order and they WILL check. To get one you have to pass a burger knowledge test

gettin high and mackin