ITT: we talk about why "gif" is pronounced correctlybwith a soft g

ITT: we talk about why "gif" is pronounced correctlybwith a soft g.

Anyone who uses a hard g is a newfag

Other urls found in this thread:


Correctly with*


soft g like in yiff?

if so, how have you come to this conclusion=?

It's gif not jif you fucking retard.

Graphics Interchange Format.
Hard G.
Fucking die.

Exactly this, you don't say Jraphics.

How do you pronounce "giraffe?"


"giant?" you pronounce "guitar?"

It's gif, not guif



Cant argue if you are right.

I pronounce it like how I say good

"The creators of the format pronounced GIF as "jif" with a soft "G" /ˈdʒɪf/ as in "gin". Steve Wilhite says that the intended pronunciation deliberately echoes the American peanut butter brand Jif, and CompuServe employees would often say "Choosy developers choose GIF", spoofing this brand's television commercials."

Kill yourselves, fucking faggots

>"Anyone who uses a hard g is a newfag" said the faggot who probably pronounces forte as FORTAY like most of the ignorant, college educated country does.

Pronounced that way as a joke.
Your whole like is a joke.
Choke on confetti you fucking clown fag got.
It is a hard g.

You are using two fairly unique principles in the English language as your word example. The first, giraffe, has an R proceeded by a vowel, which drastically changes the letter pronunciation in the surrounding letters, as any 3rd grade teacher could tell you.
The second, guitar, has (for brevity's sake) a very similar situation with a "UI" directly following the first letter of the word.
A less fallacious argument would be to compare GIF to words of similar construction; i.e. a G, followed by a vowel, followed by an F. Gift, for instance. Guffaw.

Why not just call it jif then? Jizz interchange format? Cause fuck me right?

never knew this, thanks old man

a less fellatious argument would have been made by someone who isn't you, faggot

The creator of the GIF image format, Steve Wilhite of CompuServe, when deciding on the pronunciation, said he deliberately chose to echo the American peanut butter brand, Jif, and CompuServe employees would often say “Choosy developers choose GIF(jif)”, playing off of Jif’s television commercials. If you hear anyone pronounce GIF with a soft G, it’s because they know something of this history.
>If the Jif peanut butter company never existed, he would have never pronounced GIF with a soft G.

>Speaking of Steve Wilhite, when he explains the pronunciation of GIF, he himself has to explicitly write, “It’s pronounced ‘JIF’.” He has to explain it this way because it goes against how it would naturally be pronounced

Literally proven wrong and you still deny it, must be cum drunk from swallowing all those fat loads from your gay faggot father

Let's just ignore how everything is pronounced and make up our own way to say it here if faggot land

What the fuck is a soft g OP

>looks like gift without the "t"
>therefore pronounced gif with hard "g"
>creator/owner/developed whatever the fuck he is demands it be pronounced with soft "g" peanut butter brand blabbitty blah
> doesn't matter anymore
> internet community has adopted it, renamed and is probably not even using it the way he intended it to be used in the first place
> see: internet conventions
> no one even care about the creator's wishes until he made a stink about it so now more people than ever mispronounce out of sheer trolldom
> see: Streisand effect

You're trying to re-write history to prove your point

Even bigger fucking faggot then before

Someone must have watched the fine brothers do their pretentious ass video on this and came to throw shit on Sup Forums

When it is pronounced "Jraphics interchange format" and not "Graphics Interchange format", then you can pronounce it like that.
>OP can't Make his G's or his D hard because he suffers from Faggotoris Majoris Clitoris, also known as mentally ill tranny fag syndrome

All of you who think it's a hard G are Jod-forsaken, fucking retards. Jo jet a jun, put it to your head, and paint a jore thread with your brains.

>let me finish that fragment for you user
... level of autism and retardation

What if the creator of gif decided it was pronounced like Jive?

Would you pronounce it like Jive?

Get off of mobile.


you truly are a GIT
now how do you pronounce that?

The letter doesn't have to be pronounced like the first litter of the word it stands for.

You don't say "A merica" you say "America" and still it's pronounced U. S. A. as if the "A" was separate.

You don't say Jee Jee. You say GG wich stands for "Good Game" not "Jood Jame"


he has a point we do say "jee jee" not "gh gh"

United ESStates of AYYmerica

welcome to the "u sss arr"

Those are both initialisms, not acronyms. Two different forms of abbreviation. You don't say USA at all. (Oo-say? Stupid.) You pronounce each letter individually in an initialism. You pronounce it as a word in an acronym.

Those are abbreviations. Gif is an acronym

I like gin so its "jiff"

So it's POTHJUUS and not POTUS?

only tumblr faggots say jif kill yourself

Gin get its pronunciation from the Dutch word, jenever, from which the delicious drink is made.

