I'm tired of faggots talking about Suicide Squad...

I'm tired of faggots talking about Suicide Squad, just from the 30 second clips I've seen I can tell it's going to be terrible but people are still gonna pay for it because "lol im crazy just like Joker i only need a hot girl like Harley lmao best villains ever XD" or vice versa.

Give me Suicide Squad spoilers that I can send to people like this.

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trailers are awesome
stop being a dumb faggot and go back to shitposting in your faggot trap threads

Give me spoilers or I'll have to post this VERY fast waif running at incredible hihg speed

Oh wow we have a joker over here xDDxdDd LMAO

nice dubs



That Harley character already looka annoying as fuck.

Spoilers? She'll lick all her weapons before using them and laugh while something horrific is happening.

Will I die if I click that link?

Scrub a dub dubs.

you are the one who paid and liked Ghostbusters, aren't you?

I'm never going to watch that shit.

it looks bad. i won't pay to see it

Sent from my Android phone

It looks good, stop being an edge lord

What part of that shit looks good to you?

the fact it looks better than ghostbusters has earned my money already

>Feces > Shit
Wow, real smart.

Agree 100% user
It looks like total garbage, bubblegum characters like marylin manson. This pleases to the same crowd that have nightmare before christmas tattoos. All style no substance.

........actually i disagree.

i mean, ghostbusters just doesn't look THAT bad. i cant actually get worked up about something i just dont care about. i'd see it if my niece wanted to, but otherwise i'm not even going to think about it. i just literally dont give a fuck.

suicide squad however, is
1) incredibly try-hard.
2) trying to be edgy.
3) can't help but invite comparisons to heith ledger's joker, and christopher nolan's batman, both of which was better.
4) idk who everyone is besides joker/harley



1-2 agree
3, if the current joker is still alive there is no comparison to be drawn.
4, that's what introductions are for, they typically happen when a new character enters the movie.
It's that part where all the normies start whispering "who's that" while the fans quickly name and explain right before the movie does it for you.

Are you a fucking wizard??

this movie looks only a little bit reall only a little bit better than the new ghostbusters

Play at 0.5x speed.

I too am tired of gangly as fuck single mothers that smoke half a pack a day fangirling over a movie that quite obviously paints them as autistic sloots.

My ex loved harley quinn, she would cosplay her for haloween etc, she was hot and crazy like her too, they really look alike

She was also into strong wimin etc, did I do good by dumping her ?

awww, hey hey let me use this meme.

It's a movie. get over it, little bitch.

>if the current joker is still alive

yeah, say what you want about canon, but jared leto cannot act half as well as hieth ledger.

...actually jared leto is just a shitty actor in general

Both man of steel and batman v superman sucked dick

But normies eat up every superhero movie so

I hate this fucking world

actually, no one liked that movie lmao.

>have ex who got knocked up after dumping me
>she's now a single mom
>who smokes
>and fangirls the fuck out of that movie
>her facebook photos show posters for that movie in her apartment

on the money again, user

>did i do good by dumping a sexual psychotic?

no. you should have made her your fuck toy.

>I'm tired of faggots talking about Suicide Squad
and yet here you are making a thread about Suicide Squad

off yourself.

>the prolific narcissist squad

Im just sick of faggots saying
>Hurdur 5 days til suicide squad
For 3 years. Does no one know the god damn release date?

This guy makes sense.