I don't wanna live in Germany anymore

I don't wanna live in Germany anymore...
I wanna go back in time.


That's a movie still

Why my friend ?
to many sandniggers invited by Merkel ?

true arians genetics will go up in value now ?

ppls will see and understand the white superiority now themselves ?

Not only that. You can't even be proud of your own country. We have no free speech and are just cucks.

My friend you don't need to go back in time just the revolution
Viva la revolution

Are you going back to the first war in which you were fucked in the ass and became the world's bitch or the second?

This. Which beat down is preferable.

I Don't Wanna Go Down to The Basement.

>white superiority
More like luck, it's all thanks to geography that the west dominated(good agriculture, inheriting knowledge from the st,etc...)

they still made major developments in math and science; that's not luck that's genius. Thanks for oversimplifying hundreds of years worth of human history.

I know how you feel
i lived one year in france, full of niggers/arabs
now im back in poland and im happy
poland is poor, but no niggers or goatfuckers here

I would kill anyone to go back in time.

talk to others that see the problem protest revolt fucking kill merkel in a public square start geting the fuck out the sand niggers and make germany great again

>make germany great again
I guess DDR was more great than BRD ever was. Both countries spied on their people.

>be russian, live & work in east germany
>good neighbourhood, no (sand)niggers, live's good
>suddenly (sand)niggers everywhere
>riots, (leftist) scum burns down car
>insurance wont pay, cause its my own fault living there
>apartment lost 65% of value since (sand)niggers moved in down the street
>city workers try to lowball me every day to sell to them so they can move in more (sand)niggers
>working contract ends in '17
>now to poor to move away

on the bright side i bet kebab removal will soon be made legal, so i can get some payback for chechnya.

anyway, since you cant go back in time get off your computer and do something for your fuckin country/people. if the slavs gotta 'save' you again, there wont be anything left worth saving this time.

my point was man up and start the revolution to kill motherfucker merkel and expel or execute all the muslim scum germans today are cucks and to think they almost conquer the world once a real shame

>be russian
Who spots the irony here? Russians - the old "friends" of the DDR. Nobody liked you back then, nobody likes you today.

Luckily I could spend a childhood before Siberian niggers overtook my hood.

If you went back in time, you would still be in Germany.

Nice picture, tho.

alles nazis, oder söhne von nazis

Russians are maybe even worse than muslims. Literal cancer.

next time 1on1 nigger.

True, but you're setting the bar pretty high.

not really
some of my best friends are russians
surprisingly they are even more adamant about keeping our country the way it is than most germans are

Germany vs. America, 1on1, 2016... alright, let's go.

how so?

No one forced you guys to start shit with Russia. Or invade during the winter, all dressed up in hitler youth shorts.

>Who spots the irony here
thats the fuckin point. how fucked must a country become so that a 'friend' feels sorry for them.

anyway if you had bad enounters with russians i am truly sorry. i really am. but since we're not officialy allowed to run gulags anymore such scum still gets to live.

This pic represents how most white people look that care about being white

kek, 10/10 shirt.

That middle one is the fat zombie from Doom 3

>the fuckin point
Russians are BY FAR not the worst, but immigration started with them in former DDR. I like Пу́тин for making smart moves by showing the mirror to assholes like Merkel and Obama - don't know why German media always poses him as evil.

Lol. I'm a veteran, still in great shape. You are an overweight nazi who thinks of doing something, but have no guts. I highly doubt you have even hit anybody in your life. I have over 5 years of various martial arts behind me , as well as some moderate success in mma fights. Your experience doesn't mean shit as you have zero.

Lol. I'm a veteran, still in great shape. You are an overweight internet warrior who thinks of doing something, but have no guts. I highly doubt you have even hit anybody in your life. I have over 5 years of various martial arts behind me , as well as some moderate success in mma fights. Your experience doesn't mean shit as you have zero.

Your dreams have now been fulfilled.
Let's get up and let's get ill.
Let's get up and let's get ill.

I also don't wanna live in a country with that many subhuman retards anymore.

Can we not give these Nazis their own state, maybe at the expense of palestine so they can fuck around over there?

Maybe Atlantis was already run by Nazis. Good idea: out of sight, out of mind.

Know that feel