President Of Te Uh nited States

For either argument, not sure where the extra JU is coming from. Somebody's eating the retard sandwich

Gif as gift, just drop the t.

so changing the letters in a word while keeping it's pronounciation is okay, but changing the pronounciation while keeping the letter isn't?


This is actually kinda clever. Good one user.

because United is pronouced "You nited" not "Uh nited"


From this day forward, the word shall be pronounced as such!

I give you...

I'd been waiting to use it for years
I don't know why I never did
I find it hard to bring myself to be offensive on Sup Forums
I know, I know

>said like fajjot
>also like jraphics


Gifs are for fucking faggots.
BPG and Webms shit all over them


Gaol, gerrymandering, gist, Gyllenhaal.

Gotta say, I liked it too. But what do you mean youve been waiting? How often do you see 'fallacious' on here? I only used it to be a pretentious cock-monger, cuz, you know... Sup Forums.

gimp, goretex, game, gilly suit

The guy that invented. exe files just called. He said it's pronounced, "easy;" he can totally manipulate the English language because he invented the word.

>dafuq outta here with that logic

dunno man I tend to end up in threads where people pretend to disagree on something for lulz quite often
I'm tame in general so it's that and YLYL threads and shitty memes for me and scrolling quickly past gore and extreme porn
it's like I've been a newfag for this whole time

Gdz iff, g'jiff, or gujiff?

Thanks for the clarification fam

I feel you there.. I miss quality meme wars..

to be fair that would be a decent name for .exe files because of their ease of use
but it would make the language more ambiguous and thus harder to use with specificity and easier to use poetically, not something you want in a field like computer science

you know gents, sometimes I feel that we overcomplicate these things


when they were quality they were shit quality to anyone who wasn't participating in it and they would think the people posting that stuff were cancerous scum
just like I feel about bananafags now
or once thought about spiderman shit
but now spiderman feels lulzy because of the tribal element like 'hey thats part of my culture'


Since gifs are now shit cuz WebM, the question is...
Is it web-em, separating and entirely pronouncing the M?

Or web-mm, like mmm those cookies look good

I hadn't thought about it that way.. You're absolutely right. Except I thought that banana shit was cancer from day negative one

Fact is, if you're into computing and/or born before the new century you pronounce it correctly.

Since the name pronunciation is written into the standards of the format just like jaypegg and pee en gee, that means there is a wrong way to pronounce it.

As hilarious as it might be, Google is not jewgle and gigawatt is not jiggawatt. The reason is standards.

Only uneducated nignogs think there's any standing for a hard g.

you should put them on the web
you should web 'em

etymologic yo

Always said Webem myself because it's not retarded, in the same way Gif is less retarded than Jiff.

Then I will pronounce it gojeff. Because you can't stop English.

ITT: OP trying to be a smart ass but in reality nobody gives a flying fuck

although jewgle would be appropriate
basically this is the issue
do you want to be technically correct, or do you want to not sound like a fucking aspie?


Anyone who pronounces it with a soft g is a furfag.



>born in anglosphere
>beat each other off for pronouncing


>speak an actual human laguage which is phonetical
>its .gif with the g of faggot




>my name jif

I am a Newfag



Nice twips

Ok, lemme /thread you niggers rn
The creator intended it to be pronounced with a soft G, like Jif, but it just makes more sense to pronounce it with a hard G, it's how you would naturally pronounce it

>just now calling them easy files
Shiggity diggity

>tl;dr creater is closet fajjot, normal people pronounce it correctly


That's like saying amerifags are pronouncing tomato incorrectly
Fuck off with your bait.

Fucking plebs.

its pronounced cthulhu. cthuuuuuuullllllhhuuu

with a hard g.

Choosy faggots choose wrong.

Also rolling for 777's

  ▲
▲ ▲

off by 111.

Nigger, you didn't solve shit.

Check the American Heritage Dictionary. Both pronunciations are acceptable. The creator is the one with sand in his vagina screaming, "no, no no, it's Jif only! Not soft "g!"


101. Math, porch-monkey..

Go back to school, summer.

There's plenty of sandy vag's on Sup Forums too.

Gin change the n to f and suddenly the g changes pronunciation? Fucking idiots.

It's gif, It'll always be gif, and it'll never be jif or jife.

Dictionaries are history books not law books.

Until the mid 00's the proper plural of virus was virii because it's Latin. Uneducated fucks like yourself kept insisting on viruses.

>would be
>implying they're not
>Macfaf detected

Gift. Take away the t and it changes? Faggot

Fucking get an education
You Ethiopian.