ITT: Ask a LotRfag anything

ITT: Ask a LotRfag anything.

Saw the movies and want to know more? Can't be bothered to read the Silmarillion? Wonder why they couldn't just ride the Eagle Express to Mordor? Come in here and find the answers

jokes on you nigger i read all the books and have the appendix

How long is Frodo's dick

Tell the story of Turin Turambar in your own words

Ok, why on earth didnt they just put the ring in a catapult and fire it into mount doom/?

Don't feed the plebs user
If you've read Tolkien's work and can appreciate it then don't make the illiterate swine here feel like they're capable of the same

Five and a half inches.

Why no ride eagle. Awnser?

So what was the deal with the eagles?

Didn't read silmarrion yet, when I said all the books i meant the hobbits and lotr books, not silmarrion. I'm trying to find a copy of it tho

what is tom bombadil ?

Glorfindel > all

>didnt read the silmarillon
abandon thread

He's the most og and op nigga in the entire lotr canon

did gandolf and frodo ever try anal

How many hobbits would it take to bring down a Balrog?

Who even knows, man. Nobody was ever really sure. During the Council of Elrond when they were trying to decide what to do with the ring they considered giving it to him, but they decided Tom wouldn't care enough to keep it safe, lose it eventually, and then the whole mess would start all over again. Some fans think he could be a Vala who left to do his own thing. He could be the physical manifestation of the Music of the Ainur that created the world. Whatever he is he's incredibly powerful and gives absolutely no fucks.

See pic related

Read Lost Tales

Volcano too far away. Frodo and Sam had to walk for more than a week to get there from the Black Gate.

.. a really big catapult?

Probably a lot. Hobbits are peaceful creatures. They don't like fighting. They haven't even participated in a war in millennia before the main trilogy

Need a trebuchet


cause if they had gone with eagles and not also an army then the nazgul and archers etc would have capped them

it took all the armies of the west to get saurons army to leave the base of mt doom

without that the eagles would have been toast

really nice dude. And what about his wife "baie d'or" in french ? What is she ?

Ok what if they're berserker hobbits

Goldberry. She's the river-woman's daughter who was probably a Maia or a forest spirit. Tom met her on the river bank and decided that he was going to tap that, and it was so.

I fucking love the films but too lazy to read, ca you explain why they didnt fly to mordor or at least closer to mordor.

Why isn't the Shire used for whoring?

Do you not think that the people of the Shire with their tiny females and effeminate males could do a roaring 'meat' trade with the humans?

Because hobbits generally prefer to keep away from men. They prefer a quit life free from as many problems as they can. Menfolk generally embody most of the things they avoid

But the hobbits of the shire have no ability say 'no' to menfolk. The hobbit is a nice place. Humans could take it easily. Why they no do that?

Do beings in the Undying Lands experience time as those in Middle Earth do? ie. days, months, years
Also, do they posses physical form while there?

Because why? The Shire is a nice place. In RotK when Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin get back to the shire it was taken over by bandits. The hobbits came in, kicked their asses, and set things right. Hobbits may be simple folk, but they can be pretty badass when they have to be


Checked, and yes. Valinor is a physical place that all elves and certain other beings can get to. Time doesn't stop once you get there. It just keeps going like normal. The only beings that can shed their physical forms are the Valar and the Maiar

Double checked, also, if that's the case then do they age? And die? I know that would kinda be unfitting but I know Tolkien didn't really mess around with this stuff.

What happened to the entwives? aaa just kidding

Who is best elf, and why is it Glorfindel

Yeah. Any being not inherently immortal like the elves will continue to age. Beings can and do die in Valinor.

Entwives moved to the Shire.