How many genders are there Sup Forums

how many genders are there Sup Forums

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Where is attack helicopter?

There's a couple of em

All of them

None, prove me wrong.



Only proves they exist as concepts, no better than transwolf logic.

Same as my post number.

Check em



I sexually identify as a bipolar junction transistor. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of having my PN junctions tickled by hot, sticky base currents. People say to me that a person being a BJT is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install bond wires, heat sinks and a TO-3 package on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "MJ3001" and respect my right to amplify currents and produce gain. If you can't accept me you are a transistorphobe and need to check your silicon privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

there is 2 gender . don't believe me check my my post number

1 gender confirmed

Fucking kek

it's dubs tho

oh shitttttttttt i just relised

dubs = 2

2 genders confirmed


Gotta catch them all

One, male. Everything else is full of holes.


You could stop at 5 or 6 genders
or just 2


As many as you want, who even gives a fuck if some cunt identifies their gender as 'space pirate faggot extraordinaire', it makes no difference to you.

525 600 genders


chromosomal and scientifically.... TWO.

If you think there are more, you need to shut the fuck up, because you're not a special little snowflake.


oh thank god





There's faggots and there's titsorgtfo.

Fungi have over 36000 ones.
Humans though...

fuck off musical fag


Uncultured swine.


I got bad news. Something went wrong in the surgery. You accidentally became a MOSFET, and you will forever be sensitive to static discharge. I am sorry.

7 billion


you shitlord. check your Rdson and transconductance privilege at the door

1) sane male
2) sane female
3) male with mental illness
4) female with mental illness



It depends on the language. Most have between 3 and 7.

If you're talking about sexes, there are only two in our species. If you want to have a sex change because you feel like you were born in the wrong body, that's fine, we will respect your right to change your identity. But morons who claim they're 'genderfluid', 'agendered', 'polygendered', 'otherkin', etc is just an attention whoring retard. It seems to be mostly ugly girls in their early 20s who think having short, stupidly dyed hair makes them special snowflakes.


