No Rekt Bread, Rekt Bread

No Rekt Bread, Rekt Bread

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Why would you do something like that?

It would be pretty fun

Edgy dubs are the worst




This is new Sup Forums. All the sadism of the old, none of the class or direction.


no where else is my ASPD supported, so I like the new Sup Forums

Aaaaaand Summer edge

Ive been here and posting for years buddy, cut the summer shit, and if you arent a sadist, why the fuck would you click on a rekt thread with the thumbnail of someone being beheaded

People aren't very good at posting other people getting fucked.

was the bike damaged?

sucker punches then sneaks away. faggot

I hope not, bikes cost a lot of money.

Rekt. What the hell even got crushed?

it was a cake the homeless dude fished out of the garbage, he was pretty proud of it too and even offered people some


a white nigger

it would be truly sad if the bike was harmed




B has always been benevolent to the truly innocent and needy


Sad fucking story. What a bunch if tools.


It's not even that he did it, it's the tonedeaf "but... but... why is everyone mean to me?" that gets me. To be so stupid and socially retarded to not get that some people will be unhappy about it makes me genuinely wonder if he's autistic.

not true. just to cats.


You're no oldfag


Fucking homeless people.

Why dont we have policeman doing brutality against homeless men? thay're fucking digustering


>doesn't have the news

you're autistic if you listen to their show

Didn't even know they existed until this thread.

Keep 'em coming.

Aww man that's just sad...

they're the second most known radio show

>Why dont we have policeman doing brutality against homeless men? thay're fucking digustering
This is the best thing I've read today. Thank you, sir.

Oh shit did he die?



not op but ill post more you faggots cause i took some from here


>they're the second most known radio show
>they're the second most known radio show in their country

Czech Republic reporting in, couldn't name any bullshit entertainment radio from that entire continent and don't intend to start given the apparent laughable lack of class these faggots appear to have gotten famous with.

player 2 enter the game




that quarter-second flash of the kids face makes me lol balls

oh fuck me moment from the crowd.

>the fuck does it double jump?
>TF@ scout?

>Would you like to share your location
the fuck


Looks like it caught the edge of one of the seat backs to me.

More concerningly, it didn't ask me that...

Just hope that you didn't set yes as default answer.

Oh god, it's definitely summer.

abbey throw




Everything was fine, until the fire nation attacked.


torpid sloth, not so torpid.

is there a free overwatch pc demo?

You should try this faggots

how cinematic lol

nobody helped me when I was getting smashed, ever - they just stood by & watched

he put the rifle down

here, have some fire

To slow nigger

he should have dropped the melanin instead

lol what else was he going to do? punch him again? he was shut the fuck down. mission accomplished.

Dude fuck the homeless they are shit tier people anyway, literally better off dead.

gonna need a sauce neo

Fuck, 3 posts in and I already lost. Fucking god tier dude. What is this from?


i wanna see the rest


Holy shit!!!! the driver's head!!

For real, I hate how most people seem to believe they are victims all the time. They're not, they put them selves in these situations and i hate them.

10/10 parenting


Dude fuck homeless people they are the worst people on the planet, most of the ones here in southern California are junkies anyway. They do this to themselves.

Face facts :
Women :
- western women : most privileged and protected goup with the least responsibilities ( none) ever. EVER!
- the best symptom of this is : they call that oppression.

Thought: if women deserve men's money / own men as payslaves, then men deserve to own women as sexslaves. ... which is precisely what HAS to happen. Women OWE that to men for hundreds and hundreds of years of male-enslevement and male workhorsemanship !

time to kick the pendulum back bigtime !
TIme for total revolt !

BTW: muslims may help here. In this one topic, they understand the world better than the brainwashed westerners. They DO understand the parasitic, fascist female nature and have encodified restrictions, to keep the evertrolling, childish and underdeveloped female nature in chack, so they cannot destroy everything with ther unsatisfiable greed for money and power as well as lack of objective intelligence.... aaand so forth ...

Hory shiet

Nah fuck homeless people, it's there own fault. I have no sympathy for these "people".

heh she got out of the car at the nature park animal thing because she got in a fight with her husband, but interestingly enough she lived but her mother died. kek

I remember this from liveleak. Semi-truck driver was pissed.

Bonfire Lit

>Invaded by dark spirit Pyromancer

Got that sauce?


why are you so threatened by women? What is wrong with you user :(