Name a movie better than God bless america

Name a movie better than God bless america

crocodile dundee

Watched god bless last night planned on watching dundee today how the world is strange

Debbie Does Dallas



Literally anything. That movie is targeted towards edgy teens.

Sorry, not possible OP.

GBA is boring, weak story

citizen kane

Sent from my Android phone

The Amazing Bulk

Propably you do not have enough braincells left.


Mr nobody or hardcore Henry

Angst (1983, Austria)

a Gaspar Noe inspiration for I stand Alone.

The only good thing about this movie is the cute actress


Being an Aussie kid born in the early 80s, I have massive nostalgia for Crocodile Dundee 1 & 2, I do wish that they made the Beverly Hills Cop / Crocodile Dundee crossover movie in the early 90s, rather than the horrible Crocodile Dundee 3 movie.

I disagree, but it is fine for you to not like it.

Watchmen, Aliens, Terminator 2, Pulp Fiction, Jurassic Park, Empire Strikes Back, Heat.

Good taste and kek for that android phone

you Sir are a gentleman and a scholar

>Terminator 2
it may be a robot
at least he has a father!

Taboo 1 to 4

>noone will kill obama for being a corrupt fucker

Teddy bear picnic

What point is there in quibbling over opinions of art?

I would be upset if everyone was entertained by the same thing, there would be little if any creativity if everyone liked the exact same things.

i like the girl better

>Name a movie better than God bless america
Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Catch Me If You Can, Aliens, Tombstone, Full Metal Jacket, The Thing, Idiocracy, Casino, Clockwork Orange, Terminator 2, Star Trek II, Back to the Future, Fifth Element, Snatch, No Country For Old Men, The Shining, Big Lebowski... and at least a couple hundred other movies.

I thought Sara Connor was a great character, but now we have movies that Mary Sue the hell out of female characters that make them uninteresting and unrelatable

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan or Star Trek 2 into Darkness, I have a feeling you mean Wrath of Kahn.


The one that actually fits with the others.

Sara Connor?