Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Kyouko claimed.



Best type moon claimed.

no u

Rolling to Waste Roll

do you faggots even own a life?


You are so new you stillborn.
KYS faggot!


theyre all dead m8

You post in every one of these threads, the question is:
Do you?

no thats why i ask

>claiming yume

You've got to be kidding me. I'vebeenfurther even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyonecan. Can you really befar even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

Tenryuu claimed




I only watch shows with plot


Hello again me



Tenryuu claimed

looks like someone else already claimed your waifu

I really fucking hate my coworkers right now. Good thing I don't work again until Tuesday.

Best maid.

We going glasses?




both badass and cute


we had them on cuz last night was 3d movie night.


What are you even doing?

Are you new?

to these threads? yes

If this sexy thing is claimed fml

It's another me. I should rename my files some time.

do you faggots even own a lyfe?

>Mfw I don't own a pair of 3D glasses.

Oh fuck. Shikis already taken.
Nice taste, user.


Don't worry, they're a scam anyway

Why fix what isn't broken?

I'm on my phone.
I'm currently out so I don't have any filenames.

Okay. I haven't seen you around.

You too user.


Oh also, here's a better version of that picture.


I got mine off of the Wiki
Thanks, fucking saved

Yeah the high res weirdly enough isn't on any of the boorus either, got it from an Sup Forums thread a month after the event.

Fucking wee a boo NEETs gtfo my board


Wasn't Sup Forums made as an anime board originally?

Hello Syndra

Put bleach in tea


"Togame has the tightest little bod"
- Demolition D

Tbh, I can't remember the last time I went to see a movie in 3D.

Why not hello Chen?

Claiming from mobile


Didn't get a chance to greet you yet, chen

Well, you can screw off!


It was based off of 2channel which is a japanese image board who's owner currently owns Sup Forums
You're on 4channel now


You're confusing 2ch with 2channel

No now I'm being stupid,
there's Futaba Channel which Sup Forums is based on and 2channel which is where Hiro is from.


Fuck I'm also an idiot
I forgot about Futaba

Either way, this is a weebish place

How are you shiro?

Feeling better?

Oh it's you...

you shouldn't make things seem like fact when you barely know about them

It's okay.

Hey there, fluf

All of your waifus are shit

Legalise cartoon marriage

It is quite confusing, Futaba is 2chan, and 2channel is 2ch. Interestingly 2ch is a textboard, so closer to reddit or the textboards there used to be here.

I confused 2chan with 2channel, since they are quite similar
I confused 2 websites
Nonetheless now that Hiroyuki owns this website i consider it to be 4channel

I'm fine, real tired, watching some anime. I don't really remember how I was before, sorry. You?


Stella's mine

>they are quite similar in name


Okay, you just called me the F word.


In Japan you can marry a dating sim character, so we aren't far off

Especially with argumented reality

Oh, what are you watching?

I started Legend of the galactic heroes, and so far it's amazing

~~or you could screw me off~~

Hey Stella

Really? Interesting...

How is the relationship with Chara going?
Sure, you can try to hold her.

>not wanting to hold the superior chesh

Hey Fran
What's up?


Wanna share a pocky?

Isshuukan Friends (One Week Friends). It's pretty decent so far, 6/10.
>legend of the galactic heroes
>110 episodes
Not my type of thing.

Obligatory Fuck You

your mine


Obligatory big boobed bimbo claim

Also the age of consent is 13

Just as a heads up if you go there

We are just friends, though he do occasionally hit on each other

Who said I can't hold both of you?

Not much, watching anime and might play some league later

I work today, but that is not for another 4 hours
I figured you would say that...

It is mine, huge story and realistic space battles

Also, there are 3 movies and a sequel series of 24 episodes

>also the age of consent is 13
There's a law that prevents sex tourism. So forget that.

Stop being a pedo fran.

I need a loli!

>liking anime with plot

Fuck (You)

You guys do know Shiro is underage right?