ITT we list the 3 points that we think are the less common about ourselves. We also answer questions

ITT we list the 3 points that we think are the less common about ourselves. We also answer questions.

> I can hold my breath for 5 min 24 sec.
> I am a paedophile that never touched a kid, have a healthy relationship with a 27 yo woman, and who kept it secret from everybody.
> I shot myself in the mouth with a 22 long rifle to kill myself. The bullet is still in a vertebra, and I have nearly no sequels.

>i can suck my own dick

But you're having a hard time counting to 3 ?

>shot self in mout
should have aimed higher nigger

>I had a very abusive childhood.
>The only stopping me from killing myself is a thin line of interests.
>I'm actually pretty happy, i just can't find a reason to live.

Abusive how ?

>I'm a 5"10' brit who can outdrink his probably 5'11-6' polish friend
>I collect fetishes via Pavlovian conditioning
>My sister caused me to have low self esteem until I was in late highschool

>I was molested when I was 12
>I am perfectly happy and content with my life even though I have literally no friends
>I can crack the fingers of my feet an indefinite number of times

>fingers of my feet

you're also the spawn of incest it seems

>no sequels

>my IQ is ~140
>i never get emotionally
>made out with my younger sister



>>i never get emotionally
What does that mean ?

>my eyes have 3 to 4 colors that change depending on what season it is
>I fought alcoholism succesfully
>I'm overly sensible

thanks 4 the pepe m8

No physical consequences.


I'm very indifferent when it comes to...actually everything. A mixture of "i wouldn't give a shit" and just not understanding how you can get (insert emotion[adjectice] of your choice) about something.

If you what I mean

Fuck. That much to high IQ. *Know

>I graduated top of my class in the Navy seals
>I've been in numerous raids on Al-Queda
>I am trained in gorilla warfare


Shish. Nice going sir. Protect us from dese terrorists

>I have more than 2 dozen scars from fighting when I was a kid.
>When I was in highschool I used to rape my little sister at least 3-4 times a week.
>Despite all the crime, fights, abuse of family members, and drugs as a kid, I ended up with a stable, reasonably happy life.

shit just got real.

Genuine laughs were had.

>you know the horizontal line on your palm of your hand, I've only got one of those
>I have full blown imaginary discussions with historical figures
(like just now whist I was waiting for the kettle to boil I was trying to explain induction to Attila the Hun)
>I can type rope walk

What about your sister ?

>I collect fetishes via pavlovian conditioning
That's actually pretty neat. Any reason why?

>My wife tried to kill me when we were teenagers.
>I have a degree in electrical engineering.
>I have never done any drugs, either recreational or prescription. It's not even a religious or moral thing, I just rarely ever get sick.

>No sequels

Bit too early to tell how her life will turn out, she's only in her early twenties, but she seems to be doing okay.

It's entertaining and I get to fap to a larger amount of porn than I would without those fetishes

>I like my job
>I am happy to some degree
>I have aspirations for a better life

>Gorilla warfare

>Guerrilla warfare

Which one, my Sealy friend?
Wouldn't be surprised if you actually did mean Gorilla, going ape on them apes n' shit

>since ive been 14 ive made my own "anime" in my head with a story, charaters and adventueres and think about how to fill/change plotholes or how to progress the story
>when i was 9 me and my friend put our dicks between our butts
>i helped a friend a couple times through depression over the years

What a fucking newfag

>girl on Sup Forums
>love hard rock
>green eyes

Okay, either you get the meme or you don't... pick a side, you're confusing me.

>im sadistic

I've an IQ of about 140 too
>i never get emotionally
you never get emotionally what?
oh, I think I know what you mean.
and if so, I do it too.
When people are flipping their shit about something, you just look at it, analyse it, and then say "well what's the problem? this is the thing to do"
In fact the only time I ever remember getting emotional was when my first dog died.

How she try an kill you? My woman's thing is inaction. If my dumb ass is in a dangerous situation that I don't realize, she just lets it all play out with zero input. It's not her fault if I get hurt doin something dumb and she likes to see me get hurt

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? You’re fucking dead, niggers

>i fap to daiseys destruction

I greentexted it a few months back. Here you go.

>TL;DR I bullied her for most of our school lives, and she showed up with a gun after one particularly bad incident. Scared nervous secretly-attracted-to-each-other teenagers decided fucking was the best way to commemorate the incident, thus kicking off our relationship.


See now, that's a bitch that needs a smacking. Women can get as mouthy and bitchy as they want, that's just being a fucking human, but when they just sit there doing nothing in a crisis, then they should get some percussive motivation.

That is a good fucking greentext my friend

Shit, man if you really wrote that greentext then bravo.

>I have a stable, happy family life
>Good job
>Genuinely happy with my life

was it you who posted the story a few weeks ago about seeing her pee or something?


It was a good green text. one of the more interesting stories I've read here. I was in a horry shiet mode when I replied.

>certified security guard
>I like team yellows leader and think the black bitch looks retarded
>I get bored with everything

>fought coke and amphetamine addiction since 15
>severe depression that I handle by drawing or writing
>published, successful author under a pen name and my family doesn't know; I have the money set aside in case I want to move to Bora Bora or St. Lucia and never look back

People in this thread can't count to 3, lol

>>I like team yellows leader and think the black bitch looks retarded
What does this even mean

pokemon go
